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Annoying traders - roadrunner - 12-25-2013

We all know them

the ones that nevar speak when you meet them ingame, and you greet them. do they answer back noo.

Some of them even fly with recurit ID and when you in pm try to point out that their flying papiers are not inorder you get get the " i dont care"

then you log on forum and see trader complaining about pierates and how unjustice it is that there are pierates that can ask for a donation .

Now dear haulers

you choose to be haulers cuz you want to make millions of credits
us pierates makes prolly 2-5% a day of what you make a day

now you see
stop complaning we both have our side of the Roleplay to do here and that is what makes this server so fun.

now haul your goods so we can get our earnings out of you and we will all be happy.

RE: Annoying traders - Veygaar - 12-25-2013

Should make a thread like this about navy too. Those guys always in big ships and shoot 5 on 1... i mean 4 on 1 is manageable but 5 on one what the heck?! This is imbalance, charge them money, make them have no guns, show them on map at all times so pirates can avoid. This is terrible.


....oh wait just kidding.

RE: Annoying traders - Lythrilux - 12-25-2013

All sides are guilty. There's no use trying to enforce measures of any kind as this is a problem that only the players themselves can deal with.

RE: Annoying traders - Hannibal - 12-25-2013

the main problem i see is,,, 'high expectations' that we have from new players and not trying harder to recruit them and teach them how things works,starting with the basics can get us far more than just letting them act up and ignoring as much as we can..

RE: Annoying traders - Ponge - 12-25-2013

(12-25-2013, 09:29 PM)roadrunner Wrote: Some of them even fly with recurit ID and when you in pm try to point out that their flying papiers are not inorder you get get the " i dont care"

If they react like this, how should I educate them? This type of player won't take off the recruit ID until he is bastilled for using it for trading, yet he will file a sanction report on me for killing him while he has a recruit ID.

RE: Annoying traders - Below Par - 12-26-2013

What if a change was made to the IDs/rules that stipulated that, should a demand be made by a player for another player to be checked by a lawful/pirated by an unlawful/recite the twenty-seven times table by someone who's missed the point/whatever that the stopped player has to RP to a suitable standard like the pirate/lawful has to before the stopped player starts fighting back/running away/claiming dyspraxia/whatever?

It removes that last bit of undefined protocol in the overall flow of those interactions and moves focus onto the roleplay between the people involved. I've never pirated but I've traded and, from the experiences I've had, most pirates (and lawfuls when I've been carrying contraband) seem to be overjoyed when they realise I'm happy to actually interact with them. I've still been exploded many a time by the end of things but them's the breaks.

Okay I'm a bad example in terms of reporting as I assume a 2quadrillionordie will probably be reported by everyone else he meets so I don't need to add to it but, this way, if someone is silent trading it'd give options to the other person(s) involved. As part of the report any inappropriate ooc shouting/incorrect ID/whatever could be included but, more importantly, failing to respond to the original "Hold up a minute, it'd be a shame if all your shiny cargo went boom" would be a clear violation in itself.

The idea's half baked and I haven't thought it through in every particular so feel free to highlight if it's the biggest load of nonsense ever posted. If, however, anyone thinks it might help then that's cool. It's just an idea, have a play with it and see what you think.

RE: Annoying traders - LegendOfTheWolf - 12-26-2013

Traders make their characters to trade,
Pirate make their characters to stop Traders,
Navy create their characters to stop Pirates.

As for the silent Traders who don't speak, I personally can say by the time I realize, type out an RP message, I'm already down half of the TL.

Again, like Lythrilux said, both sides are guilt.
As a Trader I could say what about the pirates which demand, and have no intention of negotiating ? It's literally "3Mill or Die"

RE: Annoying traders - tothebonezone - 12-26-2013

This horse has been dead and beaten on over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for the last six years I've been here.

You can't change people, you can't make bullshit rules, you can't do anything about it.

The end.

RE: Annoying traders - .Gypsy. - 12-26-2013

(12-26-2013, 01:17 AM)Saronsen Wrote:

This horse has been dead and beaten on over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for the last six years I've been here.

You can't change people, you can't make ***** rules, you can't do anything about it.

The end.

I like the music in that vid Smile

RE: Annoying traders - razorviper - 12-26-2013

(12-25-2013, 09:29 PM)roadrunner Wrote: the ones that nevar speak when you meet them ingame, and you greet them. do they answer back noo.


Mindset of making money fast and not wasting time interacting with players.