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To: BHG - Printable Version

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To: BHG - Tibbles - 12-27-2013

::Incoming transmission::

Comm ID: Planetform security department.
Location: Central offices, Canterbury station. New London system.
To: BHG customer channel
Subject: Budget request
Encryption: Average

Greetings gentlemen,

We are contacting you because we want to ask you for a budget preview. As you may know our company have received some strikes due to war with Gallia and other financial issues that right now are not important.

In order to reduce our number of contracted personnel, our corporation have decided to subcontract some security services only when they are needed. This is where your guild becomes important for us. Meanwhile internal shippments are being secured by local law enforcers our inter-house shipments are attacked by pirates or terrorists quite often.

This is why we are requesting a budget preview with the following information;

Quote:A basic payment rate depending on Gates/holes jumped
Payment system; ship to ship or corporation to corporation, or a mix of both.
Our current routes normally involves Bretonia plus another House, in most cases Liberty due to our current project at California and Hudson.

You can see all our pre-set routes here.

We will leave this channel open not only to negotiate this services but further ones if we manage to reach to an agreement.

Thanks for your time.

Best regards,

Johnson Maddocks - Security department

Planetform Inc. 7852 - 6358 - 1679 | 3168 2001 9756
Canterbury station. New London system.

::Transmission terminated::

RE: To: BHG - Scumbag - 12-28-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
TO: Planetform security department
FROM: Guildmaster Moshu
ORGIN: Deshima Station; Shikoku.


I am glad that Gallia has not weakened your spirits. The Guild will certainly provide any security service you need. Many hunters are active in Liberty and Bretonia, maybe some 35th wing gunboats will be in the area, call them when in need. But before i can negotiate payments i need to know how much you are willing to give. The payment will be sent to individual hunters depending on the number of Gates/holes jumped. So send me an estimate.


-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

RE: To: BHG - Tibbles - 12-28-2013

::Incoming transmission::

Comm ID: Planetform security department.
Location: Central offices, Canterbury station. New London system.
To: BHG customer channel
Subject: Budget request
Encryption: Average

Greetings guilmaster Moshu,

First of all, thanks for your fast reply.

We have estimated our current security expenditures and right now we have an average cost of 1.000.000 S.C per gate aprox. As you may understand our goal is to reduce that amount and make more flexible this payments. Our director has "suggested" us that a reduction of 20% of the security department wages would benefit our corporation and make us more competitive in the market. That would mean something near 800.000 S.C. per jumpgate travelled.

As for the payment system we have acknowledged that the payments will be done directly to the ships subcontracted.

We are at your disposal for any question you may have. Thanks for your time.

Best regards,

Johnson Maddocks - Security department

Planetform Inc. 7852 - 6358 - 1679 | 3168 2001 9756
Canterbury station. New London system.

::Transmission terminated::

RE: To: BHG - Scumbag - 12-28-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
TO: Planetform security department
FROM: Guildmaster Moshu
ORGIN: Deshima Station; Shikoku.

Mr. Maddocks

800.000 S.C. per jumpgate travelled is a fair price. Ofcourse only if the convoy/transport reaches it's destination. Please use this standard of payment from now on everytime you deal with Guild hunters. I will inform them myself but some of them don't know what i mean. Bunch of unwashed hotheads, but they will get the job done.


-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

RE: To: BHG - Tibbles - 12-29-2013

::Incoming transmission::

Comm ID: Planetform security department.
Location: Central offices, Canterbury station. New London system.
To: BHG customer channel
Subject: Re: Budget request
Encryption: Average

Greetings guilmaster Moshu,

I would like to thank, in behalf of our company, your fast reply and efficiency. We have already informed our employees so they should start to contact you in the next week. If you don't mind we will leave this channel open for furhter contact we may have.

As always feel free to send us a transmission if ever you have any question or issue to discuss. I think we could contact each other time to time to check and improve our protocols.

Best regards,

Johnson Maddocks - Security department

Planetform Inc. 7852 - 6358 - 1679 | 3168 2001 9756
Canterbury station. New London system.

::Transmission terminated::