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Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - aerelm - 12-28-2013

As the final phase of rewriting the community rules, various rules were adjusted, reworded or expanded after reviewing the community input. The specific community rules adjusted with this last phase are listed in the next post.

This would be the final version of the rewritten community rules, but a final set of ID term adjustments and ZoI changes will also be included in the next 4.87 update.

See also - Admin Notice: Approved Special Operative IDs

RE: Admin Notice: Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - aerelm - 12-28-2013

Server Rules Wrote:1.3 Every player must have one ID equipped on their ship. Player should follow the restrictions and allowances listed in their ID and their roleplay and conduct must match the actions of their characters. In cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules.

3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient. If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading nanobots, shieldbatteries or other ammo and equipment during a fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.

3.3 Aggressors are not allowed to issue further demands during the same encounter after the trade vessel has complied, or destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand, in system or local chat, and allowing sufficient time to respond. "Halt" on its own is not a demand, however, a trade vessel can be destroyed if they refuse to stop after being asked to in the form of a proper demand.

3.4 Fleeing from combat and then docking at a station or planet while you are in 10k range of the ship you were fighting counts as PvP death. Freighters and transports in this case may return to the system for the sole purpose of trading.

3.5 Roleplay is required before attacking or destroying a player owned base. The roleplay regarding this must be properly documented on forums and should match the roleplay and conduct of the characters involved based on the faction they belong to.

Faction Rights Wrote:Faction Right 1. Official player factions are free to restrict or not restrict access to their guard systems and tax, fine, or destroy any non-allied ships which enters the system, however, properly repped independent players of the same ID may enter Guard/Owned systems, and cannot be taxed. Access to systems that surround owned system must not be restricted unless there's a war with another faction. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right can only be enforced if it has the support of every official faction of the ID.

Faction Right 2. Official player factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction, however, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and second in command(s) of the faction. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even "lethal" force in extreme circumstances). Official player factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right is nullified and cannot be used by any of the factions.

Faction Right 5. Official player factions may request that the reputation of a player's ship be changed to hostile with respect to their NPC faction. These requests must be posted within the Player Requests subforum, and include link(s) to valid forum roleplay, as well as actual interaction between the character and the official faction. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right can only be used if it has support of every official faction of the ID, but in case of disagreement between the factions involved, they can post an appeal to the administrators to review the situation and come to a decision.

Faction Right 6. Official player factions have the right to bounty or attack any player who is using their technology without the faction ID or permission from the official faction, regardless of their diplomacy toward the faction of the ship in question. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, gaining permission from one of the official factions would suffice, and once a technology is granted by one official faction, the other official factions should treat it as approved technology as well. In this case, factions are advised to keep a public track of their approved technologies for the purpose of better coordination with other official groups of their ID.

Faction Right 7. Official player factions have the right for the purpose of training to utilize a maximum of four (4) ships that are not normally allowed by their ID (These would normally be their adverseries' ships). This is subject to the following constraints:
- This can only apply to factions with guard systems.
- Names of the ships must be clearly different to emphasize their role as training ships.
- They cannot be used for any purpose except training and must not leave their guard system.
- Restricted to Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports and Gunboats.
While not strictly necessary, the faction could host an event of some sort, with the capture or defection of the pilot and his ship being the central theme.

Faction Creation Rules Wrote:2. To start the process of approval, the faction needs to provide the administrators team with 500 million credits. The amount will only be refunded if the faction gains official status. Once the process starts, faction tag will also be added to the Faction Activity tracker. Long-lasting unofficial factions and groups with constant activity of at least six months can also post a request here for their tags to be added to the tracker.

SRP Regulations Wrote:3. The SRP application will be considered processed and decided on once it gains the uncontested vote of at least 3 members of staff, with at least one of those members being an admin. If the initial voting fails to reach a conclusion, the SRP will then be passed to an admin vote, and if the request fails to pass, the thread is closed and the application fails.

RE: Admin Notice: Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - Nerva - 12-28-2013

Quote:3.5 Roleplay is required before attacking or destroying a player owned base. The roleplay regarding this must be properly documented on forums and should match the roleplay and conduct of the characters involved based on the faction they belong to.
  1. A base can be built without any RP.
  2. A base can be supplied in completely OoRP ways. (rule 1.3 violation maybe but you can't catch the suppliers in the off hours anyway)
  3. It cannot be attacked without forum RP (even if said base is actively shooting you).
If I'm understanding correctly, the builder has additional free time to upgrade the base before the enemy even has the possibility of attacking it.

  1. What is considered an attack?
    • Shooting at the base.
    • Draining hull below 50% (as its shield doesn't drain).
    • Blocking ships attempting to supply the base or destroying them.
  2. What is considered enough forum RP?
    • A thread in the comm channel, along the lines of "We don't like your base. Engaging!", followed by immediate siege. Isn't this considered powergaming (rule 1.6) ?
    • A negotiation over the fate of the base leading to a peaceful solution or a siege. What is the minimum time to wait for a response before sieging the base anyway?
    • Something else.
P.S: If the base has weapons and they are shooting you, doesn't it fall under rule 3.1 "If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.", making the base fair game?

RE: Admin Notice: Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - Ponge - 12-28-2013

I presume the timeframe for the reply of the base owner is the standard x days (1 week?) Governments usually give to owners of illegal bases to explain themselves.

RE: Admin Notice: Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - Govedo13 - 12-28-2013

(12-28-2013, 10:02 PM)Corundum Wrote: 3.5
I must +1 this,since I want clarification on the same points as well.
You cannot force the base owners to do everything in-RP why you want to force the attackers then?

RE: Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - Zayne Carrick - 12-30-2013

Quote:3.3 Aggressors are not allowed to issue further demands during the same encounter after the trade vessel has complied, or destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand, in system or local chat, and allowing sufficient time to respond. "Halt" on its own is not a demand, however, a trade vessel can be destroyed if they refuse to stop after being asked to in the form of a proper demand.

So when trading vessel agreed to stop on my demand, I can't demand money from it because it've already complied?

RE: Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - djordje_petrovic - 12-30-2013

nah , that refer to double taxing in same system. Even double taxing from different pirates is not by the rules if in same system. One system , one turf , one paytoll shared to number of pirates working in area.

RE: Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - Lonely Werewolf - 12-30-2013

Faction Creation Rules Wrote:2. To start the process of approval, the faction needs to provide the administrators team with 500 million credits. The amount will only be refunded if the faction gains official status. Once the process starts, faction tag will also be added to the Faction Activity tracker. Long-lasting unofficial factions and groups with constant activity of at least six months can also post a request here for their tags to be added to the tracker.

I think this is a great improvement, it will be extremely beneficial to several unofficial factions to be able to use the tracker in the same way as official factions. Can you tell me, is there some kind of template we should use for such a request or is just a post there with a relevant explanation sufficient?

RE: Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - tothebonezone - 12-30-2013

(12-28-2013, 07:08 PM)aerelm Wrote: 3.5 Roleplay is required before attacking or destroying a player owned base. The roleplay regarding this must be properly documented on forums and should match the roleplay and conduct of the characters involved based on the faction they belong to.

And what if I happen to be a K'Hara or some form of Nomad?

RE: Admin Notice: Community Rules Rewrite - Final - aerelm - 12-30-2013

(12-28-2013, 10:02 PM)Corundum Wrote: 3.5

This new rule implies that the base siege must have a valid and documented roleplay reason behind it. We've decided to leave how it's done open to the community creativity rather than enforcing a predefined procedure, so whether it's done in form of a comm channel post, a message dump, or even a roleplay story, long as it justifies why was the base attacked it should satisfy that rule.

(12-30-2013, 09:44 AM)Zayne Carrick Wrote: So when trading vessel agreed to stop on my demand, I can't demand money from it because it've already complied?

Asking the ship to stop is not considered a demand. You can destroy the ship if he refuses to stop, but once the ship stops, you're allowed to make one demand which can be anything from cargo to credits or roleplay demands like leaving the system and whatnot.

(12-30-2013, 02:11 PM)Lonely Werewolf Wrote: Can you tell me, is there some kind of template we should use for such a request or is just a post there with a relevant explanation sufficient?

A simple post with a brief explanation would suffice. To put it simple, what you need to provide is the exact tag of your unofficial group, a short explanation on who you are and why you need your tag added to the tracker, and proof that your group has been around for more than half a year (Linking your group's faction writeup works best for this one).