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Banned for not swearing? - Printable Version

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Banned for not swearing? - Ace Razgriz - 12-28-2013

So i was talking to someone in Newcastle and i try to say goodbye, and of the three times i type it, it says im swearing then it kicked me, heres the message: "Just be wary and if you require my services il be stationed in Newcastle." How is that swearing? Im gonna guess the servers glitched

RE: Banned for not swearing? - Luke. - 12-28-2013

The filter is a little zealous at times but...never that bad. Probably best to contact an admin.

RE: Banned for not swearing? - Pavel - 12-28-2013

Moving to proper subforum

RE: Banned for not swearing? - ulfsarkhuskarl - 12-28-2013

That's unfortunate and funny, I remember when someone made a funny joke and whenever I typed my name I would get kicked.