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Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - Pavel - 12-30-2013

As in the title.

I noticed that form of activity is nearly extinct, what's the problem? Do bounty hunters need 50 M per kill payments to log at all?

RE: Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - Curios - 12-30-2013

Bounty hunting\mercing was initially a part of the game for the people with edge in pvp. Flying around and throwing challenges, winning them or not, etc. It was fun and interesting. Money are not the goal itself since poor arse 1 million payment can't even cover your expenses on ammo and repairs. But since now no one likes to duel, generally gankage atmosphere and so on (mercs\hunters usually fly alone with vhf or so) the business just don't pays out for effort.

So yes, rise bounties to 50-100 millions and one at least be able to make some money this way.

RE: Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - Flashâ„¢ - 12-30-2013

PvP has become way too seroius to go Bounty Hunting. No one trys to have fun, its more of " Haha, Im better then you " or " Ima kill you because I love winning PvP fights ". I kinda quit that couple weeks ago, it used to be fun, now its boring and old. and I would assume more would log if you said 50mill per NPC kill. Other then that, ask the BHG| or something, not sure why they don't log, I see 30-40 Unlawfuls a day in New York alone, thats about 100mill if you can kill all of them.

RE: Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - Scumbag - 12-30-2013

The bounty hunting system right now is a chore. You have to screenshot everything. You have to register for countless boards (until recently when the rule for bhg ids were changed). If you are lucky to kill anyone more screenshots, time stamps, uploading the pictures. Wasted time. Plus stolen kills from allies, ganks from pirates, the fact that pirates now have bigger and bigger ships and hunters were forced to not use the gunboats until i was made guildmaster. The recent pirate id freelancer iff business didn't help either. Bounty boards that didn't pay for months (some still don't). So add all of these and you will see it's not that fun to be a bounty hunter anymore. Only the few resilient ones who are used tot the system have remained. And there are the holidays right now fa la la la la.

RE: Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - Curios - 12-30-2013

So ye, to sum it up - it doesn't pays out to waste a time for it.

RE: Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - Lythrilux - 12-30-2013

I can sum it up like this:
-Too much of a chore; the effort of having to screenshot etc. for such little cash...
-...Small payments; It's really not worth bounty hunting because you get paid little for what you kill. The amount of stuff you can kill is also dependent on PvP skill...
-... PvP orientated; Not that this is a huge bad thing, but players who are good at PvP benefit from bounty hunting a lot more as they can kill a lot more without dying.
-Terrible boards; Some boards pay utter pittance. Some boards don't even remember to pay you.

And if you want to be more specific, there's more unlawful mercs than lawful bunters or mercs because unlawful bounty hunting is a lot more profitable. Liberty has 4 active boards for unlawfuls: LH board, LR board, CL board and Mercnet. Whereas there are only two lawful boards for Liberty, one of which only remembers to pay up once in a blue moon.

RE: Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - McNeo - 12-30-2013

All the screenshots are necessary for a bounty board to function well enough to eliminate overlapping claims and he-said-she-said cases. The problem with bounties is that the prices are low, but you have to understand why those prices are low.

Firstly, bounties are expensive. Even the cheap ones cost boards a lot of money, since pirates still fly a lot and in some cases, die a lot. It's a big problem that dying costs only a few hundred k at most, significantly less if you only partially buy ammo, whereas even the cheapest bounty costs the board more.

Some wide bounties are cheap to limit the expenditure on them. This is because, even though it may be in the name of, for example, the Republic of Liberty, people still have to trade for that money - it doesn't appear out of nowhere from "taxes". This keeps the bounty amount low for wide, easily collectible bounties.

The other issue is with high priority single target bounties. These are just as cheap as wide, low paying bounties because these players dont log on all the time and when they do, its very very rare that they die. As a basically privately funded bounty board (all of which currently are), both of these are acceptable low cost bounties.

I would love it if, for example, the Lib BB could multiply its payouts by 5-10x, but its not possible because it receives no additional funding from other sources. If bounties are to be viable for the non-PvP pro's among us, then you need to be one of two things:

Reaver like: Kill moderate amounts of things but dont take damage, and have wide hunting grounds with large volumes of players available to hunt (some will run, some wont)


BB's need to be significantly better funded to allow hunters to claim the same proportion of wealth from a much larger pot.

To be honest, I see the problem with bounties as one of funding. No trader is going to pay actual taxes to governments to fund bounties when traders can get spaced by pirates before a response can even materialise. Unless that changes, the only other way to solve the funding problem is to get extra funding, probably from the admins, to inject into the bounty hunting economy. I don't think such a measure would be popular with people though, nor do I think the admins want to do that or design a plugin that allows official factions a monthly budget for bounties.

This kind of solution creates other problems - it makes bounties profitable enough for good PvPers to avoid trading all together - they can sacrifice a bit of income/unit time in order to have fun while earning cash, since they can fight instead of trade, the latter of which is currently kinda boring and tedious. So trading needs to become more fun, or you lose a large proportion of the trader population to bounty hunting. Pirates dont get their prey, and would maybe get hunted to extinction since it's not fun to be chased everywhere by everybody.

So, the current bounty system doesn't really work because of a multitude of other systems that would change, should the bounty system become more profitable.

RE: Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - Curios - 12-30-2013

Idk, man, hunting wasn't about cash even before nor now. It was just less screwed up, was a source of fun. Now it isn't source of fun any longer. Why? Idk, honestly, but I guess it's somewhere along the line of general OORP hates problem. Also registration made things more messy since as a merc you need to register on 9000 boards to have a wide enough hit list, then you need to adjust your reputation every here and there which is fucking annoying crap to go through and I, personally, never do it and thus break the rules, but hey, whatever. Also then you need to go out on your, VHF probably, and face all the odds of being chased by 10 battleships because it's np. So you waste a lot of time and don't get anything in the end.

For independent merc the best habit now is to poke around looking for a fight to join on either side or to escort occasional trader. Or to cyber at some cyber central with someone.

RE: Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - Lythrilux - 12-30-2013

Plus McNeo, I'd say bounty hunting (from an ooRP perspective) doesn't really benefit people at all.

RE: Bounty hunting - why it doesn't work? - lw'nafh - 12-30-2013

Two things:

Better ways to make pixelmoney.

Better ways to get good fights.