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Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Printable Version

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Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Amon.Cire - 12-31-2013

Now, I have little to no hope this could ever happen, but I just want to get a feel from the community.

I think that these little bots n’ batts are time wasting fun killers. They cause fights to drrraaaggg hard without adding anything to the enjoyment. I find the most enjoyable fights I have had were in Conn, where these little buggers weren’t sucking all the satisfaction out of finally landing a hull hit. This same satisfaction carries over to larger ship combat as well.

The in normal game argument could be: “Well what about when you are taking environmental damage? Also, Cap ships use botts and batts too!”
My counter: So you flew through some corroding radiation? Bounced off some space debris with shields down? Tough, go to a base and get fixed up.

As for cap ships, as they can’t really dodge to stay alive, maybe boost to hull strength. The one big problem I see with this proposal is that it would make solo mission farming much more difficult. Also, the rebalancing work could be harsh…

Again… I doubt this would ever happen, but what do all of you think?

RE: Removing Nano/Batts - aakopa - 12-31-2013

Are you mad?

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Amon.Cire - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 07:02 PM)aakopa Wrote: Are you mad?

haha quite possibly. Great first reply by the way.

Does no one else find combat more satisfying without hull repair and shield recharge?

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - .Gypsy. - 12-31-2013


Umm.. I vote no

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Amon.Cire - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 07:05 PM)ShadowTek Wrote: O_O

Umm.. I vote no

Yes, but why? What do you like about this game mechanic?

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - .Gypsy. - 12-31-2013

It keeps my transport from dying to fast and gives me a chance to make a base if I'm under attack.
It also helps if I'm mining in heavy radiation and I have a ways to go after mining.

EDIT: It also allows you to repair and stay in space longer rather then having to land and repair after any damage, handy if there are no friendly bases around to land on.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Toaster - 12-31-2013

I would be reeeaaally happy if bots were removed. Batts can stay for all I care, but bots are just annoying. For the reasons portrayed by the OP.

And removing them would finally make space dangerous, for, again, the OP's reasons (radiation, asteroid fields, etc.)

Sadly it would take a lot of rebalancing and since most other players (for some insane reason) like the current regen system, it obviously won't be changed.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Thargoid - 12-31-2013

No chance!

It's a part of strategy, especially when fighting a bomber, you can regen your shields before a joust, or a trader can regen his shields if he knows a SNAC/Nova is incoming.

Shield batteries are essential, you could get rid of Nanobots without much of a problem though. It would stop bot feeding, which is really unfair in a snub fight, nearly everytime there's a snub fight between lawfuls and unlawfuls in NY, a Navy cap shows up to feed the Navy snubs.

At least if they're just feeding shield bats they're easier to kill with a well placed mine/missile after a shield drain.

On my heavy bomber, I have a 5k fighter shield fitted, if my shields are drained while fighting a light bomber, I can regen them and go in for a joust/SNAC attempt, while making it harder for the opponent to SNAC me. Also the lighter shields come back online quicker. I

It's the same with a transport ship, fit a lighter shield, and you can take more SNACs while running because you can regen your shields more times, again the light transport shield will come back online before the bomber on your tail can fire another SNAC, so even if you're out of bats it's still an advantage.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - .Gypsy. - 12-31-2013

Huh... I never thought of that Thargoid, thanks.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - bloogaL - 12-31-2013

Here we go again.