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To: Freeport 1 Administrator / Zoner community - Printable Version

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To: Freeport 1 Administrator / Zoner community - djordje_petrovic - 01-01-2014

This is Tiberia barge captain. I want to report that one renegade zoner or so called zoner turned to open piracy and is harrasing ships in omega 7 and omega 3 under zoner transponder guise. The ship is called Love.Joy. His boldness and foolishness even goes that he tax openly ships in front of freeport 1.

I request that this ship be made hostile to all zoner facilities or our reputation will be targed. In yesterdays incident even BAF BS came to chase im off the freeport as one AI defence unit from freeport 1 chased pirate down.

There was one ALG ship in that moment aside of my ship anchored near docking bays , i am sure according to comm voice that a woman was its captain who withensed situation. Probably some more evidence can be gathered there.

Dont need to say that i was taxed today again by that so called zoner pirate. I provide some holoscans.

This picture is its clear id and equipment. As tiberia is zoner barge, you can see although it is clouded by scanner info that selection frame of ship is green so computer recognizes friendly iff , and there is letter Z and half o seen in ships IFF identification. This was encounter in omega 3 system

This is his behaviour in front of freeport. I was in ragne of no fire zone 4k away that he demanded to tax me (+ he is zoner imposter , at least he should be aware not act that in front of zoner facilities) . After i payed i stayed anchored to see what will happen next. That wretch continiously taxet all ships passing by.

Therefore i request (or demand more proper how i fell) that captain put be on red list for all zoners instalations sooner than immidiatelly.

RE: To: Freeport 1 Administrator / Zoner community - Doc Holliday - 01-03-2014

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
Location: Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin
To: Captain of the Tiberia
CC: OSI, Pheonix Zoners


This is disturbing. I have forwarded this to other Zoner groups so that we may collectively keep him from finding safety amongst Zoners. I'm sure the security team on Freeport 1 will enjoy this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Yours in Eris,
Dr. John Henry Holliday
TAZ Administrator

RE: To: Freeport 1 Administrator / Zoner community - Miaou - 01-03-2014

||Incoming Transmission||
Sender: Emile Nel, Freeport 1 Administrator

For the love of-

It was peaceful for how long? We just were about to lower the defense grid again. Can't have that happening, of course. No one likes us relaxing.

Also, don't link us with the general zoners. They cause problems. Thanks for the heads up anyways.

||Transmission Closed||