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Hola mis amigos! - Printable Version

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Hola mis amigos! - Tequilla.Sunrise - 08-04-2008

I'd like to introduce myself, and my friends. Our server just died due to inactivity, and I went to search out a new home for us. Some may not want to keep playing Freelancer, so we don't know how many are to be coming... definitely 6 right now though. Could be a few more. Anyways, I've been prowling the forums a bit, getting a feel for the place, and I must say it's a nice gig ya got goin' there! We'll try to fit in the best we can, we want to be our own group while conforming to all the history you guys got goin'.

We're going to be blood-thirsty Corsair brigands, the Eagles, and our naming convention is we're all Eagle songs (I'm Tequilla.Sunrise, as you can see:D). We've agreed to limit ourselves to Titans and Praetorians only, I'll type something a tad more official to let you know what we're doing later when I have the time and feel more inclined to actually write something up.

I'm the informal leader, I'll ask them all to post here in turn so you can see us.

PS - Read the rules;)

PPS - No, never played Guild Wars, but I had a friend that did and he was always surfing the Guild Wars Wiki - I once thought to myself 'those would make great avatars', so I tried it.

Hola mis amigos! - Boss - 08-04-2008


Read them again. Seriously. Also, thanks for not attacking the Wild Karrde, Zorais, or Naga Sadow.:)Admittedly we never saw you, but we were slightly worried.

Hola mis amigos! - Jazz - 08-04-2008

well Hello there mate. I dont think anyone will have a problem with you and your friends sticking together as long as you stay in RP as this a s strictly RP server.

Also you should read the rules about four more times.

And, dont limit yourself to one character, explore a little. The are a lot of fun factions out there and they are all very different.

Third and last: Join The Union of Gold!! post in our recruitment thread or send me a message if you are interested. Im not saying you should rush headlong into it though. Take a little while, make a little background and learn about us first. also joining one of our many trading factions can really help to fund your other characters. UOG will completely pay for your character with us though.

Hola mis amigos! - Boss - 08-04-2008

Jazz, you forgot a "/shameless recruiting"

Hola mis amigos! - Zapp - 08-04-2008

Eh, imports... I'll reserve judgment. I'm not optimistic at your chances, though. I've seen too many crash and burn.

Hola mis amigos! - Boss - 08-04-2008

Oh, and for the record,

[Image: political-pictures-pope-benedict-spanish...sition.jpg]

Hola mis amigos! - BaconSoda - 08-04-2008

Welcome to Discovery! Have fun, play nice, and contribute to the community.

Oh, and keep away from Synth Paste. It is known to cause Hair Loss, Teeth Discoloration, and, in the worst cases, Insanity. It's not a joke, but the truth.

Oh, and they do make good avatars!

Hola mis amigos! - Xing - 08-04-2008

' Wrote:Oh, and for the record,
[Image: political-pictures-pope-benedict-spanish...sition.jpg]

Boss.................................. that, win.

Welcome to the server, beware of communist penguins and HAVE FUN!!! ^^

Hola mis amigos! - Zelot - 08-04-2008

Welcome, and I will second what Bacon said... stay away from the paste.

Hola mis amigos! - RonG777 - 08-04-2008

Welcome to the community..

...Hmm.. Tequilla.Sunrise... A good song indeed... Anyway, If there's anything I can do to help just throw me a pm.. :)