Discovery Gaming Community
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Hi! - Sweeper - 01-02-2014

So I'm a new member here, I guess!

A bit about me: I loved the old Freelancer, but it lacked some specific features. Discovery seems to provide these which I am really happy about. I really like the faction system here and I think I want to keep to a quasi-lawful/unlawful type.

So yeah, hi and hope to meet you all in space!

RE: Hi! - Sweeper - 01-02-2014

And I noticed this forum runs on myBB, could anyone link me some of the codes we can use on this forum??

RE: Hi! - Mahagadz - 01-02-2014

Click this links..those are guides for BBcode ,

and Beginners Guide

Anyway, welcome ...see you in space...

RE: Hi! - Kazinsal - 01-02-2014

Welcome to Discovery!

For BBCodes, [indent] is one that I like that's not documented.

It adjusts your text to have an indentation on either side, like this. It's incredibly nifty for formatting things like stories and communications posts with multiple layers of information.

RE: Hi! - Sweeper - 01-02-2014

So like this?

RE: Hi! - Kazinsal - 01-02-2014

Yep. Incredibly handy for complex formatting that'll make people go, "wow, that guy's really good with the forums and making comm posts look shiny!"

RE: Hi! - DragonScythe - 01-02-2014




TARGET ID: Sweeper, of course! Wait... Who did you think?

LOCATION: Planet Denver, Colorado System

COMM ID: Matrim Cauthon (Freelance Trading Convoy Leader, And Unofficial Gateway Member)


Hello, sweeper!

My name is Matrim Cauthon, but you can call me Mat. I just wanted to say welcome to the community, and if you need any help with finding a job, getting a ship, --or even getting credits in the first place! -- just contact FLT-Matrim.Cauthon, and I'll get back to ya! You'll need to brush up on the Community Rules and the Laws of Sirius, as well. Plus, all of the HTML codes can be found in the Help section of the forums. (That's how everyone makes these shmexy lookin' messages! ;D)



RE: Hi! - DragonScythe - 01-02-2014

Aw I took too long making my "shiny message." Sad

RE: Hi! - Sweeper - 01-02-2014

Thanks for the help guys!

RE: Hi! - Amon.Cire - 01-02-2014

Welcome to Disco Sweeper! I have been around a while. If you need any help getting started feel free to fire me off a PM. See you in space!