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El Capitan Fernadez Alonso - Printable Version

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El Capitan Fernadez Alonso - Tranquillity - 08-04-2008

*Computer activate journal*
* Date: 820 A.S*

It's bin years sinds i saw my home world again Planet Malta, I can remember the day like it happend yesterday. It was 829 A.S I was 18 years old at the time me and my father Jose Alonso where on a freighter Maria he was the el capitan of the ship, it was a pirate transport and his mission is to smuggle great nummers of Cardimine out of oucast space the most particulair space is the Liberty.
If i remember it the whole cargo was full with cardimine, my farther told me that it was the future of Sirus and soon to be mine cause i'm suppose to follow his footsteps.

Before he could finish his story about the ship, the Sensor alert that there are a ships inbound.
He tough that it was Outcast patrol before he could open a channel I heard fighters guns fire, as a outcast you can tell if what can type of gun it wasit was Corsair. There Shield busting weapons easly took out the shield and they started to target the cargo pods. Me and my farther stood a brave fight killing 2 of there ships but all of the sudden the ships AI says Incoming torpedo we tried to push the CM but it was to late direct hit to the ships hull destroying all turret with it. When I regain sights the ship where in a bad ship, life suport began to fail as radiation began to poor in to the hull. I desparte look at my father as he lay still on the floor, when I took a closer look he is gone.

With tears coming my heart felt a desparate hate and seek revenge. So I cause a power surge in to the cruise engine so it would overload and take out the Corsair ships near by. Afther setting up the overload i rushed to the cargo pod 1 and close the airlock then enters the computer to auto eject all cargo pods. As it ejected the ship blew up knocking 4 Titan Corsair ships shield system offline.
A Outcast Ship pickt up the fight on scanner and rushed in. A outcast destroyer by the name El Diablo that is under the command of El Capitan Robert Enrikes he saw the Corsair ships with out shield he easly killed the Corsair fighter group like it was shooting space rocks. He tracktor the cargo wich has a transponder and set a route back to Malta.

He was shocked when he saw me hiding in the cargo pod. He gave me a tap on the shoulder, Live to day fight tomorrow.
With those words I ask the Capitan if I may serve under his command, and he gladly acept me his first
officer said nice job with the overload. I smiled and say it was what my father would have done

Wile returning to Malta I was officaly a crew member to the Outcast destroyer El Diablo.
5 years has pas and my experience has grown so much that I have gained Command traits and Combat traits and most importain Repect I gain from my fellow outcast with those Ieasly work my way to First officer of the El Diablo.

Then one day El capitan called me to his room and said
-Capitan Enrikes : To day is the day my amigo
-Alonso : Im getting youre ship ?
- Capitan Enrikes : Whahaha you always are full of jokes, but no this is my ship and it wil be so until I die. You wil have youre own ship
-Alonso: what ? my own ship ? How ?
-Capitan Enrikes: Haha, you done great job over these years and served me and this ship with honor and pride
- Alonso: Im speachless El capitanhow wil I fund the ship.
-Capitan Enrikes: Wel you havent work these years for notthing you know, the smuggelers we saved gave us a great boost of funds. By selling cardimine at Liberty space.And dont forget the money youre father left for you
-Alonso:My father ? he did ?....i wil not fail him or you..."
-Capitan Enrikes: You better not or I wil put this cardimine injector up youre *censored*
- Alonso: It was an honor to serve with you El capitan
-Capitan Enrikes: No the honor was minemy friend

At 234 A.S I was station at malta waiting for command to see me fit and release a Destroyer class to my.
I have already found a Crew that is capable for the job. And these years I have heard that our allies Liberty Rouge are having problems at there main base in New York So I tough I might bring them a visit. ofcourse i'll always keep and high open com link for high command on planet malta and our other factions like 101st, RoS, BLS, and the Malta Mission Commision to assist them in any way.

ofcourse liberty space far and the road wont come with out bumps, but i know that my crew is capable to do there job's.

Till then I have to fill in my paper work to register them to the Dock chief.
Ohh did I tell you the name of the ship ? las noches

*Ships Crew and Ranks [20]*

Capit?n Primero/First captain
-Fernandez Alonso
Capit?n Segundo/Second Captain
-Alberto de la Serna

Piloto/ Pilot
Francesca vanlitino
Comandante M?dico titular
Iliana de vantura
Primo maresciallo luogotenente First lieutenant Warrant officer
-Alejandra Cerusico
Primo maresciallo /First Warrant officer
-Bernado Garcia
Capo di prima Classe /First Class Chief
-Carlos von Merkel
Capo di seconda Classe /Second class Chief
-Catalina de la Serna
Capo diterza Classe/Third Class Chief
-Alejandro Mas?
Secondo capo/Second Chief
-Alejandra Hortensia

Sottocapo di prima classe/Petty officer First class
-Andres Huerta
Sottocapo di seconda classe /Petty Officer Second Class
-Danilo de la vega

-Vanesa Lapenti
-Isabella Lima
-Damian Madero
-Maria de la mucho

Aspirante guardiamarina /Ensign Apprentice
-Miranda Parrera
-Isabelle Pancorbo
-Iliana Noseda
-Pedro nospanchos
-Alexandro de la nacho

EDIT: 06-08-08

*End Logg*