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Notice: Unione Corse [UC] inactive members (ooRP) (FO) - Printable Version

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Notice: Unione Corse [UC] inactive members (ooRP) (FO) - Teerin - 01-02-2014

We've been warned for low active membership, at four members. To be honest, this came as a surprise to me - I was fairly certain we had six. But I looked at our tracker and a few members hadn't played much at all in December. And yeah, while some members have good excuses for not playing, plenty don't.

I'm not going to hold an official roll call.

Instead, if you're unable to play due to computer issues, real life time constraints, or something similar, let us in leadership know. Preferably, make a post here saying "I'll be unavailable for x amount of time, will message you on Skype for details". That way it's easy to keep track of what all is going on.

And finally, sometime on 11th January I will be removing any inactive member from this faction who has not posted here and no longer has a ship registered on the activity tracker (shared ships don't count). That's well over a week from now.

- Teerin

RE: Notice: Unione Corse [UC] inactive members (ooRP) (FO) - Abuzar - 01-02-2014

already in too many factions and besides i dont see much activity by UC, improve it. sorry mate i am out.

RE: Notice: Unione Corse [UC] inactive members (ooRP) (FO) - Felix_Wannamaker_III - 01-02-2014

Well, My ships are gone. I might put some shared ship time in, but at this point I have other priorities for this game: getting my IMG stuff back set up for starters.