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TO: Amsel of the BDM | FROM: Your Friendly Neighbourhood Raiders - Printable Version

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TO: Amsel of the BDM | FROM: Your Friendly Neighbourhood Raiders - Kazinsal - 01-04-2014

=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Some serious scheiße ==

[Image: comm-header.png]

A man in a comfy-looking leather armchair behind a handcrafted wooden desk in an otherwise standard-looking starship CO's office looks into the camera and clears his throat disapprovingly.

This is Taskmaster Harold Kane, leader of the Vagrant Raiders.

I was informed that you wanted to talk to me. I tried to make that happen in person, but as you witnessed, that ended up in a very escape-pod-needed fashion.

This better be damn worth it -- those ships we lost today are not easy and not cheap to replace.

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== Trace Failed ==

RE: TO: Amsel of the BDM | FROM: Your Friendly Neighbourhood Raiders - Lobster - 01-04-2014


Source - Northern Rheinland
Encryption -

Transmission Received...
Transmission Decrypted...
Opening Message...

Identification: Director Claus Amsel
Receiver: Taskmaster Harold Kane
Subject: Chit Chat

[Image: iKvjK3D.png]

Dear Harold,

Sorry about the ship. I understand that my men can get a bit trigger happy while in combat. The fact that VR-Reina.Pavoni was shooting at them probably didn't help either. This is, however, the reason I now have the pleasure of talking to you.

Now, its been a while seance I saw the my last Raider ship flying, lawfully, through Rheinland trade lanes. I remember when I was a younger man seeing several of your transports transiting Rheinland space. I even had a chat with a nice man of yours flying a pirate transports through Brandenburg Station. That was about 3 years or so ago, maybe two. My memory gets a little fuzzy at times.

I understand that we have been shooting at eachother for a while now. I seem to have missed the memo on why, however. It seems to have just sort of happened. I cannot recall any delivered ultimatum, any falling out, any transgression from either of our forces. It just seems to have become normal to take fire from Raider ships and vice-versa.

So, that is what this little chit chat is about then. Why are we shooting each-others' pilots, again? Should we continue doing so?


Claus Amsel

Buro Der MarineIntelligenz

RE: TO: Amsel of the BDM | FROM: Your Friendly Neighbourhood Raiders - Kazinsal - 01-05-2014

=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Heh. ==

[Image: comm-header.png]

Let me answer that with a question:

Do you oppose Gallia to the core?

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