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To: Pierre St.Denis of GMS - Printable Version

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To: Pierre St.Denis of GMS - Thyrzul - 01-05-2014


Intensité de signal: _ 085%
Encodage: __________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ Clermont Space Colony, Auvergne
Expéditeur: ____ Elaine Bleu
Destinataire(s): Pierre St.Denis ______________________ GMS|

Sujet: _________ Merci beacoup

Transmission entrée...

Monsieur St.Dennis,

I'm really glad you took me under your wings, Monsieur. I will try to pay my debt back as soon as possible while of course working as an employee of Gallic Metal Service.

I've visited Sarcelles Shipping Facility today, where the ship sales manager, Monsieur Charlebois has offered me a recently constructed one of the Vaches. I even got a free tour aboard the ship while it was being prepared for tomorrow, oui, Monsieur Bernier, my temporary guide aboard the vessel told me that it will be made available for flight tomorrow, et that we can finish the purchase right before it taking off. It looks prettier in the inside than what I used to fly years ago. I'm so excited, Monsieur, et of course grateful for you.

Oh, before I forget, my credit account address is EB12-16857-61973. Merci beacoup.

Sincères salutations,
Elaine Bleu


RE: To: Pierre St.Denis of GMS - St.Denis - 01-05-2014

To: Mademoiselle Elaine Bleu.
From: Pierre St.Denis.

Bonjour Mademoiselle Bleu,

I have transferred the required credits to your Account. I have spoken to Monsieur Charlebois and he has confirmed that your ship will be ready for you.

I am pleased to welcome such an enterprising young Lady within the ranks of GMS Trading Division. I have total faith in your abilities and I am sure that you will pay back the credits as soon as possible.

Report to Monsieur Troyes, Trading Co-ordinator on Roanne Production Facility, Lyonnais once you have collect your ship and he will assign you your Trade Routes.

Bon Chance Mademoiselle

Pierre St.Denis

RE: To: Pierre St.Denis of GMS - Thyrzul - 01-07-2014


Intensité de signal: _ 085%
Encodage: __________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ Clermont Space Colony, Auvergne
Expéditeur: ____ Elaine Bleu __________________________ GMS|
Destinataire(s): Pierre St.Denis ______________________ GMS|

Sujet: _________ Re: Re: Merci beacoup

Transmission entrée...

Monsieur St.Dennis,

Excuse-moi for replying this late, I almost entirely forgot to do so due to yesterday's events. The purchase was successful, et my first route from Sarcelles has lead me to Roanne, just as you instructed. There Monsieur Troyes briefed me about my duties, et I began working, et then the time just passed. Le Saphir de Mer est parfait, et the crew is not bad either. I don't really know them much yet, but I'm sure we'll get along over time.

Sincères salutations,
Elaine Bleu


RE: To: Pierre St.Denis of GMS - St.Denis - 01-07-2014

To: Mademoiselle Elaine Bleu.
From: Pierre St.Denis.

Bonjour Mademoiselle Bleu,

I am glad to hear that you are settling in to your new home, and that will be how it will feel after a short time. You will find that you crew, though seeming at first to be rough bunch, will soon get to know you. Once they do, you could not ask for a more loyal group to work for you.

I must admit that I find the name of you ship quite exquiste and I hope that she performs in every way that you require.

Ce qui concerne

Pierre St.Denis