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New old player ! - Printable Version

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New old player ! - methak - 01-06-2014

Hello to the community !

Fan of the first hours of the game, i m glad to find an active community, 10 yeras later !

I convinced several friends to try the FL experience. We are going to study our future : will we join a huge or a just created alliance ? Will we found our proper company ? And where ?

Unless we ll find answers, i m just looking for my old favorite small ship : a dromedary. Not seen yet on thousands of bases :'(

See you soon through space,


RE: New old player ! - Singularity - 01-06-2014

First of all Welcome !! (Smile)

and as for Dromedary, I think you will find them over these places.

Bethlehem Station - Pennsylvania
Freeport 9 - Omicron Theta
Airdrie Hideout - Alberta
Lisburn Rock - Cambridge
Planet Malta - Omicron Alpha
Planet Primus - Omicron Kappa
Eltmann Outpost - Munich

and some more I do not remember (Sad)

Enjoy the game and live with the community (Smile)

RE: New old player ! - Tibbles - 01-06-2014

Welcome aboard! Smile

You may find this topic useful, its a summary of all (or almost all) the guides about this game. New toys like cloaks, docking modules, player owned bases ...

Enjoy it!

RE: New old player ! - methak - 01-09-2014

Thanks gentlemen.

i passed through the dromedary step. Despite it was useful, i usually trade using a profitable Percheron.

But i ll soon embrase (perhaps, like planed nowadays) the liberty true path by representing their trade with a assive transport. Still have an hesitation with two libertains models but choice is near.

I ll visit all your guides, while jumping through the best trade routes of the liberty space so. Thank you very much for the "warm" welcome Wink

Have fun...

RE: New old player ! - Highland Laddie - 01-09-2014

Welcome back into the fold. Gateway Shipping is always looking for new recruits for trading. We'll help you make money, and you'll have good access to nearly all Houses for trade. Wink