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Dream About a Project - Printable Version

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Dream About a Project - Zen_Mechanics - 01-06-2014

The Dream

Perhaps its too much for an old guy like me, perhaps with all the money I have I can simply buy a ship, but then again, perhaps im just fooling myself.
And so I sit there for an hour, and then two, and then four, with no clue how to proceed with this. I need an insperation, perhaps visting the local museum could work. Ah yes, its closed - but I could see it through my video feed, why not, let's give it a shot, ( Screen explodes ) - Just my luck.

Okay let's see now, oh theres a picture there, with an eagle, wings opened, it really looks pissed at somebody, perhaps the guy who took the photo? But there is something in there alright, I can't seem to trace it down though, Its.. really pissed but so calm, like an innocent predator quetiling waiting to take his bite. Hey there eagle.. we have something in common, like you I'm innocent but deep down Im a predator, or something to that effect. You on the one hand can fly but you are incapable of thinking, where as I cant fly but I can thin.. .., I turn it back, I cant fly and I also can't think.. thats 1-0 for you right there.
What would you do in this situation, if you had the access and the tools to do something, what would you do, and how would you do it? I need something but I can't find a way to image it. I know what you are thinking, "what is this fool talking about" , I understand eagle, I don't have a clue myself and even If I tell you you wouldn't be able to understand. Say what? I need you? Why would I need you, you mean nothing to me, you just sit there like a bump arse, AND why on gaia do the walls have voices!? What ya'all mean "wake-up"?





He is so calm during his sleep, when all the sudden he wakes up, he didnt move at all, he was stiff as a board, when all the sudden it hit him!

"Aureka" he yelled so loudly he woke up the whole ship department, " I got it! ".