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Faction Patrol Areas - Printable Version

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Faction Patrol Areas - Blackstarr - 01-07-2014

Is there a way to see a map of NPC patrol areas? I need it because I am repping a ship and I need to find where a factions ships are so I can shoot at them. I tried Datastorm but it is giving me trouble and not registering the discovery systems.

RE: Faction Patrol Areas - Jonas Valent - 01-07-2014

What factions NPCs are you looking for?

RE: Faction Patrol Areas - Blackstarr - 01-07-2014

Corsairs specifically

RE: Faction Patrol Areas - sindroms - 01-07-2014

Go to Bretonia and sit at a gate then.

RE: Faction Patrol Areas - Blackstarr - 01-07-2014

I tried that. I need somewhere that I wont have to sit for an hour before one shows up

RE: Faction Patrol Areas - sindroms - 01-07-2014

Have you tried camping a corsair base during a low server load time?

RE: Faction Patrol Areas - ProwlerPC - 01-08-2014

Might be some Vanilla paths left over but pretty much all the Disco added stuff is spawning spheres. Corsairs can be found in all the Omegas, in Bretonnia up to the lower half of Leeds, I think pretty much all of Rheinland, all of the Sigmas and the eastern end of Honshu near the GMG base and KSP outpost, and then the Omicrons up to Lost I believe.

RE: Faction Patrol Areas - Auriec - 01-08-2014

I tend to encounter a lot of corsairs in Munich in the Aluminium Ore mining fields as well as in the Omega-11 diamond field.

RE: Faction Patrol Areas - sindroms - 01-08-2014

Try jumpholes. I recently was repping a freelancer, which was an unlawful one. I needed Xenos, so I camped the Penny-Texas and Colo-NY jumpholes during low times.

RE: Faction Patrol Areas - Pancakes - 01-08-2014

Try Crete. Always tons of them over there