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To: Admiral Golanski - Printable Version

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To: Admiral Golanski - Timmy - 01-08-2014

[[[[[Beginning Transmission]]]]]

Comm ID: Ryuho
Location: Meskhenet Station, Omicron Zeta.

"Konbanwa, Admiral."

He quickly noods, seeming slightly unpatient.

"A strange transmission have come over Omicron systems and you must have heard it. It appeared to be from a Royal Navy soldier named Camille Gabriel. I have picked it and it appears to be a matter of our interest. Sending you logs of our comms."

As the loading of the transmissions have been completed he quickly asked.

"What do you think about it?"

[[[[[Transmission Ended]]]]]

RE: To: Admiral Golanski - Omicron - 01-10-2014

[Image: T6FLPmo.png]
Good day Ryuho.

I was observing the original transmission in the Omicrons, through you were the first agent to answer. Your objective is to gather as much information you can and remember, that GRN are not to be fully trusted. In pursuit of their king's demands, they will do everything. This can go either way from now on.

Command out.

RE: To: Admiral Golanski - Timmy - 01-11-2014

[[[[[Beginning Transmission]]]]]

Comm ID: Ryuho
Location: Meskhenet Station, Omicron Zeta.

"I do realise that this can be a trap as well. However it could be an oportunity as well. My objectives are clear, however I will need more people if this issue will require more... inside look."

[[[[[Transmission Ended]]]]]