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Few questions to the devs - Printable Version

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Few questions to the devs - Pavel - 01-10-2014

1.) I heard there were plans for POB weapon turret respawn to use repair resources from the base, was it included?

2.) Bases are too strong, are there plans in the devteam to make them somewhat "killable" like limiting core upgrades or nerfing shields?

3.) If due to new flhook magic it's possible to make powercore exception list without SRP ID, and grant people e.g. 100% BAF ID Lynxes, would it be possible to give them over 100% of powercore?...

RE: Few questions to the devs - tothebonezone - 01-10-2014

(01-10-2014, 01:22 AM)Pavel Wrote: would it be possible to give them over 100% of powercore?...

why would this ever be allowed

RE: Few questions to the devs - SMGSterlin - 01-10-2014

(01-10-2014, 06:09 AM)Saronsen Wrote: why would this ever be allowed

*Insert long RP post about how this ship's powercore is buffed due to some fancy science thing*

"It's ARRPEE, people get special OP ships cause ARRPEE!




Sorry. I'm done now.

RE: Few questions to the devs - Kazinsal - 01-10-2014

(01-10-2014, 01:22 AM)Pavel Wrote: 1.) I heard there were plans for POB weapon turret respawn to use repair resources from the base, was it included?

Quote:2.) Bases are too strong, are there plans in the devteam to make them somewhat "killable" like limiting core upgrades or nerfing shields?
Not to my knowledge.

Quote:3.) If due to new flhook magic it's possible to make powercore exception list without SRP ID, and grant people e.g. 100% BAF ID Lynxes, would it be possible to give them over 100% of powercore?...

RE: Few questions to the devs - Pavel - 01-15-2014

Just reminded myself about this, thanks for the answers Troy.