Discovery Gaming Community
To: Owners of "Rheinland HQ" - New Berlin, F5 | CC: Rheinland Law Enforcement, DHC- - Printable Version

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To: Owners of "Rheinland HQ" - New Berlin, F5 | CC: Rheinland Law Enforcement, DHC- - Moberg - 01-12-2014


Decrypting message

[||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

Sender ID - Kapitän Michael Schmidt
LocationPlanet New Berlin, New Berlin

SubjectYour base in New Berlin

Guten Tag,
We have noticed that you have constructed a base in the orbit of New Berlin. Unfortunately, the outpost registry of the Rheinland Federal Police holds no entry about your base.
Your base is not registered and neither was a request to register it sent. Currently I have no information regarding this base.
You have to respond to this channel and give us detailed information about the base. Furthermore, you still have several responsibilities to fulfill.

Through several tests we know that the base holds the IFF for Daumann Heavy Construction, so this transmission has been forwarded to them as well.
  • Grant full docking access to Rheinland law enforcement.
    • Rheinland Military - [RM]
    • Rheinland Federal Police - RFP|
    • Büro der Marineintelligenz - BDM|
  • Details about the base via image evidence for:
    • General information (population, affiliation, etc)
    • Constructed base modules
    • Commodities in storage
    • Purpose of the base (no images required)
  • Send a request to register the base towards the Outpost Registry

Until you have fulfilled these terms, the base remains illegal and law enforcement reserves the right to declare everyone supplying the base a criminal which can be dealt with accordingly. Furthermore, the Rheinland law enforcement reserves the right to damage the station while it is illegal and blockade any entry to it by - for example - keeping the shields up or destroying suppliers.

Kapitän Michael Schmidt
<Rheinwehr Hauptflotte>



RE: Owners of "Rheinland HQ" - New Berlin, F5 | CC: Rheinland Law Enforcement, DHC- - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 01-14-2014

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: 8Jw5dBg.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteur Markus Schmarn
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Illegal base

Attention, base administrators of Rheinland HQ,

you have failed so far to hand out any information about your origin and registering your base within Rheinland Outpost registry.

Therefore, the Rheinland Federal Polizei sees no other chance but to declare this base as illegal. You are to evacuate the station at once while military and Polizei forces will move in to dismantle the station. Furthermore until this is done, no goods are to be shipped to this station.

Any attempts to disrupt the dismantling of Rheinland HQ or supplying the station will be considered as hostile acts against Rheinland law and be dealt with accordingly.


Markus Schmarn
Inspekteur Rheinland Federal Polizei