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to: Omega 9 Base Freeport 101 -||- Security Issues & Offer of Assistance - Printable Version

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to: Omega 9 Base Freeport 101 -||- Security Issues & Offer of Assistance - Jack_Henderson - 01-13-2014

[Image: jack.png]

**** SENDER: Jack Henderson, IMG Operations Coordination ****

**** TO: Administrator of Freeport 101 ****

Dear Administrator,

The Guild received yesterday's request for repair materials and dispatched a few transports to get the job done. Sadly today's reports indicate that two transport vessels were badly damaged in the process by Corsair forces.

It is unclear whether these forces undocked from your Freeport, but in one case it looked like it, at least. Be that as it may, it is your Freeport and the IMG understands Freeport rules. The point is: If we supply it, we do not want to be shot by the base's guests.

Conversation between our transport pilots and the attackers indicated that they are strongarming you and putting your installation at risk, obviously civilian traffic, too.

The Guild can offer protection of your installation as we plan to explore Omega 9 properly, screen the system's ressources and potentially expand operations there. Your base could become a part in this endeavour and we would be willing to help you out with security and to increase our cooperation in the newly discovered sector.

Let me know what you think.

Jack Henderson
IMG Operations

[Image: end.png]

RE: to: Omega 9 Base Freeport 101 -||- Security Issues & Offer of Assistance - djordje_petrovic - 01-13-2014

Good mr Henderson you called, i was planning to contact you for same reasons. Those ehm... visitors have tried to extort credits from us. They are corsairs and they bring the news . Benitez familia doesnt rule nation of Hispania any more. now there is big uncertainity.

No one who request docking rights has right to shoot trading transports around, but i cant enforce that. I personally tried to protect one of your tranports when he departet from freeport. A corsair attacked him in front of base and while we skirmished he even boldly stated you are zoner its not your bussines to defend him.. I suspect of lawr szndrome outbeak so we ordered some medicaments from Cryer to supress contagination.

You have docking rights. I reccomend you to send one military patrol wing, as Kruger company requested too. But dont engage in any shirmish unless img tranports endangered. We are working to settle situation down.

RE: to: Omega 9 Base Freeport 101 -||- Security Issues & Offer of Assistance - Jack_Henderson - 01-13-2014

[Image: jack.png]

**** SENDER: Jack Henderson, IMG Operations Coordination ****

**** TO: Administrator of Freeport 101 ****

Dear Administrator,

This sounds like a proper Freeport mess that you have got yourself into there. The IMG is ready to give you a hand. Defense wings will be launching from the Omega stations in the hour. Let's see whether we can keep the system from falling into the hands of Corsair criminal gangs.

I cannot guarantee that the wings will be purely defensive in nature. The system is the Wild Borderworlds. Things happen, when they happen. But that's my problem, not yours.

Good luck there, Administrator.

Jack Henderson
IMG Operations

[Image: end.png]

RE: to: Omega 9 Base Freeport 101 -||- Security Issues & Offer of Assistance - Jack_Henderson - 01-14-2014

[Image: jack.png]

**** SENDER: Jack Henderson, IMG Operations Coordination ****

**** TO: Administrator of Freeport 101 ****

Dear Administrator,

I assume you are aware of the recent developments in Omega 9. The IMG is proud to report 3 successful supply runs yesterday.

Furthermore, the installation of a high energy comm antenna that allows direct and secure communications between our Omega holdings and your station has been completed. The IMG team on board of your base expects the comm unit to be operational in 24 hours.

The first combat activities have shown that the enemy is fielding a wide range of forces in the sector. IMG Defense has docked a few ships at your base as of now, and we will have more on standby on Aland and Freistadt. Our standard reaction time to assist in O9 is about 6-7 minutes after an emergency call.

Keep us posted on what the Freeport needs and how the situation develops.

Good luck, Administrator.

Jack Henderson
IMG Operations

[Image: end.png]

RE: to: Omega 9 Base Freeport 101 -||- Security Issues & Offer of Assistance - djordje_petrovic - 01-14-2014

Good Mr. Henderson. Keep in mind that as long o9 is theather , your operations will be safe.

For now main opposition will be so called omega pirate guild. They tried to infiltrate our freeport by requesting docking rights, but their agenda is far beyond zoner neutrality concept. IF we need to put all around in jeopardy cause of sticking to crude formalities that would be real life suicide and shortsighted thinking.

Not goin to happen... Be prepared and monitor , we will need help. Some zoner vessels and independent capital ships are in sector. IT would not be bad to put Kruger company on alert in southern omega 7 sector near jh to o9. Krugers are despised from Hessians and its not easy for them to come to omega 9 so lightly but thez could be put to good use to patrol more frequently near o9 -o7 jh and entries. If you can converse in private with them i am sure thez would understand mutual coordination is the key.

Avoid skirmishing with other Corsair ships. By making difference from OPG you will show that those are not recognized as top dogs. Corsairs are confused and disorganized, legitimizing OPG in front of other corsair secondaries or groups will bring on us menace worse than antique bubonic plague. We would make Benitez from a snowballs...

RE: to: Omega 9 Base Freeport 101 -||- Security Issues & Offer of Assistance - djordje_petrovic - 01-14-2014

*** Transmission reestablishing ***

Mr. Henderson , i bring some very extraordinary news. We have been approached by group of Corsair who call themselves Corsair special forces and they are close to Brotherhood clan. Contactee was captain Dimitris de Ramirez. Our topic was Omega pirate guild.

It seems that new council of Elders will be held soon and Corsairs will choose who to inherit Benitez family. As i understood they want to continue to follow codes and laws that Benitez family settled. And this pirate guild they look as a problem , cause it will tarnish their reputation and aspirations to make Hispania reall House.

So they offered to us good terms of cooperations. I granted them docking licences and thez promised to hold sustained stance toward others who visit freeport.

I made a point to them that if they enforce some pragmatism and their own laws , it will be easier for them to get recognized as rightfull representatives of corsair nation , even from enemies. They concured with my observations.

What can i say except that this is very strange coalition gathered here for the common good. Inform your pilots not to engage in hostilities with corsair forces. I am sure this is temporal stance resulted by weakness in power transision in Hispania , but if you anyhow make even some informal contacts with corsairs during that time for whatever reason possible or not , our freeport will be the place.

One more important security issue. Corsairs will not use freeport as focus point to launch attacks on omegas. They are interested only that others dont abuse and launch attacks from here to Hispania.

Thats all for now.