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To all autonomous Kempeitai operatives. - Printable Version

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To all autonomous Kempeitai operatives. - Redacted.Member1-2 - 01-13-2014

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...


This message is coming from the Section Nine general headquarters.

It is my regret to inform you that previous overseer, Ayakashi Todo has taken his own life. Because of this, the current administration has seen fit to place Section Nine in charge of all Kempeitai operations inside and outside Kusari Space. We are currently collating the dossiers of the previous administrations.

There has been a significant lapse in communication between our HQ and field agents. Therefore, all active agents and cell leaders are to respond on encoded channels with their name, call-sign, and current assignments.

This includes all former Doku Hebi pilots, "independant" cells, and undercover agents, but does not include Naval Forces ([KNF]) Tokketai units. They are administered by Combined Fleet.

Any agents which do not respond to this communication who have not already been accounted for will be assumed to be compromised, and scheduled for liquidation. No exceptions will be made.

Please respond in this channel only, and provide:
  • Callsign
  • Ship Type(s)
  • Current Location.

[Source Redacted]

Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...

RE: To all autonomous Kempeitai operatives. - Sonoshee - 01-14-2014

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...


Sonoshee reporting in to the Section Nine. Those are really disturbing news, what is the status of the rest of the Doku Hebi at the time being? I didn't had any access to secured communications for quiet some time to be in touch.

Here is the information you've requested in the attachment below, awaiting further instructions.

  • Callsign: SONOSHEE
  • Ship Type(s): J17P - 95P "Chimaera"
  • Current Location: Ames Research Station, Kepler system


Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...

RE: To all autonomous Kempeitai operatives. - Redacted.Member1-2 - 01-14-2014

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...


That is what I want to know. You're the first member of Doku Hebi to be accounted for. I cannot be sure of the intentions of anyone else, aside from fellow members of Section 9.

Regardless. You are temporarily to recall from Ames research station. Gather whatever information you can on your way out. Your task is to proceed to Narita for debrief, then you will proceed to the Tau-29/Tau-23 region of operations and await further instruction.

If you can get in touch with any other Doku Hebi agents, redirect them here. We will reform the squadron as it was previously if possible.

[Source Redacted]

Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...

RE: To all autonomous Kempeitai operatives. - Sonoshee - 01-14-2014

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...

Orders acknowledged, I will await for further instructions when I'll reach the target location. However the communications with the rest of the Doku Hebi might be a problem, our main secured servers are not responding and unavailable duo to unknown for me reason.


Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...

RE: To all autonomous Kempeitai operatives. - dirmaster0 - 01-14-2014

...Incoming Transmission...

Callsign: Commander.Kaneda.Mizuki
Ship Type: Kusari Destroyer
Current Location: Planet Junyo, Shikoku System

[Image: 500px-Mr_shadowy_figure_by_aftershockcipher-d30c4k9.jpg]

Kobanwa, I am Commander Kaneda Mizuki of the Kempeitai.

Our ship's original assignment was working recon missions within the deep Sigma Region and beyond. We are currently stationed at Junyo for routine border patrols, but will be departing for operations within a few days.

If assistance is needed you know the proper channels to reach us.

Mizuki out-- *static*

...Transmission Terminated...

RE: To all autonomous Kempeitai operatives. - Redacted.Member1-2 - 01-14-2014

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...


Agent Mizuki.

You are to continue with your current assignment as prior. You will be contacted by one of our agents for a debrief. As your vessel is capital class, I will require it's name, please.

Other then that, carry on your mission. We will take receipt of a full report when it is over.

[Source Redacted]

Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...