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To: Corsair Brotherhood | Arcelia Chavez - Printable Version

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To: Corsair Brotherhood | Arcelia Chavez - djordje_petrovic - 01-13-2014

Sender : Ted PRescot
Location : freeport 101

Target. Planet Crete

Buenas Nochas Senorita. We have met in space. I have to point You that with dessolution of Benitez governance on Crete there are factions who wanna grab power in the name of nation of Hispania.

That is not something particular , but those forces use Corsair identity to promote notorious behaviour without remorse.

I am talking about so called omega pirate guild who are bullying in omegas and impersonating as Corsairs (and pissing on Crete and Cretan people- see attachment).
Today was a grand meeting in omega freeport 101 with many factions present. However they oppose corsairs in general, their stance was even more hostile due to circumstances i mentioned as we think that those represent the corsairs now.

What is concern of yours is this holoscan of our communique with one of OPG members

And this ship was accompaniing you. It seems that that detail passed your attention as you were more cooperative. We reasonably think that fraternizing with that OPG "pissers on Cretan people" (thats how they impersonate themselves) are not in interest of Nation of Hispania.

This current stance is forced somehow, so i would be gratefull if you can settle your internal problems somehow before bringing any statements abroad.
I will remind that OSI still supply people of crete with food and i promised personally to Mr Benitez that i will help in the time of need.
Be patient , i can not give docking rights at the moment, your reputation ammong all community which visit freeport here are most undesirable, but source of that sour are OPG . Solve that issue or put them under control and we will see in future can we cohabitate or not.

with regards Mr. Prescot

RE: To: Corsair Brotherhood | Arcelia Chavez - Zen_Mechanics - 01-14-2014

[Image: 9j2_feather.png]
Santiago Munez

We give you the green light to terminate him in a turbine, you will do muy bueno, other that that, there shouldn't be any problem as long as we don't see those hessies si? And por favor capitano, we've been waiting for too long for those docking bays and we are getting very impatient, now you don't want that to happend si senor? Para la nacion...!

Hasta la vista,

[Image: d6bg.png]

RE: To: Corsair Brotherhood | Arcelia Chavez - djordje_petrovic - 01-14-2014

Send us unicode identify tranponders we will open docks for your ships. Sustain from skirmishing in front of freeport. As you may find that appealing to view freeport as raiding outpost remeber that if you follow that path other might do so too, so you got stabbed in the back when dont expect. Advantage is weakness.

And those hombres... we will pass your message to them.

RE: To: Corsair Brotherhood | Arcelia Chavez - Zen_Mechanics - 01-17-2014

Uplink established
Transmitting Data.....
Video Feed on

[Image: 9j2_feather.png]
Santiago Munez - The Brotherhood

Assign the following codes for the permits

# -Benitez
# [TBH]
# [OPG]
# .Sails
# |Sails
# <)CsF(>

Amigo, this will be checked rapido so I suggest doing this yesterday, Adios

[Image: d6bg.png]

RE: To: Corsair Brotherhood | Arcelia Chavez - djordje_petrovic - 01-17-2014

Hmm. One code tranponders are already granted, but it is confidental. However you can inquire and find out. As i know your personal ship, The brotherhood [TBH] will be added too, very soon.

Dont wanna rush too much. When corsair council reinstate its power fully, we can discuss further. Now is to a bit rush to give dockings to various groups en masse, nor from indirect representatives. Brotherhood will be granted for now.

We negotiated if i can put that way with Omega pirate guild, but they are harrasing our suppliers so they are widely unwelcome. They eventually attacked freeport itself, overlooking that o9 doesnt belong to Hispania house.

That brings us to minor detail that we retain rights as hosts to define what is appropriate and desirable behaviour in our small community.

--- signal lost ---

RE: To: Corsair Brotherhood | Arcelia Chavez - Zen_Mechanics - 01-17-2014

Uplink established
Transmitting Data.....
Video Feed on

[Image: 9j2_feather.png]
Santiago Munez - The Brotherhood

Senor, The council is currently gathered for one reason or another, while the Benitez familia still holds power and The brotherhood frontier is pushing forward, It is unlikely that we pospond agreements if its related to the omegas si? The OPG are a group of hermanos that serve the nacion and their loyaly should not be doubted, you, and your gringos who supply this freeport can be easily "dismantled" if we wanted to. But clear heads ultimately prevail, and for the time being, you will be left alone ; However, I will attach this network to the OPG so that they can have their share in this situatcion. As for the other specified combatientes, It is not a request, If however you are being harrased and you are registered in our database, You may essemble our court to discuss this manner properly.

Hasta la vista,

[Image: d6bg.png]

RE: To: Corsair Brotherhood | Arcelia Chavez - Jack_Henderson - 01-17-2014


**** SENDER: Arcelia Chavez ****

**** SIGNAL STRENGTH: 89 % ****

**** CONTACT: Mr. Prescot ****

**** ENCRYPTION LEVEL: Private Communication Encryption *****

[Image: arcelia_chavez.jpg]


Hola Senor Prescot, and sorry for getting back to you so late. I am not a politician, but a warrior. So I am not the person to talk to when words are thrown around more than plasma bolts and missiles.

But, reading this, I think we are making good progress and it's good to see progress. Finally we can get closer to the Omegas, and being useful to the Corsair cause has always been a guarantee for security.

And here I can come in. Hessian maggots, IMG Defense, Kruger boats, Rheinland scouts, anybody who gets on your nerves, let me know. My list of people I point a gun at is long... and distinguished.

I'll see you on board of your base soon.

Arcelia Chavez
The Brotherhood


RE: To: Corsair Brotherhood | Arcelia Chavez - Gentle - 01-18-2014

Encoded message from prison cell leaked from liberty space.

To: Corsairs and insignificant little pipsqueaks who know little to nothing about corsairs

From : A bloodthirsty evil bastard who is going to show you what corsairs ARE. AKA Gentle.

I have had this message relayed to me via some inmates here who have secured a means of receiving transmissions from Crete.

Ted....who i dont know and dont care to know until your guts are strung round my neck. Your pathetic little station is of no significance to me. I'm happy to have you and it wiped out completely if you get in the way of the OPG or any of our allies.

The fact you do not know us does not surprise me as you know nothing of OPG history or corsair history far back enough for your opinion to count for jack shit.

Since you do not know me either you will be very surprised when we do meet and you realise that now the banner of the OPG is up things in corsair space ARE going to change. The boundaries of corsair space ARE going to change.

The boundaries of what you perceive to be your current pain threshold will also change dramatically.

Already the crows are beginning to circle and each of the crows you see will feast upon the carrion flesh you haul yourself around in. OPG have always been at the heart of what true corsairs are. Brutal, vicious and organised. Our people have had cadiz and the Omega systems as a prime focus for many years. My insanity some time back which inevitably led to this incarceration forced the OPG into the shadows for some time. I tell you now I will soon feel the daylight upon my face.

Soon you will see so many Corsair banners and OPG flags you will realise the stupidity of your meddling.

As for driving a wedge between us and the brotherhood... you are wasting your time. I have stood side by side with my corsair brethren so many times in the face of adversity they will not heed you. Omega Pirates are exactly that ...Pirates and you right now are desperately in need of being shown why you don't get in a pirates way when they have a task to accomplish. The Brotherhood are fully aware of ME and the OPG. We largely stay out of the affairs at Crete and they largely stay out of the affairs in Cadiz and the omegas. That said should they ever call on us they know we will come as we ALWAYS have. They are our hermanos... you gringo are shit on my shoe and Im going to have you scraped off.

Look for the black flags.......

Look for the kings men.

OPG do not take lightly this trifling in the affairs of corsairs.