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The Future of Mindelo - Printable Version

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The Future of Mindelo - Aphil - 01-14-2014

This thread by Tabby got me thinking about the future of the SCRA and the potential it can have. I think it's obvious but I'm tired of the SCRA being considered a "pee-wee" faction.

As it stands, it seems inconceivable to me that the SCRA has not either destroyed or attempted to capture Mindelo from the Corsairs. We know where it is, and Omega-52 is right there so an invasion would be absolutely trivial with reinforcements ready at a moments notice.

What I'm asking is the communities (Oh God) opinion on the idea of the SCRA taking over Mindelo. Effectively making it a Coalition IFF base.

RE: The Future of Mindelo - Reid - 01-14-2014

Is Mindelo that Corsair base in 50?

If so, yes

If not, yes

RE: The Future of Mindelo - Ironwatsas - 01-14-2014

Meh. Corsairs have bases coming out their ears. One less won't hurt them much.

SCRA has been around enough that it should get a few more bases scattered around the Omegas.

RE: The Future of Mindelo - Echo 7-7 - 01-14-2014

My opinion: [Image: emoticon-00126-nerd.gif]

RE: The Future of Mindelo - Aphil - 01-14-2014

The nerd smiley is a powerful one indeed. :O Well, I'm hoping that that is a good sign. A sign that the Resurgent Coalition will finally expand after being cooped up in one system for so long!

RE: The Future of Mindelo - Curios - 01-14-2014

SCRA still exists? : O

RE: The Future of Mindelo - Tabris - 01-14-2014

Yep, the SCRA still exist Curios. XD

RE: The Future of Mindelo - tyro - 01-14-2014

yes, take it, one more nail in the Corsairs cofin doesn't matter.

RE: The Future of Mindelo - Sonoshee - 01-14-2014

Well, personally, I don't think we need Omega 47 at all. What if we dump the system with Omega 41 having connection to Omega 49 directly with that Sair BS being 5k away from the hole at 49's side. Delete Mindelo or give it a face life for being SCRA or someone else's base. There is zero use for it for Corsairs anyway.

Omega 47 was useless since it was introduced and nothing is going on there since the disappearance of Deiterium trade route. Yet it's very huge system with very looooooong distances to have a voyage on cruise.

Same about Mindelo, the base's purpose is similar to Yaren and also similar to that new base in Sigma 13. I suspect someone in the development team thinks that if you place a base somewhere that will create an activity of that faction around it. But it's not working completely.

RE: The Future of Mindelo - Tabris - 01-14-2014

47? Mindelo is in 50 dude. XD