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To: Shogun Hirotada Watanabe - Printable Version

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To: Shogun Hirotada Watanabe - Omicron - 01-16-2014

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

To Shogun Hirotada Watanabe, head of the Watanabe clan.

Normally such transmission would have been handled by someone within circles of Overwatch itself, however I still do have authorization. Admiral Golanski set out objective for our R&D that require your co-operation. As you may have already know, our hardware is largely incompatible, rendering any combinations and exchanges useless unless fitting ships with their native weaponry.

We already have fair understanding and access to parts of ships that we either received in gift from you or were brought in and out by operatives of Blood Dragon origin. Blueprints of Kagutsuchi-class siege cruiser are also fammilar - we after all it was The Order to design it for you. However there are some blackholes in our database: we lack know-how in correlation with your gunboats and battleships.

Now, I realize that single Togo battleship in Watanabe Kazoku ranks is not going to be parted with. What we request is permission to house group of engineers aboard, alongside one of your gunboats that would otherwise see no use. It would be stationed mostly in Omicron 100 under command of our R&D department. I will attach everything relevant to it in list below.
  • Hachiman class gunboat, condition irrevelant
  • 10 Chigiriki turrets
  • 4 Dragonfly launchers
  • Decent supply of Dragonfly class training missiles
In return, I also have permission to procure some snubcrafts with assorted weaponry for your use. Even a Hathor-class heavy gunboat is possibility should you require it. If there are any other matters to discuss, this channel is open.

Mattew Sharrow
The Order Research and Development