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Bretonia Battleship With Navy ID - Printable Version

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Bretonia Battleship With Navy ID - Titan* - 01-18-2014

as in the title

Is it free to buy bretonia bs with navy ID? or I need to do something?

RE: Bretonia Battleship With Navy ID - Echo 7-7 - 01-18-2014

From the perspective of server rules, it is completely legitimate to use a Bretonian Battleship on a Liberty Navy ID. There will be a slight power core regeneration loss because of tech compatability (which reduces regen for less suitable combinations of equipment).

However, due to the current lore status quo of Bretonia's Armed Forces requiring every ship they can manufacture being sent to the war front with Gallia, the house of Bretonia is not selling, trading, leasing, or otherwise exchanging their capital ships even with their closest allies. Therefore, if you insist on acquiring this particular ship as a member of the Liberty Navy, it is your responsibility to send a message to the BAF High Command over the Communications Channel to request use of the ship. If you do not acquire permission beforehand, the BAF is authorised to destroy you (see Faction Right 6 in the Server Rules) and/or deny you docking in Bretonia (Faction Right 5). The Liberty Navy high command will also disapprove of taking a Bretonian Battleship without permission. Note that these consequences exist solely within the roleplay environment and will not result in punishment by the Admins.