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How to join into the Wilde? - Printable Version

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How to join into the Wilde? - Wraga - 01-19-2014

Yes, I know the via ingame than some infested rheinlander will invite you into the faction. I know its based on roleplay, etc. etc.

Btw. I had some questions about that, so please, if you are a member/leader of the Wilde, give me a short summary about the way into the Wilde.


RE: How to join into the Wilde? - chase.way - 01-19-2014

Install skype, join some other faction that has Wilde member in it - preferably leader , ask him to join.

Isn't that how invite only/you need to be good at RP/you need to get sponsor to get in factions work ?

RE: How to join into the Wilde? - Savas - 01-19-2014

There is no sole leader of the Wilde, if I am not mistaken; and befriending a single member won't do much on its own. My (likely poor) suggestion at such a late hour of the night would be just to show your worth in an RP environment to them, try to get in contact and set up a few RP sessions or the like.

RE: How to join into the Wilde? - Das Wilde Wesen - 01-19-2014

(01-19-2014, 03:45 AM)Savas Wrote: There is no sole leader of the Wilde, if I am not mistaken;
That's news to me.

As for the OP, if you RP well, your chances of getting an invite go way way up, as opposed to those who don't RP well. That is (honestly) the best "guide" I can give you.

Oh, and don't PM me asking to be invited, that adds you to my supersecretblacklistofdoom.

RE: How to join into the Wilde? - ... kur nubėgo? - 01-19-2014

(01-19-2014, 03:41 AM)chase.way Wrote: Install skype, join some other faction that has Wilde member in it - preferably leader , ask him to join.

Isn't that how invite only/you need to be good at RP/you need to get sponsor to get in factions work ?

Worked for me with Aoi Isejin and SCRA back earlier. Maybe will work for you too : )

RE: How to join into the Wilde? - Pancakes - 01-19-2014

Kill them in a gank of 4 on 1. (Or worse odds, of course)

RE: How to join into the Wilde? - Haste - 01-19-2014

Know the people in the faction and get along with them well.

That's how closed factions work. You don't recruit people you don't really know, or worse, people you dislike.

RE: How to join into the Wilde? - ... kur nubėgo? - 01-19-2014

Ye. It has a built in favortisim. It's not a flaw, it is it's feature.

RE: How to join into the Wilde? - djordje_petrovic - 01-19-2014

Nah favouritism . Its cool idea to have some RP background to join them. For instance i had an idea to lure / extract Tel Aviv alias David Dvir from his station of omega 11 when he popped there while confronted with order , offer him escape and "opportunity to take revenge on order" and troll him and hand down to wilde unexpected in exchange for truce with my facility.

Pitty my trolplay scheme was sturtled by different set of outcomes. Whatever you makeout , find a story and interesting background to cross paths with them. That is the best and more fun.

RE: How to join into the Wilde? - ProwlerPC - 01-19-2014

My advice is to simply never break character. For anything. This includes from raging because another player mad to wanting to express how fairly another player fought. Don't break char....ever. They are constantly watching how people play and aren't always watching with a Wild IDd ship. If you have already broken char and might still break char from time to time, chances are you went into Wild Wessen's "Nuh Uh Bucket". I made it into Das Wilde and flew with them for quite awhile. I was a complete nobody at the time, I never even knew who Das Wilde Wessen really was and when I found out who it was I didn't really know him either. We exchanged contact info for the first time when he invited me to join. Again my best advice, never ever break char for any reason whatsoever.