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Liberty Navy PSA for Spacefaring Citizenry. Subj: Junker Congress - Printable Version

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Liberty Navy PSA for Spacefaring Citizenry. Subj: Junker Congress - Sarawr!? - 01-19-2014


TARGET ID: "Libertonian Interstellar Communications Network"
SUBJECT: Your safety & security.
SENDER ID: Fleet Admiral Rachel Alexis Baker, First Fleet, Liberty Navy.

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[Image: Rachel2Forums_zps35dc9e8c.png]
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Good evening, citizens. Normally I would not send such a wide-reaching message, but it is my intent to ensure that all of you are informed of the state of things.

The Junker Congress have been flagrantly violating Libertonian Trade Laws, and in some cases acting outright criminally, for far too long. While the planetside politicians debate a course of action behind closed doors, I intend to move forward. I will not sit on my hands any longer while these people peddle human body parts, illegal weaponry, and narcotic substances within our borders.

Effective immediately the Liberty Navy's First Fleet, and any other units free for the task, will begin to take actions to counter the activities of the Junker Congress within Libertonian Space. The purpose of this message however, is for your own safety, and so that you, the law abiding citizenry, might remove yourselves from harms way.

We do not wish to increase the level of violence within the territorial space of the Republic of Liberty, but if it becomes necessary for us to use force to put an end to the actions of the Junker Congress, my people will do so.

Any Junker Congress vessels approaching facilities or planets administered by the Libertonian government will be halted and thoroughly searched, any Junker Congress vessel operating within the public view will be halted and thoroughly searched. Failure by Congress personnel to adhere to the directions of Liberty Navy personnel will result in the use of deadly force, without hesitation. Discovery of any criminal activity will result in use of deadly force. Discovery of contraband materials will result in the use of deadly force.

Fines and Politicking are clearly not enough, and until I am ordered to take other actions by my government, the Navy -will- be following a "Zero Tolerance" policy regarding the Junker Congress.

I will say this however, to all of you individual, non-Congress Junkers: You will not suffer for the actions of the Congress. We will continue dealing with individual Junkers on a case by case basis, but The Congress have proven themselves to be more of a threat than benefit, to our Great Republic.

Fleet Admiral Rachel A. Baker, Signing Off.


RE: Liberty Navy Announcement for the Spacefaring Citizenry - Sonja - 01-19-2014

Transmission; Start
Identification: Lieutenant Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Encryption: Secure

Regarding the Junkers Congress;

Hell, it's about time.

Transmission Terminated

RE: Liberty Navy Announcement for the Spacefaring Citizenry - Kazinsal - 01-19-2014

=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Is it really needed? ==

[Image: comm-header.png]

I honestly can not say I did not see this coming.

It is a shame to see a once-proud group of scavengers and tinkerers turn into common petty thieves and smugglers. They brought this upon themselves.

Harold A. Kane
Taskmaster, Vagrant Raiders
Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium

=== Transmission Ended ===
== Trace Failed ==

RE: Liberty Navy PSA for Spacefaring Citizenry. Subj: Junker Congress - Thexare - 01-19-2014

Incoming message...
Sender: John Fenton
Location: Osprey Mk2 Courier Laughing Kookaburra, Colorado System

Eh, figures. Just surprised they didn't manage to cock things up for the rest of us.

We will... see what can be done. I imagine you'll hear from us soon.

Message ends.

RE: Liberty Navy PSA for Spacefaring Citizenry. Subj: Junker Congress - Miaou - 01-19-2014

[Image: MerlinCommopen4.png]

<Input sound to text detected>
Miao? Miaaou miaaaaaou *hiss* *hiss*.


What of independent contractors who work for the Republic? Will we be needed to keep an eye out for this as well or is it purely for the Navy to handle and we need to keep our paws out of it? I'd hate for some furball to happen and I'm not able to assist.

-Sire Merlin

RE: Liberty Navy PSA for Spacefaring Citizenry. Subj: Junker Congress - sindroms - 01-19-2014

[Image: RtXWcKN.png]

Greetings there.
Let's say I am a Junker and I would love to make sure I can move around the house I was born in without any problems. Let's also say that I am not too happy about these guys having their screwups pinned on the junker name.

Can we report the wrongdoings on the Junkers Congress? Is there anything in it for us apart from the obvious?

Just asking.

~Matthew Allerton

Liberty Navy PSA for Spacefaring Citizenry. Subj: Junker Congress - Deep Space Engineering - 01-19-2014

[Image: dseincomming.png]

Liberty Navy High Command,
  • Greetings.

    I am John Doe, President of Deep Space Engineering and Chairman of the Doe Industries board operating out of Pittsburgh. I've pledged my allegiance and loyalty to the Republic of Liberty and the forces operating to uphold her laws.

    It is with great disdain I read this broadcast before me for I have close friends within the Congress that we've dealt with since our administration took the reigns several years ago. To find that the Liberty Navy heavily insist that they are an illegal entity pushes the realms of acceptable repercussions to one that leaves us here in Deep Space Engineering facing an issue in our productivity.

    I for one do not condone illegal activities the Congress may or may not have partaken in, nor does the Corporations I am representing. Nor do I believe that this will solve the Navy's indiscretions against the Congress as I personally believe this will only move to work against our best interests as a Nation. As much as we Libertonians don't like to babysit, we need to have someone who is able to influence other criminal groups to seek their illegal activities elsewhere, away from Liberty. Criminalizing the Congress I fear will only bring more hardship on the citizens of Liberty and those working within her realms.

    Although the Navy has not explicitly criminalized the Congress as that is something that needs to be undertaken by the Department of Justice, not the military, we do believe this will have a negative impact on Deep Space Engineerings reputation and productivity as we won't turn our backs on our friends while they are not an illegal entity within Liberty space. The Congress have supported us in Humboldt, upon which over 70% of last years raw precious metals was heavily supported by the Junkers Congress by allowing us safe passage through their home system, and by providing a safe haven out in the back yards of our space to shelter us against the numerous threats out there the Navy was unable to do for us.

    It is here that I hereby inform you that we will continue to have an open-door policy to all Junkers, including the Junker Congress under the leadership of James Trenton, until such times they are caught breaking the laws and subsequently criminalized. If we discover they are using our good nature to flaunt the system we will accept that they potentially are a threat to national security and will then sever all ties with them.

John Doe
Deep Space Engineering

RE: Liberty Navy PSA for Spacefaring Citizenry. Subj: Junker Congress - Sarawr!? - 01-19-2014


TARGET ID: "John Doe; Merlin; Matthew Allerton"
SENDER ID:F.Adm R. Baker

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Merlin; Currently, this matter is purely the burden of the Naval Forces of the Republic. Neither can I speak on behalf of the government's contracting offices. However, if you were to happen upon an active engagement in which Naval personnel required assistance, your aid would likely be rewarded as per normal regulations.

Mister Allerton; while informants have typically always received rewards within The Republic of Liberty, the Navy is currently past the point of requiring the use of informants to aid in our operations. However, I'm sure that Liberty Police Inc., would greatly appreciate the aid of...insiders, to help with their own investigations, if any. Naturally, I cannot comment on the nature of what reward, if any, you could expect from LPi.

Of course I'll also reiterate the fact that if you are a Junker though not a Congressman, you will have little reason to fear, if you are abiding by Libertonian law.

Mr. Doe; Your personal relations with members of the Junker Congress are not my concern, neither are the dealings of Deep Space Engineering with the Junker Congress, so long as those dealings are within the realm of the law.

As you well know, you are free to allow whomever you wish, aboard your stations, and again, that does not concern me, so long as your people do not attempt to obstruct Naval personnel in the course of carrying out their lawful duties.

Though all of that should already be common sense, so really I'm unsure as to why you felt the need to make such a statement.

F.Adm. R. Baker, Out.


RE: Liberty Navy PSA for Spacefaring Citizenry. Subj: Junker Congress - Junker Congress - 01-19-2014

[Image: feUU8.png]

Greetings Admiral Baker.
Arbiter James Trenton here..

Seems an explanation is in order.
Even though I was aware things were happening my attention was focused elsewhere.
I've been away overseeing very important defensive measures for our interests in Bretonia.

There is a common enemy and it is Gallia.
They have assaulted our Bretonian brethren and are now knocking at Liberty's door.
This threat concerns us all so I am not asking if we can help.
We are in it together like it or not.

The truth is some of what you have seen is due to our efforts to aid those in Leeds fighting Gallia.
Still I understand your cause for concern I am only trying to provide an explanation.
We will find other suitable solutions to help those in need.
We will fully support your orders to submit to cargo scans as that has been our policy for as long as I can remember.
I've instructed the Congress to abide by your laws and if they refuse they will pay for it.

We have strived to promote those conducting themselves legally and with respect to house authority.
We also offer security to those that cannot always look to house authority for protection.
Still if they represent a threat to your house we won't allow them safety.
Only because of these desperate times had we turned to such desperate measures.

I take full responsibilty for the actions of my members.
They meant your house no harm and I do apologize for violating your laws.
We are at war and did things that we would not normally do.
If a fine needs to be paid or any contributions need to be made I will do so.

Furthermore it is a sad day indeed to see Junkers actually offering to report on other Junkers.
We will never turn on our fellow Junkers.

I'll end by saying this.. war is upon you.
We have given access to the last standing vestige in Leeds own and operated by us to Bretonian armed forces and LSF.
I know you would not give us access and so I dare not ask.
Just know you are welcomed to use our station anytime your fighting the Crown in Leeds.

I sincerely apologize for causing all this trouble.
I only wish you would believe me when I say..
We are not your enemy.

RE: Liberty Navy PSA for Spacefaring Citizenry. Subj: Junker Congress - Sarawr!? - 01-20-2014


TARGET ID: "Mr. Trenton"
SUBJECT: Finally.
SENDER ID: Fleet Admiral R. Baker.

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[Image: Rachel2Forums_zps35dc9e8c.png]
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Good that I finally have your attention, Arbiter Trenton. As you will have noticed, I have not attempted to order the expulsion of your people from Libertonian territories, neither have I attempted to outright criminalize your organization.

However, the blatant and obvious criminal activities conducted by your people within our borders cannot be ignored. I do not know if the government will seek reparations in the form of credits, but that is not a matter that involves me directly at this stage. The fact is that I will not relent, the Navy will not stand down from their increased scrutiny of Congress personnel and ships.

If your organization is truly as innocent and beneficiary to The Republic, as you have been claiming, then you and your people have nothing to fear, you should also note that my "Zero Tolerance" orders relate primarily to Congress personnel conducting illicit or noncompliant activities.

Ensure that your people conduct themselves in a manner congruent with the Laws of The Republic of Liberty, and you have nothing to fear.

I have nothing more.

Baker, Out.