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To: The Order Technology Division | From: The Phoenix - Printable Version

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To: The Order Technology Division | From: The Phoenix - Quiron - 01-20-2014

[Image: lwXN3.png]

My name is Quiron Lacroix, representing the Phoenix Zoners. I hope your organization is doing well. I'm contacting you due to technology trade business.

As the Phoenix were granted to fly some of your finest ships before, it should be essential to use them with the most compatible components to achieve their maximum output. Our technicians have found out that the current type of engines we are using on them cause a slight performance drop and decreased reliabilty as well, but also this can be prevented by mounting Order-built engines on them as those were designed for these ships inherently.

Naturally, we don't possess such technology, so hereby we officially request to open the usage of Order engines to the Phoenix. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,
Quiron Lacroix
[Image: Jh16c.png]

RE: To: The Order Technology Division | From: The Phoenix - Omicron - 01-22-2014

[Image: T6FLPmo.png]
For all intents and purposes, technological exchanges sooner or later come through desk of either me or authorized personnel related to The Order Overwatch. Next time, direct all hardware requests directly to Order Command.

Upon reading your message, I wonder... did either our ships somehow arrived without engines mounted or perhaps you tried to wire up those huge, cumbersome and inefficient engines from Gallia? For some reason you need them but to help you, first we have to know the following:

Ship model and construction year.

According to that we can determine what you need rather than leave your engineers trying to figure it out on their own.

Command out.