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General Cap Ship idea - Printable Version

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General Cap Ship idea - Sabru - 01-20-2014

Preface: while discussing jinx's "ideas" about zoner caps in the TAZ skypechat, i struck upon an idea that could be applied not only to Zoner caps but to all caps equally

The wide reaching cap idea:

Caps for factions stay as they are. open use. to avoid complaints of ranks, perhaps factions could be a bit more open about that. for example: "You can bring your indie capship into the faction, but you have to create a fighter and bomber as well. (Here is the carrot to join official factions.)

Caps for indies are SRP'd. now this is a two part idea:

Part 1: Indies can SRP caps at the same requirements that SRPs require now.


Part 2: Indies get the backing of the official faction (where there are 2+ officials, only the ok of 1 would be required). the requirements for the SRP can then be lessened (price, RP etc) for the 'sponsored' indie.

Now this idea can be equally applied to all caps, regardless of faction.

No, this is not an attempt to give op power to factions. This could actually fix two problems:

1. factions struggling to recruit
2. the general cap problem when it comes to indies (and yes, there is a problem.)

This thread is for discussion only
I ask that the mods remove any posts that are offtopic. So no QQ, no discussing of other things, etc etc.

RE: General Cap Ship idea - Connor - 01-20-2014

I'm in favour of part two, but not part one

RE: General Cap Ship idea - Remnant - 01-20-2014

Honestly, i'm in favor of the second idea. That's just personal views on how things will work out.

But practically, i'm afraid such an idea wouldn't be able to work really. First of all, implementing such a thing would put some strain on the Administrators who look over the SRP's, i'm sure there would be a major increase in ones they receive there.

Secondly, I don't think the players would like it too much. Good for the community? Sure! Although I don't think it woudl be taken too well.

RE: General Cap Ship idea - Arioch - 01-20-2014

As requested, this thread will be monitored, and any Q-Q/non-constructive feedback will be removed.

With that said, I'm on the fence about this. While giving official factions more incentive to join, you have unofficial factions like say the SFC, who primarily are a cap faction. They are not official, but have had a presence long enough to be recognized by the [LN] and others. What would happen to them? Would all their caps be taken away, and billions be spent so the members can get their caps back?

It's a fine line to cross, as many "indies" do a wonderful job with the ships and RP. While there are the many who just want a shiny cap to PVP without any regard to the RP behind it, there are many who deserve such and can back it up with RP.

So, i'm on both sides of the coin. Giving officials factions more toys so to speak, or restricting specific things to them, is an idea I support. But on the flip side, you don't want to hinder new players or others who don't want to join an official faction.

RE: General Cap Ship idea - Slavik - 01-20-2014

I would love to see part 2 happening although I fear that it is far beyond that point now. The choice has been made a long time ago and alteration of these rules would lead to the server dying in an even more rapid place.

However, if this would be implemented I fear that it would actually create more elitisme of official factions. OORP grudges are plentyfull unfortunatly and this would be no different if you have to go ask a faction if they would approve your capship.

RE: General Cap Ship idea - Sabru - 01-20-2014

for cases like the SFC|, the idea would be for permission to be granted immediately and at no cost.

If they've already proven themselves, they wouldnt need to prove themselves again.

RE: General Cap Ship idea - Sabru - 01-20-2014

Slavik, that is why part one is there. to give an option to indies.

they can choose which to go with.

thats why the whole idea would only really work properly with both parts.

RE: General Cap Ship idea - Mímir - 01-20-2014

1) I can see some merit to an SRP system, but just being a member of a faction won't improve the quality of roleplay automatically. If the intent is to improve quality of roleplay regarding capital ships, factions should apply for SRP the same way as indies - if the intent is to make factions more attractive to join, I think that should be done separately rather than mixing the two. It also shows your willingness to sacrifice something to achieve what you as a faction player find an improvement to this server, and that counts. If we assume that faction players are truly superior roleplayers then naturally they will have a higher SRP approval rating so the end result should be a higher official-to-indie capital ship ratio (if the assumption is correct).

2) What if the parent official faction doesn't care for caps and such and would prefer to see as few as possible around, should the caps then be withheld from the players who actually have fun flying them? What's the point?

RE: General Cap Ship idea - Sabru - 01-20-2014

(01-20-2014, 11:16 PM)Mímir Wrote: 1) I can see some merit to an SRP system, but just being a member of a faction won't improve the quality of roleplay automatically. If the intent is to improve quality of roleplay regarding capital ships, factions should apply for SRP the same way as indies - if the intent is to make factions more attractive to join, I think that should be done separately rather than mixing the two. It also shows your willingness to sacrifice something to achieve what you as a faction player find an improvement to this server, and that counts. If we assume that faction players are truly superior roleplayers then naturally they will have a higher SRP approval rating so the end result should be a higher official-to-indie capital ship ratio (if the assumption is correct). Why couldnt one idea solve two problems? and no, i dont think that being a faction member automatically improves RP quality.

2) What if the parent official faction doesn't care for caps and such and would prefer to see as few as possible around, should the caps then be withheld from the players who actually have fun flying them? What's the point? No. the faction wouldnt have the ultimate say on caps. again, hence why part one is there. this wouldnt give factions the power to deny caps to indies. Indies could still SRP caps without the support of the parent faction.

RE: General Cap Ship idea - Mímir - 01-20-2014

1) Then I think it would be more legit to put faction players under the exact same scrutiny, if nothing else than to stomp out any accusations of hypocrisy and unfair preferential treatment.

2) Imagine this thought up scenario: Bretonia official factions have a like for capital ships and back a lot of their indies to get them. Gallia official factions hate capital ships and would prefer nobody flies them, no indies gets backed. Logically that would lead to a higher number of Bretonian caps than Gallic, even though roleplay lore says it is the other way round - factions could also have different standards, someone could get backed in one house but not the other. In other words, I don't really think factions are the proper institution to have a say in this sort of thing (if "better" roleplay is the objective).