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to: House of Bretonia & Bretonian Corporations -||- An Offer for Omega 9 Cooperation - Printable Version

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to: House of Bretonia & Bretonian Corporations -||- An Offer for Omega 9 Cooperation - Jack_Henderson - 01-22-2014

[Image: stephen.png]

**** SENDER: The Guildmasters of the Independent Miners Guild ****

**** TO: Leaders of the House of Bretonia and Her Corporations ****

[Image: ImgLogoSmall.png]

Honourable Sirs and Madams,

I am sure your have been informed about the IMG's actions in Omega 9 and I hope you have also received the invitations included in the statement.

This communication is aimed at clarifying and explaining some of the background aspects and hopefully to draw the outline of a cooperation between Bretonia and the Guild in Omega 9.

The Background:

After Omega 9 was discovered, regional mining corporations showed interest. With connections from Omega 7 and Omega 3, Rheinland's corporations immediately jumped in on the possible opportunities.

When Rheinland restricted the IMG's access to Omega 9 from Omega 7 on the basis of the jumphole location inside DHC space (read only access to Message #5), it became clear that Rheinland was again on a territorial, imperialistic quest for power and resources. Having our right to move freely in Omega 7 restricted came as the last straw of a long history of harassment and forced the Guild to react.

The restriction of access could only mean one thing: Rheinland was trying to establish another corporation owned system like today's Omega 11. This is a system that is totally claimed and controlled by DHC. The Independent Miners Guild would not let another of Rheinland's expansions happen.

After the claim, DHC immediately responded by denouncing the claim and - more importantly - restricting travelling access between Omega 3 and Omega 9, on the basis that the jumphole is located in DHC space. (read only access to Message #7) The Guild takes this move as positive proof that DHC is still pushing forward to secure Omega 9 as a Rheinland province.

The IMG will not accept any travelling restriction put up by a Rheinland corporation operating in Bretonian space. In the IMG's opinion, they are exceeding their legal rights granted by Article 4.1 in the Treaty of Snowdown massively by restricting passage by means of a jumphole that is primarily located in Bretonian space.

The Offer:

The Guild would like to invite the House of Bretonia and its corporations into the Omega 9 endeavor. The Guild is more than willing to assist the House of Bretonia and their corporations in Omega 9, e.g. by providing communicational services, infrastructure, surveying data, assistance in securing docking permission on Freeport 101, etc.

The Future:

The IMG hopes that Rheinland's and especially DHC's thinly veiled plans to take over yet another system fails and that the Guild can establish a mining operation there in case minable resources are located in the prospection efforts.

Believe it or not: After decades of harassment and increasing restriction on the Guild's rights in Rheinland, this has become more than a struggle for some potential resources. It has become a fight for freedom.

The Guild is looking forward to the replies and I am happy to answer further questions on the subject matter.

Yours sincerely

Stephen Schwerdtfeger

[Image: end.png]


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RE: to: House of Bretonia & Bretonian Corporations -||- An Offer for Omega 9 Cooperation - Slavik - 01-23-2014

[Image: RZYJB.png]

Goodevening mister Schwerdtfeger,

Bowex choses not to make any official announcements on this matter. We are urging the Bretonian cabinet to find a diplomatic situation similar to the ones that were found in the previous omega treaties.

Should the governement choose to make claims for omega 9 however, we will support this venture at the best of our abilities.

Kind Regards,
Richard Farbridge, OBE
Bowex EXSEC director

RE: An Offer for Omega 9 Cooperation - Highland Laddie - 01-24-2014

::Incoming Transmission::
Source: Oceana Shipping Platform, Cortez System

[Image: th?id=H.4842959123254292&pid=15.1]

Hello Mr. Swer....degerrefeherrdygerty... sir.

In response to your transmission regarding the Omega-9 system, as Chairman of the Board, I wish to inform you that the current official position of Gateway is we are more than happy to assist our friends and close partners in the Independent Miners Guild with the transportation of goods and supplies in and out of the system as per customer demand.

As far as anyone's claims are concerned, that is a matter outside of our business and control. We are a shipping company, sir. Our primary business is shipping, not mining. We will, of course, be happy to provide security and escorts to ensure the safety of transports against piracy. As for staking claims, I believe you have your own...ships... for such necessities.

Stuart out.

[Image: th?id=H.4852940627445663&pid=15.1]

RE: - Thunderer - 02-12-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: Guildmaster Stephen Schwerdtfeger
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Ark Royal, Newcastle System
Subject: Reply

[Image: eaps.png]
"Greetings, respected guildmaster of the Independent Miners' Guild.
I am Admiral George Richard Hall, in service of Her Royal and Imperial Majesty, Carina I, by the Grace of her Forebears, Sovereign of the Realm of Greater Bretonia, Empress of Tau, of the Kingdom of the Near Omegas and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Protector of the Independent Worlds of Magellan and Cortez, Defender of Justice, Head of the Order of the Bretonian Empire.
I am sorry for the delay. The BMM seems to be busy with something else, but the Armed Forces won't hide Bretonia's interest for Omega-9.
We can confirm some of your claims. But what I need to know first is how would Bretonia benefit from that. For example, you have claimed the area around Omega-3 jump hole and Ardennen field, exactly what I found most suitable for Bretonia. Would you mind leaving those areas for us, since there is plenty of space in the south-east of Omega-9, which seems to currently be too far for Bretonia to grasp? To summarize, I would like to claim, in the name of Bretonia of course, a 10K wide corridor from Omega-3 to Ardennen field, the Ardennen field itself, and the unnamed asteroid field on its south. The IMG is free to claim everything else. Does that seem acceptable?"

- Message Over -

to: House of Bretonia & Bretonian Corporations -||- An Offer for Omega 9 Cooperation - Jack_Henderson - 02-12-2014

[Image: jack.png]

**** SENDER: Jack Henderson, IMG Operations ****

**** TO: Admiral George Richard Hall ****

[Image: ImgLogoSmall.png]

Honourable Admiral George Richard Hall,

Guildmaster Schwerdtfeger has placed operational diplomatic detail in my hands, after having established initial contact. My name is Jack Henderson, and I am sure that we will be able to find a compromise that is satisfying for Bretonia as well as the Independent Miners Guild.

For easy referencing, I put the old map right here, so we can discuss geographical details without a risk of miscommuncation and include a new draft further below.

[Image: 6z0t.png]

An IMG designer made this draft to reflect the changes, as they were understood by the IMG. Please confirm whether this is what you had in mind, Admiral.

[Image: wbvz.png]

I. Ardennen Field: The IMG sees no problem with ceding Ardennen field to the House of Bretonia and supporting Bretonia's claim to it.

II. B-2-S Field: The IMG sees no problem with accepting and supporting a Bretonian claim of the field south of the Ardennen field, from now on referred to as Bretonia-2-South (short: B-2-S) until you have come up with an appropriate name.

III. Freedom of Movement: The IMG sees no problem with the connection corridor, as the IMG's claim is not about territory and power over that territory, but only focusses on resources that are located there. Therefore passage inside the IMG sector is completely unrestricted.

In return for these cedings of territories, the Guild asks for the following:

I. Guaranteed O9 Access: A guarantee of free access to Omega 9 from Omega 3 via the jumphole in Ross Asteroid field for the IMG.

II. Sanctions for Restricting O9 access: A clear message to DHC that they have no right to police traffic, and that any attempts to restrict traffic to Omega 9 will be met with sanctions by the House of Bretonia.

III. Acceptance and Support of IMG claims: Acceptance and support of the IMG claims and interests in Omega 9, which would encompass the Eiffel and the Kaiserstuhl Field, as well as the claim to the resources found in the blue area of the Laacher Lake Nebula.

In addition, the IMG could think of drafting a Mutual Assistance Treaty for Omega 9, aiming at providing stability and maintaining influence in the region, if this is in the interest of Bretonia.

I am waiting for your reply, Admiral.

Yours sincerely

Jack Henderson
IMG Operations

[Image: end.png]


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RE: - Thunderer - 02-13-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: Mister Handerson, Jack, IMG Operations
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Ark Royal, Newcastle System
Subject: Reply

[Image: eaps.png]
"Salutations, respected Mister Handerson.
I would like to say that the draft fits Bretonia's requests and that Bretonia agrees with all three of your requests.
I would also, however, like to add to number three that Bretonia can't aid you militarily in case Rheinland disagrees with your claims, or any faction allied or friendly with Bretonia. I hope you understand that our trade with Rheinland is very profitable. Besides that, Bretonia already has a great war to fight, and quite a bloody one as well.
So, are our conditions acceptable for you?"

- Message Over -

to: House of Bretonia & Bretonian Corporations -||- An Offer for Omega 9 Cooperation - Jack_Henderson - 02-13-2014

[Image: jack.png]

**** SENDER: Jack Henderson, IMG Operations ****

**** TO: Admiral George Richard Hall ****

[Image: ImgLogoSmall.png]

Honourable Admiral George Richard Hall,

Thank you for your fast answer and for accepting the three articles of the IMG's proposal. This is a big step in a cooperative endeavour in Omega 9.

It would have been too good to assume that Bretonia would support the IMG's claims in case we get into trouble with Rheinland - something that is not unlikely at some point. I understand the strategic placement of the Bretonian claim far away from potential Rheinland claims launched from Omega 7. This makes sense from a geo-political point of view.

Given that the Guild would have to face Rheinland's pressure alone, we have to take precuations in order not to lose our influence in Omega 9. Therefore I need a security clause in our deal, just in case things go really bad - which we both hope will never happen.

IV. Security Clause: In the unlikely case that the IMG loses both the Eiffel and Kaiserstuhl field to Rheinland intervention, Bretonia automatically grants the Guild shared access to the Ardennen field, which would be exploited by Bretonian and Guild vessels cooperatively.

If this amendment is acceptable to you, the Guild and Bretonia would share a common interest in preserving each others' influence in the region and - even though you stress the trade relationships with Rheinland for political correctness reasons - I am sure Bretiona prefers keeping Rheinland's imperialism and expansion in check, when speaking off the record.

The Guild can offer one more thing, as you mentioned the Great War Bretonia is fighting. The IMG can do their part in Omega 9 and take over security operations, so that Bretonian forces are not needed in big numbers. The Guild is capable to fend off pirate raids and Corsair incursions by transferring experienced Tau Defense personel, that can face the Corsair and Wilde threat that has been identified so far.

Thank about the offer, Admiral. Call me back.

Yours sincerely

Jack Henderson
IMG Operations

[Image: end.png]


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RE: - Thunderer - 02-13-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: Mister Handerson, Jack, IMG Operations
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Ark Royal, Newcastle System
Subject: Reply

[Image: eaps.png]
"Good evening, Mister Handerson.
Your offer seems to be satisfactory. I agree.
I believe my part of work here is done, so I should waste no more time. The front needs me. Farewell until our next meeting, if fortune allows it. And good luck!"

- Message Over -

RE: to: House of Bretonia & Bretonian Corporations -||- An Offer for Omega 9 Cooperation - Jack_Henderson - 02-14-2014

[Image: jack.png]

**** SENDER: Jack Henderson, IMG Operations ****

**** TO: Admiral George Richard Hall ****

[Image: ImgLogoSmall.png]

Honourable Admiral George Richard Hall,

It has been a pleasure discussing Omega 9 politics with you. I am convinced that we have found an agreement that is conducive not only to our combined Omega 9 efforts, but also to Bretonian-IMG relations in general.

However, I will no longer keep you from your duties and wish you only the best of luck in your battle against the Gallic oppressor.

Yours sincerely

Jack Henderson
IMG Operations

[Image: end.png]


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to: House of Bretonia & Bretonian Corporations -||- An Offer for Omega 9 Cooperation - Jack_Henderson - 02-24-2014

[Image: jack.png]

**** SENDER: Jack Henderson, IMG Operations ****

**** TO: Admiral George Richard Hall ****

[Image: ImgLogoSmall.png]

Honourable Admiral George Richard Hall,

this is Jack Henderson calling again to talk about further steps in the Omega 9 endeavour. Our cooperative operations in Omega 9 have proven beyond doubt that we are operating in an extremely difficult environment.

The Battlecruiser Biscayne Bay is still in the drydocks after it was damaged by the Corsair strikefleet that ambushed us, and I assume that the same is true for some of your vessels.

Losses - at least on the Guild's side - have been considerable, I'll not even try to deny that. I assume the Bretonian Navy shares this assessment of the situation, when I go over the mission reports that I have in front of me and judging from what I experienced on board of the Biscayne Bay.

Looking at the combat reports, however, our enemies have been hit grievously, too, but they have shown a determination to oppose our plans and have proven to be willing to make a stand for it.

I would like to discuss a joint strategy of how to operate in the volatile region successfully, sustainably and safely to secure our interests while not draining our ressources overly.

Warship use has been proven to be extremely hard in the Laacher Lake Nebula. Scanner ranges of less than 6k and nearly no visual range (less than 1k) renders capital warships next to useless. The Biscayne Bay - a Sagarmantha Battlecruiser Class - could only successfully engage the Corsair Cruisers at point-blank range at an extreme risk. Only the presence of another Sagarmartha and a BAF Destroyer class vessel enabled us to beat the assailants.

[Image: o9_sairs9.png]

Furthermore fleet coordiation inside the nebula is extremely hard, as proven in the last engagement when the Corsair warship fleet ambushed us and our forces were too scattered to effectively support each other.

The IMG has concluded to restrict warship use as far as possible to the clear patches of Omega 9 to reduce the dangers of being ambushed with little time to prepare. IMG Security Assessment Group for O9 has concluded that light wings consisting of fighters, with bombers on standby are best suited to deal with the threats we have seen so far.

I would be interested in your conclusions about the military presence and how to exercise our power and stabilize our influence and presence in the system without letting our enemies draw us into a murderous and costly fights in the nebulas. A strategy is definitely necessary and a joint one can only be in our common best interest.

Moreover, the IMG would like to point out that despite the neutrality agreements between Outcast and Bretonia (as seen in the 101st engagement), it is a fact that the Outcast operate together with Rheinland Wilde, Kusari Isejin and Khara. Alien or alien-infected forces. Your men were there to see them. The Guild respects your diplomacy, however I feel that I should point out that they are cooperating with the terrible enemy of humanity and that the IMG will not in any way spare them, nor their allies.

Besides, the Omega 55 region is treacherous. The IMG has chased Wilde forces into Omega 55 and has discovered what looked like wrecks or installations, even though the guncam shots are distorted by radiation and by intense enemy fire and presence in the nebulas. We have to assume that there is some kind of staging area in Omega 55, which would explain the frequency of attacks against our patrols and also the strength and interest of the Order in the system on Cameron Solar Port.

It is questionable whether reconnaissance is a feasible option, and I would like to know your opinion on it.

I am curious to what conclusions the Bretonian Armed Forces have come after gathering first-hand experience in Omega 9 and I am looking forward to hearing your opinion.

Yours sincerely

Jack Henderson
IMG Operations

[Image: end.png]


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