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To: Général Lucie LeBlanc - Printable Version

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To: Général Lucie LeBlanc - LunaticOnTheGrass - 01-27-2014

- Incoming Transmission -
Comm ID: Lieutenant Daniel Nielsen
Location: Battleship Oubli, Leeds

Yo, Cap.

I gotta favor to ask. See, me an' Camille-- You know Camille, th' Seuss-Lieutenant-- We started strikin' supply lines. Old Rogue tactic back durin' th' Padua-Buffalo war 'a 780 AS. If th'Brets are just gonna hide in their bunkers, we can make sure we starve 'em there too.

So anyway, I got a sweet idea. You know those shuttle-transport-things with all the armor and wasted foreward firepower? Gimme command 'a one 'a those an' I'll shut down th'Bret's supply lines so hard that th'King himself'll shed a single solitary tear.

I jus' need a crew that'll listen to my directions an' enough firepower onboard one 'a those things an' I'll be a one-ship embargo. Up t'you, Cap.

- Transmission End -

RE: To: Général Lucie LeBlanc - Omi - 01-28-2014


[Image: Mer5R7O.png][Image: FnyxaMt.png]
ID: Général Lucie LeBlanc, Duchesse de Maine, Marine Royale Gauloise

Oh, look, it's one of Ansel's Légion pets.

I had to feed your transmission through a military-grade translator and several decryption algorithms before I could make any sense of it whatsoever. Next time, you shall send a request in writing, or speak clearly and in understandable speech, so that you may avoid wasting my time.

From what I can make out, you want to requisition a Taureau, ostensibly for the purposes of raiding Bretonian supply transports, and not as a diplomatic shuttle or part of the logistics corps.

Fortunately for you, judging by your record, I do actually believe that you have the 'unique skillset' required for such work. It must seem much easier shooting near-defenseless little transports rather than trained military pilots, mustn't it? Try not to tear up from nostalgia as you rip open another cargo bay to pillage the supplies within.

As for a crew, you'll have no need to worry. I've already taken great pleasure in selecting a few of the Légions lowest-ranked 'elements' and assigning them to their new post. I'm led to believe they have 'experience' in similar areas of work, as well, so you should get along very well indeed.

You'll find your new vessel being welded back together in the Leeds Spaceport. It was recently sheared almost in half by a mortar hit, you see, but I'm told that everything vital has been at least mostly repaired. The dockmaster will be expecting you.

I'll be expecting to see results, Nielsen.

In service to the Crown,

[Image: aAOOUsW.png]