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To: The Order - Printable Version

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To: The Order - The Brotherhood - 01-29-2014

[Image: Flarealtcopy.png]

Let me make this very clear, you are not a cop, If you wish to attack aliens at the omegas, you inform us prior to the attack. Any capital ship in your disposal is subjected to our approval. You can play your little war-game at the northern grids of the omicrons if you don't like it si?. Dont fool yourself with us, and doing whatever it is that you are doing without our knowledge is strictly insulting and ilegal to our standrads. The next time we spot anything remotely to you, without our consent, bad, mucho bad things will happen. This does not include the fact that a few of our smugglers have been arrested, by your agents - throughout the years - We won't be silent again.

We expect an apology, and your understanding of your actions.
Remember who is in charge.

Hasta la vista,
la dignidad, el honor, el orgullo.

RE: To: The Order - Mercarryn - 01-29-2014

[Image: 141header.png]

<<<Incoming Transmission>>>
<<<ID: Agent #5, the one and only
<<<Location: Unknown>>>
<<<Opening Containing Files>>>
<<<Encryption: Very High>>>

[Image: MIB-3-Will-Smith-1-580x320.png]

Now look what the cat dragged into the house. Howdy Corsairs!
How are you bunch doing? Well, it's really nice that you give us some sign of
life. Really, with all the miners, Guild Core and now aliens around,
one might wonder if the corsairs have gone to take a nap.

But hey, good to know the are still aroud and kicking.

Okay, back to business...

[Image: meninblack3-530.jpg]

So, you guys want to tell the order how we should do our job? Eh. That must be a
joke, right? I mean, it's not like we tell you how to pirate, so I suggest you
start to use your brain again and think about what you just tried to tell us. Okay?

If you lazy guys took care of your front garden as you always brag about,
there was no need for us to clean up that alien mess in Omegas.

Ah, I could go on ranting at you folks, but I should perhaps leave a bit to those
higher ups.

Oh, one more thing: The word you were for sure looking for when sending that
message was "PLEASE".

Well, nice to have heard from 'ya

#5 over and out!

[Image: End.png]

RE: To: The Order - The Brotherhood - 01-29-2014

[Image: Flarealtcopy.png]

Fools, you had one chance out of many and you make a mockery out of us? This will not go quiet, This is a line you don't want to step on.

Hasta la vista,
la dignidad, el honor, el orgullo.


RE: To: The Order - Omicron - 01-29-2014

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]
Comm ID: The Order Overwatch

Whoever you are.

At first, you forgot to submit your own name... Second, you are not in charge over here. Third, you have sent this message to ENTIRE Order, thus received message from our "Agent #5". As you appear to be currently unable to speak on behalf of your nation I suggest you the following. Send some Benitez elder as I will not waste any more time with someone who clearly pushes Corsair empire into extinction by attempting to create another frontline close to your own homeworld. Making yourself unnecesary enemies is foolish act, when there are other options.

For Toledo. Admiral Golanski out.

RE: To: The Order - Noraim - 01-29-2014

----[Incoming Transmission]----

[Image: gf7qTp9.png]

Greetings to whomever this message reaches. Allow me to make things clear, I don't make a habbit out of re-opening old wounds, or in this case, new ones, but while we're on the subject:

First - As the Overwatch already specified, you do not need to make more unnecesary enemies.

Second - You should sincerely drop the habbit of barking at those that come to your land to aid.
Not a week has past since a pestering Outcast strikeforce was laying siege to everything moving at your front door. I was amongst the few that mustered either the time, motivation or courage to face them, fighting side by side with a few of your comrades out of pure friendship to the relations between our two factions.

If this is how you wish to thank us, then so be it. High Command will decide upon the reply.

----[Ending Transmission]----

RE: To: The Order - 7AlphaOne1 - 01-29-2014

Incoming transmission:

From : O'Rhu diplomat Harrison Ambler


So, how are you guys doing at crete? still starvin? well, I would say a lot, but for now only 3 things should suffice:

1. You dont rule the omegas or empiro del corsairo, so you bloody hell well shut up. even a child could say this

2. Listen to the overwatch. you should have understood by now

3. last and the most important, try to feed the kids back at crete instead of putting up rules you cant even enforce

ciao, crazy braggin corsair

comms disconnected.........

RE: To: The Order - The Brotherhood - 01-29-2014

[Image: Flarealtcopy.png]

Ill let you all into a little secret, this aint a fieldtrip nor its a good will gesture. If you want to keep operating at the omegas, you'll have to agree to our terms, this includes

Omicron-gamma is off limits
Omegas are our turf, You are a guest to us, act like a guest and be polite.
Our smuggling operations to liberty should NOT be interrupted.
Any fleet, that includes five to six spacecrafts must be known to us before they embark a journey.

If you do not agree to these terms, we have a problem.

Hasta la vista,
la dignidad, el honor, el orgullo.

RE: To: The Order - 7AlphaOne1 - 01-29-2014

Incoming transmission:

From : O'Rhu diplomat Harrison Ambler


Dear crazy corsair,

If you do NOT understand,

1. We are NOT interested in attacking your precious little planet

2. By smuggling artifacts, you are bringing on more starvation(hint: creds wont help you if nomads have made you weak enough, so , you become marionettes on a string)

3. I dont think that Zoners, Hessians, IMG, daumann, Kruger, Rheinland Military, Bretonian Armed forces etc....... agree to your claims. If you want them to, why not try occupying omega 11 or omega 7 or summat?

4. Not as if you can attack and destroy our spacecraft that easily. I dont think your shipline has that much power or your pilots have that much skill.

5. You are not our allies anymore, and neither are we dependant on you.

6. The Order is ready to purge human threats in case they are directly or indirectly, intentionaly or unintentionally shielding aliens.

7. If you feel soooooo powerful, why waste time in bars?why not go invade malta?

thats all for now,


comms disconnected.....

RE: To: The Order - Jack_Henderson - 01-29-2014


**** SENDER: Arcelia Chavez ****

**** SIGNAL STRENGTH: 89 % ****

**** CONTACT: Order Bigmouths ****

**** ENCRYPTION LEVEL: Private Communication Encryption *****

[Image: arcelia_chavez.jpg]


Hola, Order pilots who are looking for trouble.

You think you can answer the Corsair Elders like some of you did?
You cannot.
You should not.

Before you come out of your hideouts to mock the Corsair nation, may I direct your view to you own front lawn problems? Si? How about... Toledo. How many people died there? Don't you have anything else to do, like... finishing the KIA lists on your memorials before you focus on our problems?

I will be out there, looking for you.
Deeds have always been more effective than words.
So, to those Order bigmouths: Watch your backs.

Arcelia Chavez
Chavez Clan
The Brotherhood


RE: To: The Order - 141 High Command - 01-29-2014

[Image: 9mMXlGF.png]
Commander Davids hier.

All Order agents, diconnect from this frequency. The Overwatch will take care of

So, to that unknown Corsair, who ever you are. How about you introduce yourself
first, before you try to talk to us? I am used to deal with corsairs that actually
have the grit instead of lurking in the shadows.

Anyway, although I can understand that the Corsair nation is ein bit...annoyed
by our little operaton within the Omegas, it is necessary. And with little
I mean an operation that does not need a gottverdammt capital fleet.
Really, what let's you think the Order would do such?

Besides, unknown corsair, do you want to tell me that the corsairs rather
want to have a new Wilde infection in their territory than accepting
help from a former ally who knows quite a bite more about it?
I cannot believe this actually.

Well, as Admiral Golanski said, the Order wants to speak openly with a
Corsair Elder, anything else will be treated as if a normal corsair pilot
would complain to us.

[Image: BXa9KxM.png]