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Serious Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Printable Version

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Serious Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Birdtalon - 01-30-2014

I think we all know the current opinions on the recent changes to the Discovery Mod so I have come up with some reasonable and easy to implement suggestions as to how we can improve the mod.
  • Giant Floating Space Animals
  • Nerf all scanner ranges to 100m
  • Remove Liberty from the game
  • Make all engines bright pink
  • Allow bombers to mount battly ship guns and buff their power plants
  • Battly Ships should be cheaper than bombers
  • Zoners
  • zoners
  • z0n3rs
  • Bring back jumptrade

That is all.

Feel free to suggest more.


RE: Serious Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Omi - 01-30-2014


RE: Serious Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Kampanom - 01-30-2014

These sound like good ideas...

RE: Serious Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Mephistoles - 01-30-2014

This is "seriously" the worst thread I've ever seen.

It's obviously the Omicrons that need to be deleted.

RE: Serious Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Narcotic - 01-30-2014

remove suggestions/opinions

RE: Serious Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Fifty. - 01-30-2014

remove narcotic

RE: Serious Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Narcotic - 01-30-2014

remove remove

RE: Floodish Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Tyler - 01-30-2014

Remove any moderator/admin/developer/player-who-loves-bad-decisions and who prefer to keep sticking their heads in the sand (or each others.. well, you know what) from the community.

#removegallia #removepobs #morefurries #lessrp #deleterp #factionrights #playerdrivenstoryline

[Edit] #removeIND #OPtradingID #norpind

[Edit][Edit] #stablebeta #stable #nolagexists #becausestable

[Edit][Edit][Edit] #lovenerfs #lovepobs #lovedisco #lovedevs

[Edit][Edit][Edit][Edit] #altejagoforadmin

RE: Floodish Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Sabru - 01-30-2014

(01-30-2014, 01:13 AM)Omicega Wrote:

RE: Floodish Request to the Devoflopmant T34M - Vaktus - 01-30-2014

I believe we've reached the point where insanity is the only appropriate course of action....

EDIT: On second thoughts, that may have been quite a while ago..