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Need feedback regarding pvp rules - Printable Version

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Need feedback regarding pvp rules - camsarria - 01-30-2014

Good evening,

I was pirating my own business when i met a fellow on a trader, i expressed my intentions and requested 2 million credits, the other guy just ran not even replying once.

I killed him and afterwards i noticed he was lvl 32.

I was inactive for a year but i remember there was a rule that stated we could not pvp with players below a certain level.

I consulted the rules and could not find such rule.

Is there a rule that limits pvp below a lvl and if so, what lvl is it?

If i somehow killed a guy below the level allowed i want to apologise for that as i only noticed he was 32 after i killed him, and if so, im willing to reinburse the player for the lost trading run.

Best regards


RE: Need feedback regarding pvp rules - mwerte - 01-30-2014

(02-04-2007, 02:33 PM)Igiss Wrote:
5. Characters of level 29 and below or ships using a Recruit ID may not be attacked unless they:
  • Attack first by draining the shield down to 50% or firing a cruise disruptor.
  • Are at the scene of a battle and refuse to leave when told to leave.
  • Take an active part in a roleplay interaction.
  • Possess a codename (Class 9) weapon.
  • Attack a player base.

RE: Need feedback regarding pvp rules - Echo 7-7 - 01-30-2014

Server Rules Wrote:Characters of level 29 and below or ships using a Recruit ID may not be attacked unless they:

Attack first by draining the shield down to 50% or firing a cruise disruptor.
Are at the scene of a battle and refuse to leave when told to leave.
Take an active part in a roleplay interaction.
Possess a codename (Class 9) weapon.
Attack a player base.

Everything seems fine here.

Edit: Damn ninjas.

and with proper formatting and attribution, WIN! -mwerte

RE: Need feedback regarding pvp rules - Ponge - 01-30-2014
Rule no. 5:

Characters of level 29 and below or ships using a Recruit ID may not be attacked unless they:
Attack first by draining the shield down to 50% or firing a cruise disruptor.
Are at the scene of a battle and refuse to leave when told to leave.
Take an active part in a roleplay interaction.
Possess a codename (Class 9) weapon.
Attack a player base.

RE: Need feedback regarding pvp rules - camsarria - 01-30-2014

Allright; thanks for the feedback peeps

RE: Need feedback regarding pvp rules - Thargoid - 01-30-2014

Doubtful he even had 2 million if he was level 32, you should be a little more reasonable with your demands next time.

Average freighter size: 500, decent commodity sell price: 2500, so cargo value around 1.25 million, you pirated him for more than that, 500k would have been fine.

I don't even pirate players for cash if they're under 40, I order them to stop, if they do, they can leave. If not I pew them to teach them a lesson.

RE: Need feedback regarding pvp rules - camsarria - 01-30-2014

Totally agree mate; i need to be more carefull with that in the future

RE: Need feedback regarding pvp rules - Bulldog. - 01-30-2014

But to be fair he did only see afterwards he was just lvl32..Its always the problem with runners :/