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Imperial Party of Rheinland [Voting Information] - Tabris - 02-02-2014

[Image: 2nvdts5.jpg]

Imperial Party of Rheinland

The end of the Imperial Throne of Rheinland, a day that was supposed to bring hope to the people of the new Federal Republic,
but instead only started a path of woe and decay that the great House of Rheinland has only started to pull itself out of. Economic woes plague our glorious nation, war threatens our borders and terrorism is at it's highest. The Bundschuh, who you trusted to lead a former empire led all who followed astray with promises of 'restoring the economy' and 'making all men equal', yet it's hundreds of years later, promises were unkept, jobs lost, people suffering.

There is another path, a path that does not involve returning to those who have lied time and time again to citizens in the name of 'The Republic'.

The Imperial Party of Rheinland puts focus not on the Bretonian seeking to pry their way into the Federal Coffers nor on the Libertonian seeking to dominate the markets in monopolies that destroy nations. You, the hard-working man who suffered under the Bundschuh's influence and inept leadership. The Imperial Party follows the three fundamentals for a strong House.


Any man knows that without a firm hold on one's mind can lead to rash choices, if it be in war or peace. It can be the difference between a victory over Terrorist Raiders ,corporate executives ensuring Economic strength over foreign competition and a diplomat ensuring peace in our time or the destruction of our livelihood, the collapse of industry or the breakdown of negotiations due to a hot temper.


The Rhienlander is a hardy individual, able to weather what life throws at it be it chilling rains, barbaric invasions from abroad or even a stout Rheinbier trying to put you under the table during Oktoberfest. The Imperial Party is the same, able to weather
all these alongside it's fellow citizens. And when the sun comes out, preparing the House for any further storms that come it's way.


The Final fundamental is the greatest of all for the Rheinlander, to face whatever foe stands between him and his final goal. Ranging from the brave Military Pilot defending a civilian from Corsair raiders to the Corporate Leader boldly staking a new
claim in the face of danger from the elements and foreign interests for the sake of strengthening the Fatherland

[Image: I8KEt0D.png]

The Party's Goals:

- Restore the Imperial Throne removed by 'Social-Democratic' traitors of the state: The Bundschuh

- Ensure Rheinlandic dominance in the Omega Systems for future economic expansion.

- Ensure friendly relations with the House of Kusari are maintained and economic freedoms between the houses expanded.


Membership into the Imperial Party of Rheinland is open to all Rheinland Citizens at the age of voting. Vote Imperial, Vote for the Future of Rheinland!

* Party Members are encouraged to if physically able to enlist in either a Rheinlandic Corporation, the noble Federal Police or the Military to show patriotic pride.

RE: Imperial Party of Rheinland [Voting Information] - Tabris - 02-02-2014

Rheinland News Network: Just In!

"This is Reinland News Network, I am Jorg Hoch, reporting from New Berlin's newest addition to the Bundestag, the Imperial Party of Rheinland's new office structure located in Bavaria District, the party recently announced when descendant of former Emperor Albrecht Friedmann announced he was going to be running under a new party to restore the Imperial Throne. We are currently outside waiting for Joachim Friedmann, the Party Leader, to come out for a speech, from the looks of it crowds of supporters and other reporters are here from all over Rheinland are also waiting for the Prince to- oh wait viewers, Prince Friedmann has just arrived and is beginning his speech."

"My fellow Rheinlanders, Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters of our great house. Many years ago the Empire of Rheinland collapsed, the so-called 'Populists' under the control of the now state-criminal organization 'Bundschuh' overthrew the Government and forced my ancestor to submit under terroristic demands to step down and allow those who claimed to have the best interests of the people take control. It is now 821 A.S. ...Yet these same people who claimed to love the House of Rheinland allowed it to fall into near-economic failure despite promises to 'turn it around', took away our pride as a House by submitting to foreign powers in a bid to maintain their control but worst of all these 'Social-Democrates' allowed the once industrious Rheinland, a house reknown for it's prowess in ship-building to decay and it's citizens to live in fear at to what horrors lay in store for them next...

Citizens, these so-called 'defenders of liberty' stole our pride, our honor and our self-respect as a House. I intend to rectify these outstanding issues that have gone on for far too long, the failure of the Bundschuh to keep their promises and enabling of Terroristic forces has made it clear that the Republic-Model of government has no place in Rheinland, firm and steady hands are required to guide our House into the future, to ensure that citizens nolonger live in terror at what goes 'bump' in the darkness of space. With your help the Imperial Party of Rheinland intends to restore our courage, our pride and self-respect, we must unite and stand firm against what these Bundschuh Terrorists have wrought with their inept hands, these Libertonian Invaders allowed by said Bundschuh to invade our House, Hessian Terrorists controlled by them, economic crisis ignored in favor of 'Social Reforms'. As such the Imperial Party of Rheinland has regristered as a legal party with the Bundestag, offices have been bought and even now Citizens like yourselves are preparing to vote for the future.

I ask each and every one of you for your support, your prayers and your vote in the new elections. Thank you all."

"Well that was Prince Joachim Friedmann, Leader of the Imperial Party of Rheinland, this is RNN with Jorg Hoch, we shall keep you informed of further developments. Farewell viewers."

RE: Imperial Party of Rheinland [Voting Information] - Tabris - 02-02-2014

OOC Information:

The IPR is as you can already figure out a party with the overall goal to restore the Rheinland Monarchy to the Imperial Throne. It's main goal OORPly is to serve as the Main opposition (legally) to the Nationalist Party which is currently in office. The ideology of the party is Right-Wing Imperialist and is highly opposed to Democratic Socialism and any Left-Wing policies that they feel would merely damage Rheinland. The Government for that would take place if ever elected would be that of a Constitutional Monarchy much like Bretonia's.

The Prince's name was partially taken from the Wiki entry for New Berlin which states the name of the LAST Emperor after Empress Leicht was Albrecht Friedmann, this gave me and the friend I'm working with a basis on the current Prince, Joachim Friedmann.

Questions may be directed via PM if there is something unclear.

Edit: The Flag was created by Vulkhard Muller on request. (bow)

RE: Imperial Party of Rheinland [Voting Information] - Tabris - 02-17-2014

Rheinland News Network: Imperial Party speaks against Terrorist Party

"This is Reinland News Network, I am Jorg Hoch, our top story today involves a firefight between the terrorist organization 'Bundschuh', Vagrant Raiders and the Rheinland Military who had responded to the movements of a hostile battleship in Rheinland Territory.

After the battle's conclusion there were mixed feelings amongst the Fatherland's population, however while the Nationalist Party has yet to comment on the incident we have received a statement from the Imperial Party of Rheinland's Chairman, His Serene Highness Joachim Friedmann, descendant of the last Emperor of Rheinland.

"I applaud the actions of our Nation's Military Forces who acted in the name of Rheinland, these Vagrant Raiders pose a risk to the safety of our civilian population by associating with highly dangerous Terrorist organizations like the Bundschuh and the Red Hessians who would seek nothing more than to destabilize our home-land and create a Libertonian puppet state.

While I am saddened that the safety of Rheinland came at the cost of human lives I believe that Rheinland can rest alittle easier knowing that the Terrorist Organizations received a blow despite the destruction of a facility in Dresden that was operated by Civilian workers who were attempting to make a living, struck at by the Bundschuh in a bid for revenge for hindering their capacity to strike at even more civilian targets in Rheinland proper.

However while the fight against terrorism continues onwards I am filled with hope that soon their evil will be purged from the face of Sirius and peace restored to our house, a peace without the threat of terroristic actions from the Bundschuh, the Red Hessians or even the Unioners."

"That was Prince Joachim Friedmann, Leader of the Imperial Party of Rheinland, our next news story involves oddly enough two women fighting over custody of a rare Gaian Saber-Cat smuggled in from Bretonia. More on that after this break."

RE: Imperial Party of Rheinland [Voting Information] - Tabris - 02-21-2014

Rheinland News Network: Terror on New Berlin

"This is Reinland News Network, I am Jorg Hoch. Terror touches the people of Planet New Berlin on the steps of the Political Offices of the Imperial Party of Rheinland, an armed gunman was seen by eye-witnesses on the street-levels opening fire on two prominent members of the Imperial Party. Prince Joachim Friedmann and Campaign Manager Wilhelm Koch.

The gunman was seen in the airlock door of a passing Pelican Transport flying below traffic lanes infront of the offices just before opening fire, Federal Police are on the scene investigating the site of the shooting and attempting to locate the attacker who fled Federal Police units and managed to escape into traffic. Authorities have no confirmed suspects at this time however IPR Spokesmen suspect it being the work of radical Red Hessian terrorists attempting to spread fear into the Party in an attempt to make them give up their campaign.

Prince Friedmann is currently being treated for minor injuries sustained in the attack however his Campaign Manager Wilhelm Koch died on the scene. No further news of the Prince or his response to this daylight attack on his life has been received despite our best efforts.

This is RNN News, good day."

RE: Imperial Party of Rheinland [Voting Information] - Tabris - 03-20-2014

Rheinland News Network: Vote Worries.

"This is Reinland News Network, I am Jorg Hoch.

With the Liberty-Rheinland War continuing in the New Hampshire Region as well as sporadic assaults by Rheinland's special forces on Liberty Core Territories the citizen of Rheinland ask themselves frequently 'what will the next election bring'?

The Nationalist Party which has been in office under Nikolaus Reinhardt since 813 A.S faces little opposition aside from the designated 'Official Opposition' the Imperial Party of Rheinland whose popularity has slowly been rising in urban population centres on New Berlin, Stuttgart and Munich. However an official election has not been announced which has started to worry some citizens about the future of their government and how it may be perceived by other Houses.

IPR Leader Joachim Friedmann who recently suffered minor injuries from an attempted assassination by Red Hessian radicals seems confident about their chances in any future election during a brief interview at the IPR Headquarters on New Berlin."

"The Bundestag has it's plate full, with managing the economy, preventing Liberty from establishing a foothold in our homeland and not to mention putting pressure upon terroristic organizations such as the Red Hessians. Finding time to set up an election with all these troubles plaguing our beloved state is difficult when you also have to consider the threat of vote-fraud by Bundeschuh sympathizers who would likely take advantage of the situation to destabilize the state and it's democratic process.

An election will come, however with the state of things I expect it to take slightly longer than the norm considering all these issues, but when that time does come the Imperial Party of Rheinland will be ready on that day for the people of Rheinland to cast their ballots for the future."

"Our next story is a problem close to home. Berlin Debris: An apocalypse waiting to happen? More on this story after this break."

RE: Imperial Party of Rheinland [Voting Information] - Tabris - 05-19-2014

Rheinland News Network: Terror in Munich.

"This is Reinland News Network, I am Jorg Hoch.

Tragedy once again strikes Munich which has already been hit by disaster in the past has only received yet another blow. This time in the form of Red Hessian Terrorists whose forces surrounded and destroyed a Civilian mining facility. The Red Hessians at present are the largest terrorist organization within Rhienland and are considered a high-priority threat against Rheinlandic National Security.

The fate of the crew of Oldenburg Depot is at present unknown, however indications from the seemingly complete destruction of the station does not bode well which point towards the crew being murdered by the radical terrorist organization. This attack against civilian assets seems to paint a different picture then what Left-Wing sympathizers claim of the group being a 'Populist' uprising and instead shows once again like in Dresden that the Red Hessians are nothing more than a large-scale terrorist organization who use murder and destruction to fuel their cause.

Politicians in the Bundestag affirm that this attack only proves their points about the dangers of allowing support for the Red Hessians to continue, the Imperial Party has released a statement condemning such acts of Terrorism earlier today.

"The Imperial Party of Rheinland sends it's condolences to the families of those either murdered or abducted by these Terrorists. Inhumane acts such as this are the reason why the IPR, amongst others, has stood up to run in the elections. The 'Red Hessians' have proven once again they do not act for the good of the common man, men and women like those on-board the Oldenburg who they snuffed out with nary a thought about the morality of such an act.

The Red Hessians claim to be a populist movement who seek a just Rheinland. *The spokesman scoffs* One only has to look at how they target civilians indiscriminately to know the truth that they are nothing more than greedy terrorists who take joy in murdering their own countrymen, they did so in Dresden with another facility, they do so every time they attack and destroy civilian ships who are just minding their own business and they did it yet again in Munich.

These...Hessians are obviously not human if they are so eager, so willing to take the lives of men and women trying to earn an honest day's wages. Rheinlanders...My brothers and sisters...I ask you to perform your patriotic duty to both Rheinland and also your duty as a human being to report any suspicious activities that may cross your path concerning these monsters. Remember Oldenburg!"

"The Nationalist Party at present hasn't released a statement but is expected to make an official stance on this matter in the near future. RNN will keep it's ears open and bring you the news on this situation as it reaches us."