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How to make the Omegas wild again? - Brainstorming on possible Solutions - Printable Version

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How to make the Omegas wild again? - Brainstorming on possible Solutions - Jack_Henderson - 02-05-2014

Hey! Wink

In this discussion thread "The Omega Borderworlds lost their "Wild" feeling? - Discuss" it became pretty clear that there are multiple reasons for the difficulties in the Omegas (especially the "more civilised ones, not the "deep out there" ones).

Post 1 is a list of suggestions of what could be done.
I will edit it sometimes and add interesting solutions to problems. Author of the solution will be given, ofc.

I'll just start with a list of IDEAS OF WHAT COULD BE CHANGED. Just ideas, brainstorming! Alright? Wink No need to kill me and not all of these ideas are mine, but collections from the other thread and from Skype discussions, etc.
  • Do not allow any new POBs to interfere with choke points
  • Move Falster from the chokepoint and reopen the O7 gate in O3 as a dangerous area (already requested)
  • Lengthen lanes that could be useful for piracy (not soooo necessary if Falster is moved to Aland any more; Not sooo necessary if transport thrust speeds get nerfed back to old speed). Could be however combined with the repositioning of Freeport 1 or Freistadt (see further below)
  • Nerf the "Freistadt + RM Battleship" firepower cluster. It is intense and very long range. It makes interaction as a hostile impossible.
  • Roleplay Rheinland's "I have an eye on you, IMG!" by putting RM-IFF gun platforms around Freistadt (like Java will get GRN guns around it), instead of ultra-firepower BS. Would reduce the firepower-problem and have the same message.
  • Move Freistadt from the center of the map to the northwest (keeping distance to the fields the same, ofc). It would help with all the semi-lawful stuff going on. With the Hessian no-docking rephack gone, the base would have to be rather far from DHC and Kruger fields, as Hessians would sometimes use it, I guess. It's tricky, has always been.
  • Relocate Reutlingen to ~ 20k from the fields (bases directly in the field kill every miner/hauler-pirate-lawful activity)
  • Keep new PoBs away from the mining fields, so that the interaction cycle doesn't get broken
  • Relocate King's Cross (and open another choke point that used to be a center of Sair activity and also fast traffic of Sairs into Bretonia)
  • Fix mining for BMM in Omega 3 (and everywhere else. These boys are screwed by mistakes in the mining mod like... no other faction ever! kudos for even existing!)
  • Move Freeport 1 off the lane (they could do all their semi-unlawful stuff so much better; compare: Freistadt problem; Could solve the "Sair and Hessians staging problem, but would turn the Freeport into a much darker place likely)
  • Corsairs need a closer staging point. The "psychological distance" of +1 system is pretty big.
  • Hessians need a closer staging point. (see Sairs)
  • Moving the Hessian base in O11 AND O9 cruise distance is horrible! One of the measures would have been enough. Revert one.
  • Omega 9 is not good as a buffer system (the buffer system idea failed in general).
  • Restore the "old" traffic routes via holes how they were before O9 came in.
  • Keep O9 as a seperate system in which the Wild West conflicts and Independent-Houses proxy wars can take place. I'll submit an O9 concept soon, as it would be too much here.
  • Remove Cruiser patrols in O3. That's overkill in a "Borderworld" and is unnecessarily making it harder for players.
  • ... your suggestions could be here
  • ... and here Smile

If you can think of anything... just post it.
Comments on the brainstorming list are encouraged, of course.
Keep it civil, even if you do not like the ideas. Remember: It's a brainstorming. Never exclude anything from a brainstorming. Wink

RE: How to make the Omegas wild again? - Brainstorming on possible Solutions - Highland Laddie - 02-05-2014

-Small buff in demand/prices for Diamonds or Blood Diamonds, thus giving people a reason to visit Hessians and Omegas in-general. Manhattan and Denver should be screaming for these, especially.

Also creates activity for pirates, smugglers, and in-turn cops.

RE: How to make the Omegas wild again? - Brainstorming on possible Solutions - Pavel - 02-05-2014

- Remove O-9 - it's useless buffer system and I was never interested in it nor in RPing about it, due to various reasons.
- nerf RM BS + Freistadt firepower, totally agree here, this is too much
- don't move neither Freistadt nor FP1 - they are there since vanilla and have their purpouse
- hessians and sairs have base in Omega-5, but sadly they hardly ever in that system, while they're suppoused to fight there 24/7. It's related to their inactivity in general, though. Corsair (or Gaian) base in Cambridge would help raiding Bretonia (although Sairs already can dock at Trafalgar, so dunno...)
- return NB to Sair ZoI
- Freital is close to jump gate in O11, in theory it's possible to camp gate, but in practice defenses are still too strong. They shouldn't do more harm than snub NPCs do now; nerf gate defences in general.
- rework NPC patrols, cruisers in borderworlds is too much

Generally imo Lower Omegas lost their "Wild West" feeling for some because there aren't enough active pirate players, not because logical developments were made. Pirate factions, entire Houses/regions and Disco as a whole needs more activity. We're suffering from the overall problem.

RE: How to make the Omegas wild again? - Brainstorming on possible Solutions - Curios - 02-05-2014

- Remove stupid cruiser patrols in Omega 5 too while you're at it. I'd add remove capship patrols of any kinds anywhere but we all know it's never happening.
- Old Jumphole network including the damn Leeds hole at it's respectful place.
- Remove weapons platforms from Talbot

Not sure about tossing the bases around.

RE: How to make the Omegas wild again? - Brainstorming on possible Solutions - Highland Laddie - 02-05-2014

If you remove platforms from Talbot, it's most likely gonna be blown up within a day/week after the new PoB shield nerf is implemented (not that you would mind, Curios). As it stands, I hear that Bowex may already be planning to mothball and decommission Talbot themselves, since Sprague is now successfully terraformed.

RE: How to make the Omegas wild again? - Brainstorming on possible Solutions - Curios - 02-06-2014

Time to go point to point.

(02-05-2014, 12:38 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote:
  • Do not allow any new POBs to interfere with choke points - while it's a good idea I don't see how can we "don't allow any new POB". There is no regulations about that and bases are free for all, still. So it's not working because it can't work. Admins don't want to put normal limitations on POBs so we're going to see more POBs.
  • Move Falster from the chokepoint and reopen the O7 gate in O3 as a dangerous area (already requested) - I applaud to this, at least someone from all the POB owners decided to do something that is good for all players and for him or his factions exclusively. I'm impressed to see even factions line LN going ballistic into POB gayness willing the POB to do their work. In fact I begin to suspect that LN official faction is just willing to exterminate all the unlawful factions from the Liberty so they don't have to do anything.
  • Lengthen lanes that could be useful for piracy (not soooo necessary if Falster is moved to Aland any more; Not sooo necessary if transport thrust speeds get nerfed back to old speed). Could be however combined with the repositioning of Freeport 1 or Freistadt (see further below) - Lengthening the lanes is a good idea. With all those 400 cruise speed ships, faster transports with stronger weapons and easy obtainable high level cap armors the lane piracy is at it's edge of existence. If you can see what is happening in the middle of the lane with BS scanner while being at the beginning of the lane then how unlawfuls are supposed to pose a threat to anyone at all?
  • Nerf the "Freistadt + RM Battleship" firepower cluster. It is intense and very long range. It makes interaction as a hostile impossible. - I was always for removing all those 'area denial" craps from the game. But instead the mod was going more and more down with all the stationed caps and stationary weapons. Also cap patrols everywhere. I mean, come on. What the hell is this? Who added cap patrols to Gamma? To omega 5? Why? Just why? I don't see any reason except two variants: Who did it didn't knew what he's doing or he was intentionally killing all the activity there.
  • Roleplay Rheinland's "I have an eye on you, IMG!" by putting RM-IFF gun platforms around Freistadt (like Java will get GRN guns around it), instead of ultra-firepower BS. Would reduce the firepower-problem and have the same message. - Well, that's ok idea, just don't go with too many platforms, 2 platforms are more then enough to "have an eye".
  • Move Freistadt from the center of the map to the northwest (keeping distance to the fields the same, ofc). It would help with all the semi-lawful stuff going on. With the Hessian no-docking rephack gone, the base would have to be rather far from DHC and Kruger fields, as Hessians would sometimes use it, I guess. It's tricky, has always been. - Well, not sure it's necessary I'd just more the actual mining fields away from all the bases.One on the far north and one on the far south. Then deny POBs being able to be deployed inside the asteroid fields. So piracy spots are the fields and an O3 gate. Lanes my be lengthened as well a bit so they can be exposed for ambush in the middles. I think all lanes must be at least 80k long for even the shortest once in the game with such sensors and speeds.
  • Relocate Reutlingen to ~ 20k from the fields (bases directly in the field kill every miner/hauler-pirate-lawful activity) - Or relocate fields themselves. There is already someone's POB in the field so why not to move the field away - this will liberate it from the POB's influence and will make it more exposed to pirates.
  • Keep new PoBs away from the mining fields, so that the interaction cycle doesn't get broken - Yea, and also more those that are already there, or move the fields. Still no idea how to make it, I mean to limit the POBs while no one seem to be willing to limit them. The only way is to hook the plugin to deny the base deployment inside the asteroid fields or in their close vicinity.
  • Relocate King's Cross (and open another choke point that used to be a center of Sair activity and also fast traffic of Sairs into Bretonia) - I doubt it's going to happen, Bretonia don't want anyone in.
  • Fix mining for BMM in Omega 3 (and everywhere else. These boys are screwed by mistakes in the mining mod like... no other faction ever! kudos for even existing!) - Might be interesting but I'd limit the amount of mining areas - they are already widely spread.
  • Move Freeport 1 off the lane (they could do all their semi-unlawful stuff so much better; compare: Freistadt problem; Could solve the "Sair and Hessians staging problem, but would turn the Freeport into a much darker place likely) - I don't know about this one. I'd keep the bases at it's respectful vanilla locations including Freeport 1. Lane's lengthening might be a better choice to make more possible pirate spots.
  • Corsairs need a closer staging point. The "psychological distance" of +1 system is pretty big. - Corsairs are fine in their Omega 5. Just 41 and Omega 5 systems need to get back their Vanilla layouts. Now they are both made 2 times longer then they are used to be. Omega 9 also needs to be gone as a buffer system. maybe make it to be between Omega 41 and Omega 5 as a second passage variant. I'd simply get rid of it.
  • Hessians need a closer staging point. (see Sairs) - See above, Ronneburg is fine if the system mess is fixed.
  • Moving the Hessian base in O11 AND O9 cruise distance is horrible! One of the measures would have been enough. Revert one. - Same as O5, O41. Revert back to normal pls. Changing that was royal fail.
  • Omega 9 is not good as a buffer system (the buffer system idea failed in general). - Yes, buffer systems (or new systems in general) are useless in ~99% cases. Better to enhance the existing systems softly then to do dramatic changes to old once and to spam useless new systems.
  • Restore the "old" traffic routes via holes how they were before O9 came in. - This. Also do that to the whole Bretonia, Rheinland, Omicron, Sigma and Omega regions. This is the mess gentlemen.
  • Keep O9 as a seperate system in which the Wild West conflicts and Independent-Houses proxy wars can take place. I'll submit an O9 concept soon, as it would be too much here. - This system can be just made into dead end system with own sandbox concept. I don't care. Just need it to be gone off the way.
  • Remove Cruiser patrols in O3. That's overkill in a "Borderworld" and is unnecessarily making it harder for players. - Also, as I said, from all the systems in the mod. Or leave them only at war zones. I'd remove them completely since there is no use in them except being a factor of annoyance.
  • Give Leeds hole back to it's location in Cambridge.
  • Grandly reduce the amount of stationed capital ships in Leeds, Edinburgh, Whole Bretonia, Omega, Omicrons, Rheinland. Let players play there, not NPCs.


RE: How to make the Omegas wild again? - Brainstorming on possible Solutions - djordje_petrovic - 02-06-2014

Mr henderson, longer lanes could be idea how to cope with bigger scanner ranges, but that would mean bigger systems and longer distances in already overstretched universe. And that rehauling would mean complete rehauling of economy bonuses vs. time to traverse distance.

Omega 3 mining fields i hope that is fixed now . Will check in the afternoon.

Omega 9 i have very nice time to RP in it, and it has been good til now, but to be frank its redundant system as omega 5 has similar jh connectins. I think only wilden like this system very much. Personally i would add one hesian mining field of diamonds until we decide for sure des it go or stays.