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VWA| Information - VWA - 02-05-2014

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Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee

Hereafter referred to as the "Widerstand" (Resistance).

Nearly three years have passed since the dissolution of the Volksfront that once led the Bundschuh Party.

Much like left-wing movements are wont to do, the outlawed Bundschuh Party itself is sectarian and spread into sub-factions with widely differing ideals regarding whom to work with, whom to manipulate - their final choices often differing in ultimately minor ways. Despite this underlying similarity, unification is difficult amongst so many uncompromising sects of the struggling movement.

That is, until now.

The Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee’s founding members agreed upon an idea radical even to a movement of radicals; the abandonment of nationalism as a factor in opposing Liberty’s aggression towards Rheinland. This distinguishing characteristic means that its members are willing to ally even with the Federal Republic’s greatest foes in an attempt to dismantle and topple the regime. Forged by the ideas and tireless energy of highly-wanted criminal Oberst Erich Klugmann, the Widerstand’s successes against the government it so desperately sought to overthrow could not be ignored by even opposing Bundschuh sects.

In the Bundschuh’s inter-sect “government”, when the station of Parteivorsitzende (Party Leader/Chairman) lies vacant, delegates from the squabbling sects may elect both a sect and a Vorsitzende from that sect to guide the Bundschuh’s main goals along. Under Klugmann's leadership, the disparate sects of the Bundschuh chose the Widerstand to stand at their head. Though the Widerstand's founding leader vanished shortly after leading his party to victory, the newly-unified Bundschuh may provide a far greater threat to the Federal Republic than their poorly-equipped, low-quantity ideologues might let on.

679 A.S - Origins
The Bundschuh as a movement are believed to have been founded by a small group of New Berlin University students. These well-read and well-educated Rheinland civilians were frustrated at the conditions that the Eighty-Years-War had imposed on Rheinland’s people, relegating them to practical serfdom. They decided they would no longer abide a society where one’s role in life was determined at birth due to an utter lack of class mobility.

Over several decades as the Eighty-Years-War ground to its terrible climax, the Bundschuh grew into an uncommonly efficient and disciplined underground movement that began to accumulate more and more influence among the working classes. With numbers kept high by angry, destitute workers and supported financially by sympathetic Neu Berlin intelligentsia, the Bundschuh quietly gathered influence and waited. The Rheinland Empire was quite clearly failing and faltering, it was only a matter of when. After the fateful Battle of Yanagi, their time came.

700 A.S - Popular Revolution
The loss of the Eighty-Years-War and the defeat of the most powerful military that Sirius had thus far known at the hands of a corporation was too much for Rheinland’s people to bear. Decades after decade of ceding already-miniscule rights to further a total war effort, only to leave Rheinland humiliated, broken, a shattered memory of her former glory. This was the spark of an event that even the Empire could not withstand.

The self-proclaimed Popular Revolution began in Dresden, where Daumann miners who had worked 16-hour-shifts for months, with no pay, finally decided that enough was enough. Using weapons and supplies smuggled in by underground Bundschuh cells, revolutionary groups all over Rheinland fought what defenders of the Emperor remained for five bloody years before overthrowing the old Rheinland Empire and ushering in the Rheinland Federal Republic, the Bundesrepublik.

715 A.S - New Government and Exile
With the fall of the Rheinland Empire, the Bundschuh finally succeeded in realizing their dream of a parliamentary representative democracy, planting the seeds of a new government in the ash of the old.

It was not to last.

By 715 A.S the aristocratic elements in Rheinlandische society had more or less re-consolidated their power in both the government and wider society. Eager to cling to their reclaimed authority, legislation crept through parliament that returned the Bundschuh party to its prior outlawed, underground state. The group that had technically founded the Bundesrepublik was fast-fading into obscurity. Unable to halt the decay of the new government from the inside, the Bundschuh’s numbers dwindled.

More and more, the now-outlawed group’s operations began to consist of spaceborne attacks on political targets or unwary Military patrols. Accordingly, its membership began to consist more and more of former Hessians or other pirates, instead of the intelligentsia in which its roots lay. Despite fading into the collective memory of Rheinland’s populace, the Bundschuh clung to survival as a bottom-feeder pirate group for nearly a century, salvaging survival from the trade-lanes.

800 A.S - Battle of Schatten
By 800 A.S Rheinland had become a puppet of the nomads. Government and military officials alike fell beneath the thrall of the aliens, marching in lockstep toward the annihilation of the sector. Ironically it was the weakness of the Bundschuh, their past successes long-forgotten, that allowed it to almost entirely escape notice from the Wilde. Consequently, The Order chose the Bundschuh as the front for their attempts to infiltrate the viper’s nest that Rheinland had become. This culminated in a desperate attack on Schatten Research Station, near the Bundschuh’s primary base at Frankfurt.

No first-hand accounts of battle exist, save a Bundschuh report compiled immediately after the operation. Only a single squadron of snubcraft was on hand for the Bundschuh; among them finest aces of the dwindling movement. Renowned Freelancer Edison Trent joined along with the Bundschuh’s then-leader Claus Botzler and Rheinswehr defectee Diedrich Von Claussen in an attempt to destroy experimental weapons - intended to be used by puppet Rheinland against Kusari.

What exactly transpired in the heart of the Westerwald is unknown, but only a ragged few of those who set out returned, among them Von Claussen and Trent - their mission successful.

801 A.S - Second Wind
With financial aid from The Order, the Bundschuh launched a massive public relations campaign in the tumult following the Nomad War’s end. While many of these transmissions and efforts at propaganda were swiftly quashed by Kanzler Steller’s regime, the survivors of the Nomad War did not forget what they had heard.

Swelling membership and an influx of credits caused the Bundschuh to redouble their traditional efforts, earning its first real successes in nearly a century. However, the Federal Republic dug in its heels, and nothing lasting became of them; not even the rise of the patriotic Volksfront movement could come close to overthrowing the establishment. The Buro der Marineintelligenz now had decades of experience and training to combat the Bundschuh on both the fields of battle and propaganda, providing an insurmountable obstacle for any of Rheinland's revolutionary movements, even unified.

820 A.S - Enter the Widerstand
With the eventual fall and subsequent disbandment of the Volksfront movement, another dark age for the Bundschuh reared its head. Tiny factions such as the Rheinlandische Volksfreiheitspartei appeared for short periods of time, but their efforts for the most part accounted to naught. For quite some time, the revolutionary pendulum remained angled towards the "Hessian" avenue; a pragmatic effort to strike terror into the hearts of the Federal Republic's enforcers. As a result, despite very real problems and injustices remaining in Rheinland's present regime, the "terrorists" began to lose even more sway with Rheinland's captive populace.

A new generation of academics, however, began to take issue with their government. One Professor Augusta Adler, at great risk to herself shouted out a rallying cry for these and other elements to breathe new life into the exiled party. Her call was met with far more success than she could have hoped for.

823 A.S - From Ashes
Though its role in the consequences of the Libertonian War could only be considered "meager", the Widerstandsarmee's constant pressure on the Federal Military's flanks from behind the Bremen front may have contributed to Liberty gaining the advantage in Bering and Hudson instead. Ultimately humanitarian to the end, the Widerstandsarmee immediately followed suit when the two sides finally put differences aside when Hudson found itself at risk of becoming another Dark Matter casualty.

The Exiled Party under the political heft of Vorsitzende Freya Eistochter and the apparent refusal of Oberst Erich Klugmann to surrender to demise in a hundred forms have contributed to a Renaissance in the Exiled Party's own model democracy. While the Widerstandsarmee heavily influences almost all spaceborne action, even the smaller sects tugging for control over the Bundschuh's and Rheinland's future have found that their own standards of living and voices have only been emboldened in the last three years.

The construction and subsequent destruction of Zwickau at Dresden attracted its share of naysayers from within for the entirety of its short life, but none without the Party can argue that the schematics scavenged for the limited production of Military technology did not at least moderately compensate for the loss of life and the terrible blow set upon the ideologues.

The Nuremberg crisis and the need for hundreds of millions to flee a dying planet has since become the most paramount fixation of the Widerstandsarmee's ragtag flotilla - Their actions here may spell the ultimate success or failure of the Bundschuh's slow return to prominence within Rheinland.

Overthrow of the Federal Republic of Rheinland through overt and covert methods.
Establishment and administration of a post-Federal Republic social-democratic state.
Diplomatic manipulation and coordination of entities in Sirius capable of aiding in the success of the above.

Keep the Rheinland Military off-balance through aggressive guerrila warfare in Bremen and New Hampshire until the Liberty Navy’s focus can turn away from the Bretonian Front.
Defend territorial claims within Frankfurt against Federal enforcers and Corsair invaders
Offer whatever relief aid possible to Bundschuh and Civilian assets in wake of the Munich disaster.
When the time is right, extricate as many refugees as possible from Nuremberg to a democratically-agreed-upon destination.
Wage an information-war against the Büro der Marineintelligenz, one of the Bundschuh’s longest-standing covert foes.
Incite planetary-scale insurrection amongst Planet Nuremberg’s lower-class to bring about the beginning of a second Popular Revolution.
As a last resort, expand influence into the resource-rich Sigmas in an effort to find influence and resources there.

Aid the Landwirtrechtbewegung within Synth Foods respectively.
Continue the Klugmannist policy of “De-Hessianization” of the Bundschuh, distancing the Party from the century-long unofficial “vassalage” towards the terrorists.
Pursue closer relations with Sigma-reaching groups such as the Blood Dragons, and their respective black markets.
Further integrate the Exiled Party in the Sigma Alliance.
Aid The Order in whatever objectives they might have for the Widerstand in disrupting Nomad and Wilde operations in Rheinland.
Indirectly aid the IMG and ALG Waste Disposal against Rheinland-based pirates who would wish them harm, either through misdirecting them, threatening them, or outright disabling them.
Liberate convoys of Slaves, Cardamine, and Artifacts; regardless of whom it is dealing in them.
Use what was gained from scavenging Dresden-based Rheinwehr technology to design a unique, cutting-edge line of snubcraft.
Garner a small flotilla of Capital-class vessels to complement the Bundschuh’s guerilla war.

General Information
Faction Tag: VWA|
IFF/ID: Bundschuh
Faction Leader: Oberst Dr. Annika Jana "Nika" Haupt
Second In Command: Kommandant Michael Wolf

Snubcraft: VWA|Firstname.Lastname - e.g VWA|Erich.Klugmann
Capital Vessels: VWA|WGS (Widerstands-GrosskampfSchiff)-Shipname - e.g VWA|WGS-Ostara
Multi-Crew Support Craft (Gunboats): VWA|WES (Widerstands-EskortSchiff)-Shipname - e.g VWA|WGS-Weisse.Rose
Multi-Crew Logistics Craft: VWA|WTS (Widerstands-TransportSchiff)-Shipname - e.g VWA|WTS-Zamenhof
Vessels are preferred to hold the name of a revolutionary/rebellious movement, event, or persona.
Primary Base of Operations: Bruchsal Base

A full list of the Widerstand's combat strikecraft is available here.

[Image: qscQxuK.png]

Borderworlds Line - Sabre, Cutlass etc.
Coming from backgrounds as diverse as Hessian leftovers, sympathetic Freelance donations, or the end result of Bruchsal’s engineers making use of spare parts; the venerable, antiquated, but still formidable Borderworlds ships have long formed the backbone of spaceborne Bundschuh agents. Even with military-grade equipment becoming more common amongst the Bundschuh, the Borderworlds line still resonates with those pilots in need of reliability and ease of maintenance for their duties.

Civilian Line - CTE, Raven’s Talon, Waran etc.
Occasionally, Rheinlandic dissidents seek shelter with the Bundschuh. As a gesture of thanks, many offer their trusty ships, whether physical or schematics, while they remain in exile with their families. While these ships often struggle to efficiently handle the infamously overcharged Bundschuh weaponry, they have still been put to devastating use by Widerstand activists against even military-grade technology.

Rheinwehr Line - Wraith, Phantom, etc.
As the Bundschuh attracts more and more disillusioned Military defectors, they take their ships with them. Fortunately for the movement, they managed to scavenge the brunt of Pirna’s technology before the Hessian offensive in Dresden could; the MOX-powered ships remain in tightly enforced quota, with demand far eclipsing production.

Asgard Line - Odin, Thor, etc.
Despite steadily diverging ideological convictions, the Hessians remain substantial arms suppliers for the Bundschuh movement, the situation mirroring that of a son keeping his father in business - an irony that is not lost on the Widerstand. Hessian ships are a match for their opposing Rheinswehr line competitors, but there exists a growing anti-Hessian sentiment with activists refusing to use ships that are regularly seen claiming hundreds of civilian lives monthly.

LWB Line - Sichel, Sense.
The Landwirtrechtbewegung recently unveiled their new counter-Synth Foods-superweapons to Sirius in the form of… What looks like patchwork abominations vaguely resembling a marriage of Daumann technology with the CTE’s Eagle and Roc. The LWB’s high-ups have bragged of their successes against Synth shipments, but Bundschuh delegates are skeptical of the claims. Despite this, the line of ships are surprisingly popular with many battle-hardened Widerstandsarmee soldiers, who swear that the ramshackle but ingenious design rivals or exceeds effectiveness compared to far more expensive craft.

Advanced Borderworlds Line - Bayonet, Falchion, etc.
Often loaned or leased from sympathetic (but ultimately neutral) Scientists and Freelancers from Heisenberg, these niche snubcraft are considered to be some of the most technologically advanced ships to be found in Rheinland space. Despite their outstanding performance in all aspects, they are less reliable and more finicky than their predecessors, and as such require a patient pilot willing to accept the added responsibilities they require. In the hands of such pilots, they are a finely honed revolutionary instrument.

Order Line - Nephtys, Sekhmet, etc.
Some of the most sophisticated ships ever produced by humankind, surplus Order ships are occasionally permitted to be pawned off to organizations the enigmatic group trusts, such as the Blood Dragons and the Widerstand. While the ships harbor incredible attributes, Bruchsal’s engineers struggle to manage the complicated ships on their own, without the aid of The Order’s own technicians. This often leaves the ships in sub-optimal operational shape. Fortunately, The Order recently shared many of their maintenance secrets with the Logistics divisions of the Bundschuh Party, granting more effective use of their war panoply. Standard Widerstandsarmee procedure restricts usage of the diplomatically compromising ships almost exclusively to combat situations, however.

Bundschuh Technology
Civilian Technology
LWB Technology
Standard Equipment (Mines, armor, shields, missiles, etc.)
The following require the permission of the standing Oberst.
Order Technology
Advanced Equipment (Cloaks, docking modules, etc.)
Gunboats and Gunships
Gunboats and Gunships must be registered with the Oberst, and may only be used with the Oberst’s permission.

Diplomacy (up to date as of 29/09/823 AS)
Allies of the Widerstand can expect to be treated almost indistinguishably from the Widerstand itself. Allies have complete and unrestricted access to anything the Widerstand might have access to, including the Luneburg System. Allies are chosen for their strong, similar ideological convictions.
The Order

Entities considered friendly and relatively trusted by the Widerstand can be expected (where applicable) to be granted unrestricted refuge and audience at Bundschuh bases. Widerstand forces often will come to their aid in an engagement. In some cases these groups may be granted the use of Bundschuh equipment should they wish it.

However, there may be a lingering suspicion or caution regarding these groups that keeps them from the “Allied” category. Still, the Widerstand would not be able to function or survive without their mutual aid.

Red Hessian Army
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Liberty Navy
ALG Waste Disposal
Blood Dragons
Independent Miners Guild
Gas Miners Guild

Entities considered neutral are often kept vigil over to verify to where said groups’ loyalties lie. Neutral groups, unlike the groups detailed above, may be targets for “donation-collecting” should conditions be ideal, though they are hardly priority targets.

Some select few neutral groups may be offered limited visits or stays on Bundschuh territory, though must usually be granted prior permission.

Junkers Congress
Junker Marauders
Golden Chrysanthemums
Colonial Republic
Liberty Police Inc.
Liberty Security Force
Molly Republic

Foes of Rheinland’s People
Groups considered unfriendly by the Widerstand are the most common targets for cordial donation-collecting. Per-capita, the Widerstand’s incidents of “piracy” tend to be far less threatening to the pirated than other organizations around Sirius.

Despite the distaste and dislike for many of these groups, Widerstand Activists are trained to use words before weapons. Under most circumstances, attempts will be made to sway the entity in question to the Widerstand’s line of thinking. Its activists are encouraged to remain wary and alert with these entities, as a fight could be seconds away at any time.

Rheinland Federal Police
Rheinland Military
Synth Foods
Daumann Heavy Construction
Border World Exports
Republican Shipping
Hogosha Association
Farmers Alliance
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Gallic Royal Navy
Bretonian Police Authority
Bretonia Armed Forces
Liberty Rogues
Most Corporations

Paramount Foes of Rheinland’s People
Organizations considered hostile to the Widerstand can expect to be offered little to no mercy if found within what they perceive to be Rheinlandic territory. Polite requests for donation aid become flat-out aggressive piracy. Requests to put oneself in the shoes of Rheinland’s poor become demands to turn back or be destroyed. The groups in this category have through prior undertaking raised the ire of the Widerstand to the extent of being declared “shoot on sight”. In addition, certain “unfriendly” groups can be treated as composing this category if they trespass into what is seen as Bundschuh territory.
Bounty Hunters Guild
Büro der Marineintelligenz
Corsair Empire
The Core
Lane Hackers
Unaffiliated Pirates
Slomon K’hara
Das Wilde
Aoi Iseijin
Kanzler Schulte
Bundestag Representatives

Zone of Influence
[Image: 4VPsGEn.png]

Housing the Bundschuh's century-old headquarters at Bruchsal, the vast majority of operations and patrols begin here. Stemming from the jealously-defended Taunusfeld, Widerstand Aktivists interdict Lane traffic passing through Munich and GMG-held Sigma-13. The Widerstand also is a common visitor to the bazaar at Saalburg and launches the occasional sortie in Holstein's or Schatten's direction.

The Bundschuh Party's assets in Munich suffered a serious blow as a result of the catastrophe that covered the entire system in radioactive dark matter; The Widerstandsarmee has since diverted more credits per capita to Munich than nearly every other theater of operations combined in an attempt first to incite rebellions and now evacuate despondent refugees from Nuremberg. Strong Nomad and Corsair presence additionally means that many operations performed in the shrouded eye of Munich are given a high priority.

Sigma-15 (Luneburg)
A system whose existence was once unknown to the vast majority of Rheinlanders thanks to its position, the emergence of the habitable moon of Hammersee from the unexplored nebulae ringing the star timed itself impressively with Rheinland's discovery of the solar system itself. Formerly the hub that the Bundschuh used to reinforce all corners of their domain, Bielefeld was forced into the nebulae - The Widerstandsarmee now attempts to both protect and dispense propaganda to Hammersee's colonists as ably as it can.

Bremen and New Hampshire
Formerly a staging point for the Widerstandsarmee's guerilla strikes at the flanks of the Rheinwehr, the end of the Liberty War and a lack of exploitable resources meant that the pair of systems cleared out relatively quickly. This of course poses no problem for any Nuremberg refugees, many of whom are more than happy to start the next chapter of their lives under the Party's protection at either Cloppenburg or the recently-constructed Geneva. The latter arguably stands as the safest base the Bundschuh have owing to their lukewarm stance towards Liberty who controls the system.

Recently, the Widerstand has expanded operations in this borderworld. Following aggressive moves by both the Corsairs and the Unioners, the Widerstand has begun creating a joint task force to attack and undermine Corsair supply operations and the occasional Unioner raid. These actions, approved by the governing bodies of the GMG, are considered one of the most radical changes in Bundschuh politics and might indicate a more aggressive behaviour portrayed by Widerstand pilots..

New Berlin
Tending to keep to the periphery of New Berlin's mined-out asteroids, the Widerstand can be seen dealing amicably with or fighting against groups on all ideological spectra. New Berlin is a favorite stomping ground of the Unioners and unaffiliated pirates, to say nothing of the substantial Federal spaceborne presence. The Widerstand bases itself from hidden strongholds in either the Ruhrfeld or Saarfeld when operating here.

More a system to pass through than one that holds an objective, Hamburg's peripheral asteroids tend to swarm with a challenging Widerstand foe; the Unioners. Unwilling to commit to an offensive "turf war" against the fellow Rheinlandic outlaws, Hamburg instead tends to be a quiet transit location unless a strike at a Vierlande convoy is planned out.

The Widerstand finds the genuine ideological cause the LWB fight for to be most palatable of their contacts, meaning that despite the distance from their holdings, they are spotted in Stuttgart lending a hand more often than not. In addition, Stuttgart's glut of jump holes make it a common in-transit location, though the Widerstand keeps to the Walker nebulae in this context.

The Widerstand treads lightly in their Koeln patrols due to its nature as a major route for Unioner diamond-smuggling. The most common destination for any Widerstand visit to Koeln is to reach the unique Heisenberg Station, a favored diplomatic point of contact with neutral or foreign contacts.

The Bundschuh and Hessians long were able to covertly shuttle supplies to one another thanks to a stable jump hole linking Frankfurt and Dresden, one that still exists to this day. With tensions and friction slowly increasing between the two groups, the Bundschuh established a new asteroid base from one of the many leftover Kruger-mined husks in the Schwefelnebel - This base has since been destroyed in the crossfire of intensifying Hessian and Military skirmishes. While not hostile to them, many within the Bundschuh hold the Hessians responsible for some of the indiscriminate carnage wracking Dresden and as a result the Widerstandsarmee usually only passes through or trades with their authoritarian cousins.

Preferring for the most part to leave harassment and interdiction of Daumann's efforts in the dying system to the Hessians, by far the most common reason for a Widerstand visit is to procure the infamous Blood Diamonds ("Hessian Tears") for transport to any one of a number of bases.

The Deep Black - Beyond Rheinland
Smuggling and diplomatic operations are sometimes flown into systems held by Liberty, Kusari and Bretonia; there are even reports of ships flying Bundschuh green in the Omicrons. These occasions are obviously few and far between.

Vorsitzende - Limit of One.
Chair of the entire Bundschuh Party. Delegates from the squabbling movements within the Party may appoint one when a certain sect’s successes outweigh the differences between them. The Vorsitzende serves as the primary representative to other factions, groups, and entities but may at-will defer them as he wishes to the next rank in the hierarchy. They are rarely, if ever, spotted away from the safety of Bruchsal or Bielefeld.

The Vorsitzende of the Bundschuhpartei headed by the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee is
Freya Eistochter. The 'Witch of Frankfurt' is feared for being hotheaded, strict and unforgiving, yet also respected for being dedicated to the cause, a recognizable face of the movement, and a reliable commander.

Originally a student who became involved as an activist, she has been an influential member for many years and during the days of the old Volksfront she in fact also was party leader for some time already. Now this fierce woman once again has been chosen to lead the party during a time of turmoil and instability and turn the tables in the war against the Kanzler.

As of the fallout following a particularly heavy political debate, Both Erich Klugmann, former Oberst, and Freya Eistochter vanished from both the party records and the offical stage. So far, no successor has been chosen, since with her absence at the moment, Freya has not yet been declared dead.

Oberst - Limit of Two.
Translating roughly to “Colonel”, the Oberst was the leader of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee prior to the election of a Bundschuh Vorsitzende affiliated with the sect, and following Eistochters leave, has become like that again. The Oberst’s responsibility is to handle (within reason) those deeds that the Vorsitzende is unable or unwilling to. Most-often this refers to spaceborne operations, raids, or in-person (or spaceborne) meetings as a representative, though the autonomy of the position is considerable.

The Oberst of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee is
Dr. Annika Jana Haupt. During the trial she stood for murdering a member of a different sect within the Bundschuh, Haupt denounced her allegiance to her former benefactor, Freya Eistochter. She avoided consequences by openly defying Eistochterist ways of operation, and laid open plans how the "witch" was intending to destroy the Bundschuh from within. Following the scandal, the former Oberst, who had been appointed by the party leader, stepped down to make way for a fresher candidate.
Dr. Haupt could, by any stretch of the imagination, be considered both moderate and extremist. Her style of leadership moves away from the traditional guerilla warfare of Wolf as well as it differs from the appeasement politics that Klugmann pursued. Her main focus currently lies on strengthening the VWA's power base and building up a bulwark, although rumours claim that she plans to expand Sigma operations of the party very soon.

In the absence of an Oberst, Kommandants lead flights of Widerstand Aktivists in spaceborne operations. Chosen for their valor against the frequently-overwhelming odds that the Bundschuh face, and for their eloquence in commanding and directing their charges, Kommandants may make up something of a backbone of the Widerstand’s roster.

The Widerstand's enlisted Kommandants are:

Alexander Fuchs
Michael Wolf
Helmut Von Stierlitz KIA
Freya Eistochter EXILED AND ROGUE
Friederich Heissler

Aktivists are symbolic of the Bundschuh’s desire to undo the borderline caste-system that it perceives the Federal Government to impose upon its people. Favoring a more streamlined system that creates a further sense of equality and strength through differences, Aktivists have thrust upon them a responsibility normally settled for a soldier undergoing a forced march. In addition to being the manpower behind the odd philanthrophic act the Bundschuh attempt regarding dissidents or slaves, they also are the main force in all spaceborne operations. In addition each Aktivist is enrolled in a compulsory (but free) intensive education program with emphasis on Rheinlandic history, fundamental theories regarding spaceborne combat, and political etiquette.

The Bundschuh does not discriminate against citizenship, nationality, or (to an extent, of course) political views. All that is required of its applicants is the tireless energy to keep up an underdog-guerilla war, and the desire to see the Bundesrepublik fall.

Medical Leave
The Bundschuh attempt to share life's luxuries amongst one another as ably as possible, according to each other's need. The Widerstandsarmee's men and women are no exception, and must often make do with scarcities in medical supplies. Sadly, this means that as many as half of the standard spacegoing strength of the Widerstandsarmee is grounded due to injury. Barring that, they may have pressing personal business that cannot go unaccommodated. The "Medical Leave" category is used (and often abused) for these and similar purposes.