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Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - Printable Version

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Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - Cuttsy - 02-06-2014

I was in my battleship the other day, facing an enemy battleship and a pair of snubs and the snubs kept flipping my battleship around so i couldn't get a clean shot on the battleship and eventually i was destroyed by said battleship, so my question is... WHY can a snub craft flip a battleship ? Wouldn't the battleship just crush the snub ?

Sorry if this has already been brought up, but it just seems unfair!


RE: Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - Mímir - 02-06-2014

its an old game never designed for capital ships. you can see that when aiming in turret view too - even though you have this huge ship it's anchored to space in a fighter-sized fix-point which constitutes the axis your ship will flip on when rammed.

for a while they made it so that the fighters took even more ramming damage, but that made brawls in asteroid fields and around caps unbearable.

i think this is as good as it gets.

RE: Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - Narcotic - 02-06-2014

People should be sanctionable for game mechanic abuse though.

RE: Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - tothebonezone - 02-06-2014

We should give caps the treatment I saw FW:TOW give 'em.

Fighters ramming into them instantly die.

RE: Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - Zuretz - 02-06-2014

(02-06-2014, 04:39 PM)Saronsen Wrote: We should give caps the treatment I saw FW:TOW give 'em.

Fighters ramming into them instantly die.

Since snubs ramming any caps seems completely ooRP for me, i agree.

And this would probly end the problem of NPCs taking players for a "spin" when you are trying to enter the tradelane, or trying to make a jump as i saw once.

RE: Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - JD.Bane - 02-07-2014

Same should go for the larger transports.

RE: Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - Jimothy - 02-07-2014

The issue with insta-killing any and all snub-capitol collisions is that occasionally it's a genuine mistake.
Now, I know space is dangerous, and mistakes can and should be deadly, but say the snub turns at the last second and just skims the capitol? It shouldn't be destroyed for that.
Hoooowever: as it is a game mechanic, rules against it would do little to nothing. As proving intent would be damn near impossible, any rule on it would be rendered rather moot.
As such, I agree that a little bit of insta-death is in order for snub-cap collisions. And snub-asteroid collisions. And snub-snub collisions. After all, your windshield is all that's between you and space. And space is rather rude, it doesn;t welcome visitors. It kills them. Dead.
On that note, capitol's are by no means immune to space's deathy-ness, and should, perhaps not moved, but instead damaged severely when a snub explodes on their rump. Given the armaments of your average snub, they should go BOOM! and I mean BOOM! Along the lines of a few SNAC's all at once.
*sigh* sadly though, characters do not die when they do things like that. So, RP becomes an issue. Kamikaze's are a legitimate tactic, but it would undoubtedly become abused. I would bet my right testicle on it. So, with that in mind, a bit of damage, but nothing of that degree is in order.
Oh, and transports, yes, I agree with that too, but to a lesser degree.
If only ships here had some kind of "Mass" value that could be usued for things such as this.

Conclusion: Insta kill good. Even when hitting asteroids. And serious damge if you hit other snubs. Or that NPC. Or yourself for that matter. Seriously, stop hitting yourself. Why are you hitting yourself?

RE: Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - Coin - 02-08-2014

if snubs are insta-killed by caps then friendly npcs get angry at you fast

RE: Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - Zuretz - 02-08-2014

(02-08-2014, 02:29 PM)Coin Wrote: if snubs are insta-killed by caps then friendly npcs get angry at you fast

That is very much true, have'nt considered that, unless it's made to be considered suicide, but thats a point to think about, the IFF problems in the long, or not so long, run.

RE: Snub Craft able to Flip Battleships? - Mephistoles - 02-08-2014