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To: The Council High Command - Printable Version

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To: The Council High Command - JudgeYohance - 02-12-2014

Transmission Detected- Encryption in progress, standby for algorithms added....private channel established
Link Established- No visual detected

Encryption Level: High
From: BIS (Judge Core) Senior Judge Yohance
To: The Council High Command
Subject: Freedom from Tyranny

Greetings friends,

I am Senior Judge Yohance of the Bretonian Intelligence Service. I know our two organizations have not directly had to speak in the past. As most of your work has been with the BAF dealing with the large scale battles with the GRN, there hasn't been a need. With the situation having deteriorated to where it now stands, that has to change.

To cut to the chase, BIS is gearing up for several operations on the boarder and with your help, inside GRN controlled space. To accomplish this, we are in need of certain information and supplies that while we can't easily gain access to ourselves, we believe you can. If you can assist us in procuring these items, we can use them to cause significantly greater problems for the GRN.

If possible, I would prefer to go into the details of our needs in a more private setting. Can you provide us with a more secure channel with which we can do this?

It is always darkest before the dawn my friends. Please help us shine a light on Gallia and break their military dictatorship, once and for all.

Senior Judge Yohance

RE: To: The Council High Command - JudgeYohance - 02-14-2014


RE: To: The Council High Command - Ryummel - 02-14-2014

:::Incomming Transmission:::

[Image: 341584-sexy-blonde-girl-with-red-phone.jpg]

Bonjour, thank you for contacting the Council. Our High Command will be right with you, hang on.

RE: To: The Council High Command - Thyrzul - 02-15-2014


Intensité de signal: __ 080%
Encodage: __________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ CLN Pamiers, Roussillon
Expéditeur: ____ General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Senior Judge Yohance _________________ BIS

Sujet: _________ Re: Freedom from Tyranny

Transmission entrée...

Monsieur Yohance,

I have to admit I find it a bit strange to see judges conducting special operations as in our House judges are mostly found doing their job in courts et not in space, but I assume this is just another Sirian habit we still need to get familiar with.

Aside from that, your words sound interesting, et I would like to hear more details about your plans. For that I'm certain that the encodage of this channel is sufficient enough.

General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil
Chef de Groupement tactique Roussillonnaise


RE: To: The Council High Command - JudgeYohance - 02-15-2014

Transmission Detected- Encryption in progress, standby for algorithms added....private channel established
Link Established- No visual detected

Encryption Level: High
From: BIS (Judge Core) Senior Judge Yohance
To: General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
Subject: Re: Freedom from Tyranny

Bonjour General Pierre LeFlamme,

I am glad we can finally speak. The Gallic war efforts have taken several turns for the worst in the last few months. With this in mind, BIS has decided to take a more aggressive stance then is normally called upon for intelligence. In order to begin this campaign, we are in need of several things. Some we can get through our Bretonian contacts, some through third party Sirian groups. For a few key items though, we need your help. As such, we are asking for the following to assist in the new operation.

Intelligence- We have reasonably detailed information of the systems up to Languedoc. Beyond that, we know very little. We need mapping data of as many of the Gallic systems as possible. Bases, military positions, GRN strongholds, supply depots, etc. We are not asking by any means for you to compromise any of your bases or those or your allies. While we would appreciate a place where we might be able to hide our people when they are deeper in Gallia, I would not ask you to risk your positions.

Materials- BIS can gain access to many things through various means. That said, there are some things that the best smugglers can't get for us, particularly when they are in Gallia. I have a list of items, one of which I know you have, the rest we are hunting for.

From the Council-

Counterfeit Software (In order to break into Gallic systems, we require the a better understanding of them. For this, we would like a sampling of the software that the Council has broken through already.)

The other items we are looking for- (We have reason to believe your allies may have access to some of these items)

Bio-Stability Monitors

Introductions- Over the next few weeks, we intend to make contact with your allies/partners in Gallia. The Maquis, The Gallic Brigands and the Unione Corse. I believe these conversations would go better, if we can have your assistance with them. When we send our communications to them, I would like to CC the Council on these transmissions. I know you must be quite busy trying to manage your forces and as such, we would appreciate a liaison to be appointed to work with us during these talks. We believe the Council's presence in the transmissions would be an asset to us through these dealing as we have no direct contact with these organizations and you have had relations with them for many years.

I know we are asking for a great deal, but this isn't the time for us to play things slow. This operation can deal a serious blow to the GRN and we have no intention of failing.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

Senior Judge Yohance

RE: To: The Council High Command - Thyrzul - 02-16-2014


Intensité de signal: __ 080%
Encodage: __________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ CLN Pamiers, Roussillon
Expéditeur: ____ General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Senior Judge Yohance _________________ BIS

Sujet: _________ Re: Re: Re: Freedom from Tyranny

Transmission entrée...

Senior Judge Yohance,

You were speaking of GRN controlled space, so let's clear that up first. The Council is ready to help Bretonia against the Gallic invasion et aid the Bretonian side in the war between Bretonia and Gallia. This war will end when there are no more GRN forces combatting Bretonian assets in Bretonian territory, which by my knowledge does not extend further than the Tau systems. From the point of Languedoc our conflict with the GRN will revert to our earlier struggle, the Second Gallic Civil War, in which - while we appreciate logistical et financial help from allies in Sirius - our own men are to fight for their own free House. I hope you understand this. That said, my standpoint is that your knowledge about the Tau systems is sufficient enough to repel the forces of the GRN from your own home.

As for resources... what programs we manage to salvage et decode from royal databanks, we usually make use of, but earlier cooperations with BAF have only yielded failure at any attempt to make Gallic et Bretonian technologie compatible with eachother, both at softwares et at hardwares. We'll notify you however if we achieve success in this regard.

The other goods... well, metal manufacturing is going on for a while now, but it's still controlled heavily. Not saying gathering those resources is impossible, just trés difficile. What's plus difficile is to get those bio-stabilizers, or what, those are quite new toys in Gallia. We'll look around for opportunities regardless, et some specifics as to when, where et what amount of these commodities are required could help as well.

Involving us in your communications to other Gallic parties is a good idea however, we can help you out more efficiently as liaison should you encounter an issue stemming merely from cultural or language barriers et misunderstandings.

General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil
Chef de Groupement tactique Roussillonnaise


RE: To: The Council High Command - JudgeYohance - 02-17-2014

Transmission Detected- Encryption in progress, standby for algorithms added....private channel established
Link Established- No visual detected

Encryption Level: High
From: BIS (Judge Core) Senior Judge Yohance
To: The Council High Command
Subject: RE: RE: Freedom from Tyranny

Bonjour again General Pierre LeFlamme,

I can fully understand your feeling as well as the rest of the Council on the matter of directly entering GRN space and taking even a segment of the war beyond the boarder and I furthermore, respect them. As such, I won't push you on that matter for the time being.

As per the software, you'd be quite amazed what can be gleamed even by simply having a sampling of it. While I would be lying if I said I have the resources of the BAF at my fingertips, I do have shall we say, access to people more inclined towards this kind of work then they do. At the least, we hope to be able get a better feel for how much communication is happening between the forces. Even if we can't hack it, that alone may help give us an edge. We don't need much, I merely ask that the next time one of your fighters works its way down to us, that it drop off some units with our people.

I know the metals are well controlled. They aren't critical, but would be of value to us. We could use a reasonable size amount of them, 10,000 or so units of each would suffice. As for the Bio-Stability Monitors, I know those will be tough to get at. If you can get it, I only need one. As for the when and where, when is as soon as they can be procured, where we can negotiate a spot but the closer it can be gotten to Tau-31, the better.

As for your allies, I appreciate any help that can be provided. I will be contacting them soon.

Parlez de nouveau bientôt mon ami

Senior Judge Yohance