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To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Printable Version

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To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Durandal - 02-14-2014


From: Fleet Admiral Roy Sanders, LNS Durango, New York System
Subject: A Declaration
Encryption: None
Priority: Maximum

[Image: dM7PUPZ.png]

To everyone listening to this transmission, I am going to cut to the chase. I am Roy Sanders. I am not a diplomat, I am not a politician, and I'm not even a Libertonian. And as of February 7th, I am Fleet Admiral of the Liberty Navy.

While I'm sure that isn't news to most of you, what is new is the reason why. On February 6th 1800 hours Manhattan time, the LNS Anchorage - flagship of the primary fleet - came under heavy Gallic attack defending Freeport IV, holding long enough for the Durango and Cloverfield to arrive and secure the area.

Fleet Admiral Rachel Baker was badly wounded in the attack, and as we speak is in an intensive care unit paralyzed from the waist down. It was by her request that should anything happen to her, I was to take command of the Navy, and so I have.

The reason that I stand here today, addressing a house that is not mine, is as simple as my reasons were for joining the Navy. Over two years ago, I saw my friends slain, my nation broken, and my home occupied at the hand of the Gallic onslaught.

So to the citizens of Liberty, I tell you this. I will stop the Gallic threat dead in it's tracks. I will not let the horrors of the Taus be repeated here. This is where we draw the line. This is where we stand our ground, ground I'd sooner see burnt to ash than under Gallic rule. It is every able bodied Libertonian's duty to stand and if necessary die in the defense of their homeland. Know that you do not do this alone.

To any Gallic citizens loyal to the Crown, to the GRN and to the royal family; I will break the Gallic war machine over my knee. If you support your tyrant, I will see your homes burnt and Libertonian soldiers on your soil, from Languedoc to Ile de France.

Tell your King Charles that I am coming for him, and there is nowhere he can hide.

Fleet Admiral Roy Sanders, signing off.

RE: To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Deep Space Engineering - 02-14-2014

[Image: dseincomming.png]

Admiral Sanders,
  • It is with a heavy heart I offer you mine and the employees of
    Deep Space Engineering our sincerest condolences for the
    misfortune Admiral Baker has experienced. There is nothing
    worse than losing a hero.

    As it stands, myself and Deep Space Engineering will do every
    thing in our power to ensure that we maintain and supply all
    and every Naval installation and vessel you request us too with
    cutting edge technology and state of-the-art core and shield
    equipment to sustain and surpass any and all enemies of our
    great nation. It is with this message that we state our allegiance
    and our loyalty to not just our military forces, our Government but
    in your leadership as well. Along with our sister companies Ageria Technologies and Universal Shipping
    there is no chance we can be beaten.

    E pluribus unum

John Doe
Deep Space Engineering

RE: To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Omi - 02-14-2014


[Image: Mer5R7O.png][Image: FnyxaMt.png]
ID: Général Lucie LeBlanc, Duchesse de Maine, Marine Royale Gauloise
LOC: Royal Naval Cruiser Mont Blanc, Édimbourg System

Fleet Admiral Roy Sanders, and all those others in audience:

I am sorry to disappoint the many recipients of this transmission - and especially yourself, Fleet Admiral - but I fear the King has no interest in personally replying to the tirades of the Liberty Navy's newest and loudest-barking dog.

One would think that a fitting first act as the newly instated Fleet Admiral of Liberty's grand fleets would be a fearsome, mighty, military one, non? Perhaps a retaliatory counterattack - or an attempt at such, at least - as retribution for the terrible end brought to the now ex-Admiral Baker's career?

Instead, you choose to broadcast crude, grandstanding propaganda across the neural net. While that is undoubtedly easier than scoring an actual military success against the Crown's forces, I feel compelled to question its comparative effectiveness.

As the common phrase goes, Admiral, actions speak louder than words. The Royal Navy crushes its opposition at every turn, and nothing you, your House, or its allies have ever done or will ever do can even so much as momentarily impede our glorious advance. The recipients of this transmission would do well to believe this, as the proof of our impending victory is written in the trail we have left behind us. Already, the Taus and more have been united under the Crown's banner, and the prosperity of the Kingdom spreads throughout the once war-torn regions of Sirius which are now incorporated into the King's rule.

A reckoning is upon Sirius; a reckoning for crimes long thought forgotten. Those who resist our coming have already been - and will continue to be - swept aside into irrelevance, as the Crown's benevolent reach extends further across the sector, and the justice of House Gallia is inevitably brought upon world after world.

Ours is a crusade eight centuries in the making, Admiral. All those who are truly of Gallia know the righteousness of our cause, and your empty words will sway neither those true Gallics, nor the countless others who are friends to the Kingdom. Gallia will always remain a foe to those too misguided to see, but those who swear fealty have always been extended the hand of friendship. However, those blind to the truth - or those simply unwilling to accept it - shall receive nothing more than the fist of war. As it has always been.

That's one Admiral down, Sanders. Expect more.

LeBlanc out.


RE: To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Squad - 02-14-2014

[Image: v6erYat.png]

My Dearest Admiral "Timidly Looking into the Camera whilst Babbling,"

I’ll have to say, I’m honored an “Admiral” of the prestigiously inept Liberty Navy would choose to be so open about his threats. It’s quite entertaining, let me assure you.

As a firm reality check to whatever parallel universe you’ve been living in, I suggest your and your kin look to Bretonia if you truly want to have a peek at your ultimate fate. I also believe that you, Admiral Sanders, know this to be true as you promise both to stop the Crown “in it’s [sic] tracks” while charging your fellow Libertonians with a duty to nobly fold before the coming storm. Indeed, they do not do it alone, the Bretonians are proving quite skilled at it.

The “Gallic threat” you reference is a people united with the singular purpose of wiping your kind from the planets you insult through your habitation. EFL Oil & Machinery supplies and supports the Crown, its hammer, and its people with a resolve you can only fathom. In the meantime, continue cowering behind blown jump gates from backdoor burglars and please, do your best to grind your own war toys to a halt by starving them of energy.

I suspect you practiced in front of a mirror for several hours before finding the resolve to promise your own that you will break the Gallic war machine “over your knee.” I’m sure the crippling of your predecessor provided an appropriate amount of inspiration, the broken thing that Gallia has made her.

Votre dévoué serviteur,

J. Tavernier
[Image: 2wp1855.png]

RE: To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Conspiracy. - 02-14-2014

[Image: CommsLink.png]

Conspiracy here, hehe!

I was just passing through Liberty and I got this message and it made me think about some stuff and I thought it would be a good idea to respond to you mister big bad admiral sir with that stuff.

The stuff I thought about was that you should take that stuff that you're being all stuffy about and stuff it.

Much love,

Conspiracy ^_^

RE: To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Aphil - 02-14-2014

Onboard the CPW-Party, a Storm stationed on the borders of Liberty, a bored Senior Lieutenant and his crew received a transmission from the new Fleet Admiral of the Navy.

Thinking they had intercepted a message of great importance and dreaming of all the glory and Vodka they were to be awarded, they opened it and were greeted with the bitter taste of disappointment.

The contents of the message were read and with a frown and a sigh by the crew, it was promptly filed in the low-priority section as nothing more than a new leader blustering about like a Junior Lieutenant trying to impress a woman at a bar with tales of how big his Multi-Role Fighter is and questions such as "Would you like to see it?" and "Do you come here often?"

When all was said and done, the crew returned to patrolling the borders of Liberty, all the while trying to satisfying their lust for Vodka. A near impossible task for any self-respected member of the SCRA.

RE: To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Thexare - 02-14-2014

.:| Message Received
::| Sender: WhiteNoise

Your friends at Leiden refer you to Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5, Lines 25-28.

.:| Message Ends
::| Channel open for response.

RE: To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Doria - 02-14-2014

--- Incoming Transmission ---
[Image: e54oZUV.png]
Sender ID: Crazy Lou
Ship ID: LR-Side.Effect
Location: Untraceable
--- Message Starts ---

[Image: BbFbVlT.jpg]

Hahahaha-errr... *cough-cough*

Well, how I laughed at you boys comparing sizes... Ha!

Dun worry, kiddos, the Rogues will send an humanitarian wing to rescue all those that are able to get to an escape pod in time... * takes a smoke of his spliff * You will be treated very well all the way up to Malta! Hehehe...

Watch your backs, lads.

[Image: Jz8I3L1.png]

--- Message Ends ---

RE: To: House Liberty, House Gallia - Sirius Revolutionary Front - 02-14-2014

[Image: benjamin_cohen_transmission_bar_zps31546a0e.png]

Onboard the '=[SRF]=Serenity' Ben is leaning back in a chair he looks grim and then chuckles slightly as he reads the last of the transmission. He sits up in the chair

*he sighs* "I told them this two years ago, we all did, and now they see what we were saying. I was waiting for the day I could do this"

Did I not tell you this would happen? Well not you, but I did tell your predecessor Admiral Hale. He chose to ignore the facts, Now Gallia is knocking in Liberty's front door and the Admiral is asking his civilians for help in defending what could have possibly slowed or even prevented. For shame for shame. Good luck in the coming war, you will need it.

Also: How do you Libertonians say it...oh yes, ' I told you so'

Au Revoir

[Image: benjamin_cohen_transmission_bar_transmis...0b7f0d.png]

RE: To: House Liberty, House Gallia - TFinnegan - 02-14-2014

[Image: QSHUCqo.png]
Sender: Congressman Tim Finnegan
Location: Redacted

*Tim Finnegan stares into the screen, devoid of expression*
Top o' th' mernin' Gran' Adm'ral hoigh-mucky-muck.
S' a ruddy noice suit ye'z go' there, lad.
Pressed n' proper, aye?

*continues to stare coldly into the screen, despite the apparent mirth in his voice*
Lemme tell ye'z a wee story boot 'ow Congress be aye 'elpin th' Bretonian gov'ment with their Gallic problems, aye?
Ye'z see, a few spots loike Rayburn n' others be set t' aid them Bretons in their toime o' bloody needs.
'Cause them Breton lot know th' value o' Junkers, an' hae been willin' ta "play ball" wif us Junkers o'er the ages.

*points to the screen with a gnarled finger*
But ye buggers - ye'z feckless two-faced lovers o' "liberty", been stickin' yon noses int'a Congress b'zness fer a toime now.
Liberty, me arse.
Now ye'z point a bloody gun at us lot an' thrust a hand in our pockets t' same toime.
Ye bloody well just aboo't hae us Junkers declared common pessin' criminals!

*drops his hand, and leans into the camera*
After all th' scrappin' - cleanin' up th' messes yer wee skirmishes pr'duce, all th' toimes we moight'a fing'red a really dangerous poilot....
Ye hound us loike fek'n foxes in yer henhouses.
Day's a day when we hae ta' flee int' th' black when we see'z ye lot a'comin'.

*his stare grows more severe*
An' now lad, ye see wha' ye done?
Aye 'alf th' galaxy gon' watch ye lot drown, ef 'et come to et'.
Ye'z toss th' seeds o' distrust 'pon th' fertile groond, an' ye'z reap 'et!

Come a toime wha' Junkers 'ad a home in Liberty, aye.
Come a toime wha' ye'z could'a counted on us in this endeavor t' 'alt th' Gallic push.

*backs off a pace, still severe in his stare, hoisting his shotgun back to his shoulder*
We Junkers let Kusari rot an' twist whoile Gallia rolled o'er 'em.
Ye'z know it t' be true.
Who'd ye'z tink it were wha' divulged th' Kusari base locations, aye?

*a wry smile and an open hand held forth*
Oi s'pose th' next move 'ere be up t'yez lot an' yer daft-as-doors policy 'andlers.
Aye an' sure.
Question bee'n, we Congressmen gonna walk off't whistlin' an' arskin "Liberty who?" or might we, just bloody maybe, aid ye'z in th' dark future you done brought 'pon yerselves?

S'toime ta' choose lad.
'Cause me tinks ye may just hae opened up a huge ruttin' can o' worms ye'z cannae control.

Wake, oot.
Congressman Tim Finnegan
Clan Chief, Gordon Junkers of Inverness
Coileach an Taobh Tuath