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(Previous Incarnation 2014) Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Printable Version

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(Previous Incarnation 2014) Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Orbital Spa and Cruise - 02-16-2014



This communication channel has been opened for all Orbital Spa and Cruise employees, in order to inform the superiors, regarding any problems encountered in their travels, to make suggestions or proposals, for impoving the company image, or to send reports about their activity. All communications sent via this channel are analyzed carefully by the Board of Directors and may be a good chanche for them to stand out!

RE: Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Melanie Tyler - 02-18-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: Planet Curacao, Cortez
» COMM-ID: Melanie Tyler, OS&C Officer
» TARGET-ID: Internal Channel

Director Wood,

Just an advisory message to inform you that I've recovered two of my old ships from their hangar on New London more or less unharmed, if somewhat outdated. I've made a trip to Curacao (two trips, actually), to bring the flight systems up to date. My old Touketsu's so far out of date that it's practically a different ship compared to the high-mass monstrosity that's swaggering around the lanes now.

In any event, the ships below are ready for service.

CTE-6000 "Eagle"
  • Communications Signature: OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.
  • Role: Escort
  • Armament:
    • 4 x Imp. Debilitator Mk I
    • 2 x Heavy Flashpoint
    • 1 x Heavy Flashpoint Turret
    • Hornet Cruise Disruptor
    • Nuclear Mine
    • Silencer CM Dropper

CTU-7f "Ravens Talon"
  • Communications Signature: OS&C|Melanie.Tyler
  • Role: Patrol
  • Armament:
    • 2 x Imp. Debilitator Mk II
    • 4 x Enforcer IX
    • Mosquito Cruise Disruptor
    • Nuclear Mine
    • Silencer CM Dropper

I'll be going through a refresher course down at Hephaestion to bring me up to speed with the new policies, and I should be good to go within a day. Looking forward to working with all of you.

Tyler out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Cashew - 02-18-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: Planet Curacao, Cortez
» COMM-ID: Graham Saunders, OS&C Officer
» TARGET-ID: Internal Channel
» SUBJECT: Ready to fly

Howdy, I just thought I'd say that I'm ready to fly and raring to go. My ship has been assessed by the lovely ladies down here on Curacao which is always a bonus *Laughs*.

I hope all is well, anyway I'd better get back to my massage.

Saunders out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Melanie Tyler - 02-18-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: Planet Curacao, Cortez
» COMM-ID: Melanie Tyler, OS&C Officer
» TARGET-ID: Internal Channel
» SUBJECT: Really?

Hey Sanders,

Glad you're enjoying yourself. Nevermind the rest of us, we'll just be training at Hephaestion. Don't worry yourself. It's not as if lives depend on us, is it?

I'm certain all'll be well just as soon as you can stop enjoying the scenery and remember that you work here too. The beaches are lovely down here, but it'd be unfortunate if I had to come and drag you down one to your ship, don't you think, sir?

I'll get that Talon warmed up for you.

Tyler out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Cashew - 02-18-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: Takilaki Beach, Planet Curacao, Cortez
» COMM-ID: Graham Saunders, OS&C Officer
» TARGET-ID: Internal Channel
» SUBJECT: Nearly Finished

Howdy, again. Looks like the ladies here are nearly done. I should be flying in less than an hour. Could you switch the internal cooling on when you warm my "Talon" up? It would be one mighty help.

I shall be there sooner than you think! See you in space!

Saunders out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Connor - 02-18-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: My Office
» COMM-ID: Joshua Wood, OS&C CSO
» TARGET-ID: Melanie Tyler, Board of Directors
» SUBJECT: Your New Ships, Security

Ms. Tyler,

I've had a little read though your report and the ships you have acquired seem good enough to use. That refresher course should be useful as well. Now, you mentioned something about a Touketsu bomber? If i am right, that is a Kusari Civilian Bomber? That might become very useful to us, just in case we ever come up against heavier. Do you fancy bringing it over to Hanger Bay Three (3). It's the maintenance bay. I'm sure we could fix it up for you. We have many capable Engineers that can work on it for you. Get back to me on that if you wish to take up the offer.

To the Board of Directors (//Their eyes only)

Today, we had a light problem on board the Luxury Liner Fortuna. One of our Tourists somehow smuggled on allot of Artifacts with out us knowing how, or when they were put onto the Liner. It seems as though somebody has tried to set us up. I have 3 people that did not board the ship and i am suspecting that it could have been one of these 3, or maybe them all. This is currently being investigated by the Security division. Now, the reason why i am writing to you all is because i am proposing to step up security as something, or worse, could happen again in the near future. Here are my proposals:

- We make sure people bring their luggage on before hand
- This will ensure that nothing we don't want is brought on before hand

- Every bit of luggage is Scanned before hand
- This will prevent people brining on unwanted goods

- We should require that everyone Signs in and Signs out
- This will prevent people trying to plant items on our liners and leaving unharmed

So. I mainly want views and opinions from the CEO as she will be making the final decision but other opinions are are welcomed from the Board of Directors.

Wood out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Melanie Tyler - 02-19-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: Hephaestion Training Centre, Planet Curacao
» COMM-ID: Melanie Tyler, OS&C Officer
» TARGET-ID: Internal Channel

Director Wood,

The Touketsu I've got is still geared up with fighter-grade weapons and the appropriate powerplant. I've moved it over to Hangar Bay Three to bring it back into line with modern specifications, and hopefully it'll be in the skies in Cortez soon. Hopefully we won't be coming up against anything too much heavier, as you put it sir, but if we do it'll be useful to have on hand.

I’ve also attached a report on yesterday’s (inaugural) flight.

Flight #0001
  • Squadron Leader: CEO Susan Miller
  • Reporting Officer: Melanie Tyler
  • Purpose: Passenger Departure
  • Origin: Luxury Liner Hawaii
  • Destination: Planet Curacao
  • Participating Vessels:
    • Luxury Division
    • OS&C|FortunaEnterprise Class – CEO Susan Miller
      Transport Division
    • None.
      Security Division
    • OS&C|Jackson.Wood – Raven’s Talon – Security Flight Commander
    • OS&C|Graham.Saunders – Raven’s Talon
    • OS&C|Melanie.Tyler – Raven’s Talon
  • Hostile Encounters:
    • None.
  • Visual Logs:
  • Comments
    Squadron was halted by an LPI Officer on arrival in California, who claimed to detect artefacts aboard Fortuna. The Squadron paused at Riverside Station for a complete inspection, which did uncover a number of alien materials among client baggage. Said baggage was offloaded to Riverside for processing, and the remaining passengers cleared to continue travel to Curacao. The remainder of the journey passed without incident.

I'm concerned about having to halt a two hundred million plus credit liner to deal with allegations against a handful of passengers. It's just not economical, in terms of fuel required to bring that size ship to a halt, alongside the cost in time for passengers and staff. If incidents like that occur frequently, it could quickly dredge up enough frustration among customers to start affecting business. Perhaps it’s worth having a discussion with the various law enforcement bodies to see if we can work something out. Perhaps deferring charges for non-violent crimes among passengers until the liner arrives at its destination? It's really a half-baked idea at the moment, sir, but maybe someone with the board wants to do something with it.

I've also included a template for the report above, in case anyone wants to use it later.

[indent][color=#87CEFA]Flight #0000 [AMEND APPROPRIATE NUMBER][/color][hr]
[list][*]Squadron Leader: [color=#87CEFA][i]RANK FIRSTNAME LASTNAME[/i][/color]
[*]Reporting Officer: [color=#87CEFA][i]FIRSTNAME LASTNAME[/i][/color]
[*]Purpose: [color=#87CEFA][i]PURPOSE[/i][/color]
[*]Origin: [color=#87CEFA][i]STATION/PLANET[/i][/color]
[*]Destination: [color=#87CEFA][i]STATION/PLANET[/i][/color]
[*]Participating Vessels:
[list][u]Luxury Division[/u]
[*][color=#87CEFA][i]OS&C|SHIP[/i][/color] – CLASS – CAPTAIN
[align=left][u]Transport Division[/u][/align]
[*][color=#87CEFA][i]OS&C|SHIP[/i][/color] – CLASS – CAPTAIN
[u]Security Division[/u]
[*][color=#87CEFA][i]OS&C|PILOT[/i][/color] – CLASS
[*][color=#87CEFA][i]OS&C|PILOT[/i][/color] – CLASS[/list]
[*]Hostile Encounters:
[list][*][color=#87CEFA][i]COMMUNICATIONS SIGNATURE[/i][/color] – CLASS - LOCATION[/list]
[*]Visual Logs:
[list][*][url=http://LINK][color=#32CD32]Available[/color][/url] - [i]SOURCE VESSEL[/i][/list]

That's all for the moment.

Tyler out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Melanie Tyler - 02-19-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: Hephaestion Training Centre, Planet Curacao
» COMM-ID: Melanie Tyler, OS&C Officer
» TARGET-ID: Internal Channel

Director Wood,

I'm glad to say that maintenance seems to have gone through without any major issues, save giving my ship the turning circle of a drunk elephant fresh out of a spin dryer. On the plus side, it's now got enough firepower to send a pirate gunship crying for its mother. I'll still need a bit of time to finish fine-tuning the identifiers, but it's ready to go whenever you need it, Sir.

"Touketsu" Bomber
  • Communications Signature: OS&C|Melanie.TyIer
  • Role: Emergency Response
  • Armament:
    • 2 x Bomber Energy Cannon
    • Hellfire Rocket Pod
    • Bomber EMP Turret
    • 'Supernova' Antimatter Cannon
    • Train Cruise Disruptor
    • Nuclear Mine
    • Silencer CM Dropper
That's all from me.

Tyler out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - Melanie Tyler - 02-19-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: Hephaestion Training Centre, Planet Curacao
» COMM-ID: Melanie Tyler, OS&C Officer
» TARGET-ID: Internal Channel
» SUBJECT: FAO: CSO, COO, Employees.

Good Evening,

Just wiring through another report of the day's activities. Aside from Captain Collins managing to confuse my gender, the flight was reasonably successful. Details are below.

Flight #0002
  • Squadron Leader: Captain Danielle Collins
  • Reporting Officer: Melanie Tyler
  • Purpose: Passenger Transport
  • Origin: Planet Curacao
  • Destination: Planet Curacao (Via Baden Baden, Newark)
  • Participating Vessels:
    • Luxury Division
    • OS&C|Silver.SpiritEnterprise Class – CAPT. Danielle Collins
      Transport Division
    • None.
      Security Division
    • OS&C|Melanie.Tyler. – Eagle
  • Hostile Encounters:
    • Red.Rocket - Roc - New York
  • Visual Logs:
  • Comments
    Damage to the jump gate network necessitated utilizing jump holes for transit from Liberty to Rheinland. The scrap fields weren't exactly what you'd call 'pristine scenery,' so it might be worth leaving that particular trick to the transport runs, rather then the tours. No hitches of note, save a Freelancer, Red.Rocket, taking a certain sadistic joy in shooting defenceless tradelanes. His decision, I suppose, and he was otherwise harmless, so once Silver.Spirit cleared the area, I left him to his own devices.

Both craft involved have been signed back in on Curacao. I believe Saunders was on the way back from Kusari too, so his Talon should be back down the gravity well shortly.

Tyler out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: Orbital Spa and Cruise | Internal Communications - King Owl - 02-19-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: Silver.Spirit.
» COMM-ID: Dannielle Collins, OS&C Captain
» TARGET-ID: OSC Headquarters
» SUBJECT: First flight

Ms. Miller, i am happy to announce that today has been nothing but , a prolific day. Early the day Silver.Spirit , Enterprise Liner class has done it's first testes and soon the first flights. And as well i have to add Mr.Melanie Tyler, wich has escorted me along the routes we have made.
--1--From Planet Curacao, where 3.300 Passangers enbarked tohead to Planet Baden Baden
--2-- Then from Plant Baden Baden to Newark Station in New York system, where aswell with 3.000 passangers.
--3-- Then from Newark to Planet Curacao , Consumer Goods with a amount of 3,050 Units of Goods.

Matilda_Antioch: Good day
[19.02.2014 14:45:09] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Dannielle:Greeting sir.
[19.02.2014 14:45:28] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Sir? Really Captain? Are we doing this again?
[19.02.2014 14:45:52] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: If I'm going to get shot at, ma'am, I'd appreciate it if you could get my gender right.
[19.02.2014 14:45:53] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Dannielle:Just a formal affiramation!
[19.02.2014 14:45:54] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
[19.02.2014 14:45:54] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[19.02.2014 14:46:15] Matilda_Antioch: since when is Matilda a boys name
[19.02.2014 14:46:25] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Dannielle:I was refering to Mrs.Matilda.
[19.02.2014 14:46:34] Death: Scarage was killed by an NPC
[19.02.2014 14:46:46] Death: Erebus was killed by an NPC
[19.02.2014 14:46:46] Matilda_Antioch: I am not a married woman... yet...
[19.02.2014 14:46:53] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Well. Nevermind me, then.
[19.02.2014 14:47:16] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Dannielle: Melanie. i shall pick up some passanger sin the next cuple of minutes
[19.02.2014 14:47:19] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: *Nods at her ship.* I really should swap these around for escort duty. I'll be back in space in a moment.
[19.02.2014 14:47:36] Traffic control alert: OS&C|Melanie.Tyler. has requested to dock
[19.02.2014 14:47:55] Matilda_Antioch: my brother has a liner but not one of those
[19.02.2014 14:48:16] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: // would you join me?
[19.02.2014 14:48:20] Traffic control alert: OS&C|Silver.Spirit has requested to dock
[19.02.2014 14:48:27] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: // Surely will.
[19.02.2014 14:49:11] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Planet Baden Baden
[19.02.2014 14:49:28] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: The rout
[19.02.2014 14:49:44] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: I have the youngest char i the Faction...Funny
[19.02.2014 14:50:05] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: // Quite.
[19.02.2014 14:50:22] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Something that big'd be almost impossible to cover up, regardless.
[19.02.2014 14:50:50] Matilda_Antioch: they will blame it on Gaul's
[19.02.2014 14:50:56] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Dannielle:Silver Spirit can as well protect it'sefl but a escort would not be bad
[19.02.2014 14:50:57] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Via the jump network, ma'am?
[19.02.2014 14:51:24] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Dannielle:Yes. Destination Plante Baden Baden
[19.02.2014 14:51:32] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: After you
[19.02.2014 14:51:41] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Right. I'll give you the all clear.
[19.02.2014 14:51:58] Matilda_Antioch: oh my sister-in-law is from stuttgart...
[19.02.2014 14:52:14] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: DSE)Expeditor
[19.02.2014 14:52:43] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Ma'am, usually you wait for me to call you ahead. Not much good scouting if you're right on top of me.
[19.02.2014 14:52:45] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: This is Cpt.Collins of the Silver.Spirit we are going to Baden Baden . have a nice time
[19.02.2014 14:52:50] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Gate's clear.
[19.02.2014 14:52:51] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Ok
[19.02.2014 14:53:09] Renato: hi spirit
[19.02.2014 14:53:31] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Wich lane?
[19.02.2014 14:54:00] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: All clear?
[19.02.2014 14:54:07] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Just follow me through, ma'am. We'll head out via Hudson, but keep to the leftmost lane here and you'll be fine.
[19.02.2014 14:54:15] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Clear to proceed to L.A.
[19.02.2014 14:54:16] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Ok
[19.02.2014 14:54:26] Death: LaFalcNegre was killed by an NPC
[19.02.2014 14:54:56] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Cleared to Riverside, ma'am.
[19.02.2014 14:55:31] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Proceeded
[19.02.2014 14:55:49] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: *Nods.* I can see you on the map.
[19.02.2014 14:55:56] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: First Flight ever..On OC*C
[19.02.2014 14:55:59] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Gate looks good, Ma'am.
[19.02.2014 14:56:08] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: New York?
[19.02.2014 14:56:16] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: *Nods.* That's the one.
[19.02.2014 14:56:20] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Ok
[19.02.2014 14:56:35] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: From there, we'll head out to Rheinland via the Hudson hole.
[19.02.2014 14:56:47] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Gate's clear on the New York side.
[19.02.2014 14:56:53] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Not so much as a whisper.
[19.02.2014 14:57:27] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: You can call me Dannielle or Dany
[19.02.2014 14:57:43] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: *Shrugs.* I can do that, ma'am.
[19.02.2014 14:57:54] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Not a soul at the academy.
[19.02.2014 14:58:07] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Ok
[19.02.2014 14:58:29] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: If you don't mind me asking, ma'am, how old are you? It's just your voice...
[19.02.2014 14:58:43] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: 21.
[19.02.2014 14:58:51] OS&C|Melanie.Tyler.: Norfolk's quiet too.
[19.02.2014 14:59:15] OS&C|Silver.Spirit: Silent day

Some captures from the Silver Cams:

1- ÷÷÷

I have to gave Mr. Tyler all congratulations, for keeping us safe and assuring us a nice and stady flight, and no problems.

Collins out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]