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To: JM|-Innocent.Bystander - Printable Version

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To: JM|-Innocent.Bystander - Sarah McFarlen - 02-16-2014

Message Received
To: JM|-Innocent.Bystander
Sender: Sparks
Origin: Frankfurt Relay #2

You rang?


Since I'm still not sure what your real name is, I'm just going to go with Pimpernel here, for the sake of simplicity. Sparks here, from the Widerstand. Not quite sure if you remember me, I bought some gear off you in Stuttgart a while back. Anyway, Alexander dropped your message off to me a week or so ago. Sorry I didn't get back to you, I've had my hands pretty full with things here. Hope everything on your end's working out a bit better.

I know we talked about buying salvaged gear off you a while back and, while that'd still be neat, our priorities have shifted a little since we last spoke. I've got a bit of a shopping list, which I've jotted down below (in order of urgency), and I heard you guys were the ones to go to (and before you have a heart attack, I'll be talking about payment afterwards. Don't worry.).
  1. Raw Materials
    All raw materials can be delivered to what's left of Augsburg. We'll take custody of them from there.
    • Basic Alloy (11.000 Standard Units)
    • Copper (500 SU)
    • Deuterium (3.100 SU)
    • Mining Machinery (1.000 SU)
    • MOX (3.000 SU)
    • Oxygen (4.200 SU)
    • Ship Hull Panels (3.000 SU)
    • Solar Panels (3.000 SU)
  2. Salvage
    As I said in our previous discussion, any technology you can scavenge, particularly military craft or weapons'd be very useful to us. In particular, I'm looking for a functioning transponder key, ideally one that Military Headquarters forgot to deactivate when the ship went quiet. Not likely, but I can hope. Failing that, I'll take any dead transponders you can find, primary or auxiliary fleet.
  3. Information
    Pretty straightforward here. Anything odd you see, I'd like to know about, particularly in terms of military or corporate exploits. Any mutterings of discontent, that sort of thing. You know, proper spy work.
Alright, onto the good part. We're not exactly the IND, so we don't have wheelbarrows full of credit chits lined up to pay you, but we'll compensate you for what you do. We've got someone at Augsburg who'll make sure you're paid standard rate for any materials you get there.

Recent events have also left me with a few more ships then I've got pilots to fly them. I can't give you anything military, obviously, but I've got Switchblades, Sabres and Cutlasses that could do with a good home. I'm sure I could arrange for a few of them to make their way over, if you're interested in taking them as payment.

Anyway, let me know what you think.

End Message

RE: To: JM|-Innocent.Bystander - Sarah McFarlen - 02-24-2014

[Image: BoostingSignal_zps86cbf5ef.png]

RE: To: JM|-Innocent.Bystander - Lythrilux - 02-28-2014

[Image: Wvj9j94.png]


The man you are looking for has been having troubles. He's busy with another matter, therefore he is unavailable. Probably stuck in some backwater system salvaging.

Therefore, we will try to meet what you ask us for. I will relay this information to the Marauder you seek.

We will attempt to deliver the required materials to Ausberg. We will send you a transmission once that is successfully done. I will also tell Innocent Bystander to keep looking for equipment to salvage. He's one of our best salvagers, you know.

And spying? Isn't that a bit nefarious? *He chuckles*. We will let you know about anything we find.


:::[Ending Transmission]:::

RE: To: JM|-Innocent.Bystander - Sarah McFarlen - 03-08-2014

Message Received
To: G.M
Sender: Sparks
Origin: New York Relay #1



Are you implying that I'd dream of asking you to do anything shady? I'm all sorts of hurt. Anyway, no problem at all. Glad to hear from someone, really. I'll keep an ear to the ground (sky?) on this one. Let me know how it all works out.

End Message