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For the love of God help me... - Printable Version

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For the love of God help me... - RmJ - 02-17-2014

So I have a 970A-43G MSI board that DOES support the FX8350.

For whatever reason... I have nothing... no beeps, tweeps, zeeps, or video output. All fans are working and my previous CPU does work on it. I have this nice, new, heat sink and fan that required me to upgrade my case to fit it. Everything is install correctly, power, nuts, zoners, but it still hasn't provided a hint of life.

I've updated my bios to the latest, and required, verison for this CPU.

I've had two CPU's in this board without having to do much more than slap them in....however this CPU has not been the same experience.

I've bought it for 169 for the CPU without the stock fan and heatsink.

I am making bets for another one, but I wanna exhaust ALL theories before I send my RMA.

Current build

MSI 970A 43G
Gskill ram: 16(24)
GPU: GTX 760
PSU: 730w
OS: Windows 7 Professional.

Halp? Plox? I don't want to make this retail seller sad, because they won't get my monies. PayPal rocks for getting money back Wink.

RE: For the love of God help me... - t0l - 02-17-2014

Where did you buy this from?

RE: For the love of God help me... - RmJ - 02-17-2014

<,< Is it relevant? I wanna hold of the dead CPU argument as long as possible as I've already experienced an AMD Phenom x4 II 965 with a bad core and had it replaced.

My is irrelevant .....but Ebay from a computer store in California. Which I should have known not to buy from California because everything I buy there ends up.... bad.

But....yeah... SHUSH! IDEA'S!

RE: For the love of God help me... - t0l - 02-17-2014

Have you tried a different CPU to check that it isn't the power supply or motherboard?

RE: For the love of God help me... - RmJ - 02-17-2014

holy adhd

RE: For the love of God help me... - RmJ - 02-17-2014

Yes. I have tested every component.... my previous CPU feels like new...with this heatsink...system.

RE: For the love of God help me... - t0l - 02-17-2014

So it works with another CPU in it?

You're going to have to face the fact that either your motherboard doesn't support AM3+ or that your CPU was DOA.

RE: For the love of God help me... - chase.way - 02-17-2014 -.-

P.S. What scares me is when I google that model it shows nothing useful, not even basic information.

RE: For the love of God help me... - RmJ - 02-17-2014

This MB has a wicked voltage span that makes OCing a devil's game. It's a tough little board though. It's taken a lot of abuse and hasn't failed.

I didn't want to buy another board, because I promised myself to keep this one for the next year over. I don't want to get into a costly trend of buying and upgrading every year. And I've been doing that... but I am almost at all specs I want.

If I more year....with this board....

RE: For the love of God help me... - RmJ - 02-17-2014

There have been others with this pair of CPU and MB. Stores sell them together as a combo system. Prebuilds...with it. It does work. Just NOT with mine for some reason and I must exhaust every typical explanation for a failed CPU that doesn't conclude the CPU at fault. I know...this is a very annoying position to place ya'll in...but the basics of CPU installation is what I am looking see if I missed anything crucial. I've worked on computers for a long time and I'm dead certain I didn't miss anything....but I have to have hope.... dead CPU's people rave as rare and I call bs on that.