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To: Sarah John-Kane, FP1 Administrator | Encrypted - Printable Version

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To: Sarah John-Kane, FP1 Administrator | Encrypted - Sabru - 02-18-2014

Incoming transmission...

Source:------ [TAZ]Kraken.of.Discord, Omega 3
Comm ID:----- Skarsi Wyrdmake
Encryption:-- 5D5F4-4482S
Topic:------- Introductions

Recipient:------ Sarah John-Kane
Signal strength: 100%
Data integrity:- 100%

Handshake protocol completed...

Opening message...

Kallisti Miss John-Kane,

I am Skarsi Wyrdmake, Pope of the TAZ. I received your information from Mister James Church, whom i met recently and had a discussion with. He expressed concerns about some issues you are having with the Bretonian Armed Forces.

To whit, i offer my services in diplomatic matters, but also the services of my security detachment should you wish to augment the Reavers, who i am led to believe currently handle security on the freeport. My ship, the Kraken.of.Discord, is currently in-system and is happy to assist should you request it.

As a gesture of good faith, i have had some gifts dropped off in Bay 2 for the Reavers. 10 crates of assorted alcohol, and 10 crates of small arms and body armor.

I look forward to hearing your reply.

~Skarsi Wyrdmake

RE: To: Sarah John-Kane, FP1 Administrator | Encrypted - Silver - 02-23-2014

[Image: SarahKaneComm-1_zpsd3b9e1c7.png]

Kallisti, Skarsi Wyrdmake. I give thanks for your offering. Omega-3 is a hotbed of problems, with pirates, military and independent factions disregarding the No-Fire Zone. A way to show that it should be enforced in their minds than at their hulls, is something i can appreciate.

And as for the Reavers securing the Freeport, it is only their security teams, within. Gods forbid if they were actually securing the space around. I would see no end to deaths and explosions. Their... colors are rather pro-active in enforcing contracts.

As for their security teams, i believe they do not drink. Extremely professional. And it seems you cannot pilot one of those heavy security exo's under the effect.
Either way, i will deliver those crates to them. The heavens surely know that keeping all the persons and different interests in check and safe within this station is hard work.

With hope and my deepest thanks.
Sarah John-Kane,
Freeport One.