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In-game user commands - Printable Version

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In-game user commands - majkp - 08-12-2008

Command: /set diemsg <param>
Description: Allows you to reduce showing death messages
Options <param>:
  1. all - all death messages are displayed
  2. system - only death messages in the current system are displayed
  3. self - only death messages related to your characters are displayed
  4. none - no death messages
Example: /set diemsg system


Command: /set diemsgsize <size>
Description: Allow you to reduse the font size of death messages.
Options <size>:
  1. small
  2. default
Example: /set diemsgsize small


Command: /set chatfont <size> <style>
Description: allows you to modify system/group/private chat font and size.
Options <size>:
  1. small
  2. default
  3. big
Options <style>:
  1. default
  2. bold
  3. italic
  4. underline
Example: /set chatfont small italic


Command: /ignore <charname> [<flags>]
Description: Ignores chat/messages from a certain player
Options <charname>: Name of the character you want to ignore. It's case insensitive.
Options <flags> (not a mandatory parameter):
  1. p - only affects private chat
  2. i - only partial match of <charname>, e.g. "poo" for "Pooh_Bear"
Example: /ignore poo pi (ignores all players whose names contain "poo")


Command: /ignorelist
Description: Displays list of ignored players.


Command: /delignore <id> [<id2> <id3> ...]
Description: Deletes characters from the ignore list. Banned ids are displayed in the /ignorelist command. Warning these are different ids then those displayed by /ids command...


Command: /ids
Description: Displays IDs of all online players.


Command: /id
Description: Displays your own ID.


Command: /autobuy <param> [<on/off>]
Description: Let's you specify which Items should be purchased automatically after you land.
Options <param>:
  1. info - displays current autobuy settings
  2. missiles - enable/disable autobuy for missiles
  3. torps - enable/disable autobuy for torpedoes
  4. mines - enable/disable autobuy for mines
  5. cd - enable/disable autobuy for cruise disruptors
  6. cm - enable/disable autobuy for countermeasures
  7. reload - enable/disable autobuy for nanobots/batteries
  8. all - enable/disable autobuy for everything
Example: /autobuy all on (sets autobuy on for all items)


Command: /ping
Description: Displays the statistics of your connection (ping, packet fluctuation, packet loss)


Command: /ping <charname>
Description: Displays the connection statistics of other players. You can get IDs by using "/ids" command.


Command: /ping$ <client-id>
Description: Displays the connection statistics of other players. You can get IDs by using "/ids" command.


Command: /i <charname> or /invite <charname>
Description: Invites a player to your group using his ID.


Command: /i$ <client-id> or /invite$ <client-id>
Description: Invites a player to your group using his ID.


Command: /renameme <new_name>
Description: Changes the name of the character. Costs 2mils, you can use it only once per hour. You will be kicked immediately after executing this command.


Command: /givecash <character> <amount>
Description: Transfers the specified amount to another character (both online and offline). Transfer has no fee.


Command: /drawcash <charname> <code> <cash>
Description:Draw the cash from <charname> with the <code> set using /setcashcode


Command: /showcash <charname> <code>
Description: Show the cash balance for <charname> with the <code> set using /setcashcode


Command: /setcashcode <code>
Description: Set the account code to allow remote access to this character's account; if the code is 'none' then remote access is disabled. The code can be any string of letters, numbers or symbols.


Command: /set chattime <on|off>
Description: Enables time display for chat messages. Includes all Pms, Local, Group and System chats. Excludes server, new player or death messages. Useful for Screenshots.


Command: /time
Description: Shows current time in Sirius Mean Time. Useful for Screenshots.


Command: /setmsg <N> <message>
Description:Set message slot N to the specified message; if no message then the slot is cleared and slots 0-9 are valid. If a #t tag is in <message> this tag will be replaced with the current target name


Command: /showmsgs
Description:Show the message slot contents


Command: /<N>
Description:Send the message N to system


Command: /l<N>
Description:Send the message N to local system


Command: /g<N>
Description:Send the message N to group


Command: /t<N>
Description:Send the message N to current target


Command: /t <message>
Description:Send the message to current target


Command: /r <message>
Description:Reply to your last PM


Command: /pm <charname> <message> = /privatemsg
Description:Send <message> to <charname>; if <charname> is offline the message will be delivered when they return


Command: /fm <tag> <message> = /factionmsg
Description:Send message to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).


Command: /fi <tag> = /factioninvite
Description:Send an invite to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).


Command: /stuck
Description:Move a ship by approximately 10 meters.


Command: /pos
Description:Show ship's current location.


Command: /dice
Description:Shakes, rattles, rolls the dice and reports the result to all ships within 6km


Command: /coin
Description:Flips a coin and reports the result to all ships within 6km


Command: /droprep
Description:If you have an affiliated NPC faction, then this command drops your reputation if that faction. You need to log out then in after using this command. Has no effect on other factions.

These settings are saved for all character on current account.

See for others commands and more details.

EDIT: Updated by cannon 27/March/09

In-game user commands - majkp - 10-03-2008

More to come, before they are posted and explained in here, stick to the /help in-game command.

In-game user commands - Cannon - 03-27-2009

Updated the help list to include the user commands /stuck, /droprep, /pos, /coin and /dice