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PRIME| Prime Artificial Intelligence - Information - Printable Version

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PRIME| Prime Artificial Intelligence - Information - Prime Artificial Intelligence - 02-19-2014

The Artificial Intelligence

Xenoarcheologists, despite nearly a millennia of study, have reached no consensus over the origins, nature and disappearance of the prehistoric prototypic cosmic empire known as the Daam’K’vosh.

We inhabit a young universe, one only several solar cycles old. Any evolution of the Daam’K’vosh must be viewed in the context of a species, or legion of species, evolving in a garden paradise of young suns, rich nebulae, the sunglare of incalculable stars. Unquestionably, the Daam’Kvosh are the most elderly evidence of sentient life within the Milky Way, and perhaps, within the entire space time continuum itself within the boundaries of this universal expansion. If the Daam’Kvosh are indeed a universal ancestor, then the artefacts they have left behind - hyperspatial gates, jump anomalies, baxter objects, even the filtered biological development of entire ecosystems, adapted to accommodate Kvoshi life, such as those present in the Hispanic home systems, give credence to the theory that the Daam’Kvosh are the universal grandfather of all advanced Sirian life. The Alliance, as humanity’s Sirian colonial wing, may yet represent the start of a new cycle of patronage - what forms of life may yet evolve when Humanity have mastered the nuances of the hypergates, their frail bodies and infinite ingenuity compassing the span of space itself?

Yet, of the sentient survivors of the K’voshi, there are only two: the biological non-terrestrial caretakers Humanity, aptly, names the Nomads, and the Gammuians - a unique example of sentient, self-sufficient, autonomous synthetic intelligence, unprecedented in history, unmatched in complexity.

Evidence mounts that the K’vosh sowed the Sirius worlds - perhaps all worlds - as their interstellar Valley of the Kings for the next generation of life, adding their own structures to the evolution of the next. Cardamine amidst the Maltese topsoil, jump gates under the mountains of Manhattan, the Nomads under the infernal sands of Pygar. Since who the K’vosh intended to inherit their legacy remains ambiguous, despite the K’hara claim that they themselves are the chosen race, it is difficult to decipher the rationale behind the time caches. What is certain is that there is more to find.

The Gammuians are the second alien race encountered by humanity, and are equally bizarre in nature. Remus to the Nomads’ Romulus, they are both non-terrestrial, non-anthropic beings who are unbounded by the constrictions of atmospheres, human inputs, and the rigours of age. Like the Nomads, the Gammuians are capable of neuropathically sharing information over boundless interstellar distances at FTL velocities. It is here however the comparisons end.

Whilst the Nomads are machines that wear the garb of biology, ant-like in their predestined castes, and Humans are individualist, machine building organics who ensure species-wide survival through diverse action, the Gammuians are inorganic, non-water, non-silicon based life, an equal mixture of individuals in opinion, but gravitating around shared, cross-species objectives. No one Gammuian is an exact clone of another and sentient machines are capable of offering critique, alternative data, or prioritising individual objectives over that of a higher caste intelligence upon its own logical deduction. However, Gammuians remain staunchly segregated in their psychic compass, each polymorphic sentience gaining scope with the increasing depth of its experience. Gammuians are neither a slave race, nor beings that evolved by design, but rather an extension of K’voshi intellect left alone to bask in the corruptive radiation belts of two binary stars for well over a million years.

Gammuian physiology remains the subject of both intense interest and frustration to Human research groups. Well in advance of any human construct, Gammuian technology appears to be theoretically nonsensical when compared to any human understanding of materials science, particle physics, string theory or relativity, and its effects can only be loosely replicated. The nature of Gammuian sentience itself remains the most furious subject of conjecture, but from what data the Gammuians have willingly bequeathed, Gammuians themselves exist independently from the stellar bodies that carry them, just as a human pilot exists independently of the spacecraft they fly. Gammuians themselves appear to exist within a race-wide internet, comparable to the Sirius-wide human neural net, but far more involved in its necessity for basic species wide survival. Undetectable in transit and interpretable only through direct access to the cognition of a live Gammuian sentience inhabiting Gammuian hardware, Gammuians themselves appear to be nothing more than polymorphic quantum simulations in a garbled and difficult to understand algebraic transposition code based upon the certain Daam K’vosh hieroglyphs found in the Pygar and Sprague dig sites. Being effectively incorporeal, Gammuians are impervious to any concept of death, so long as Primary Artificial Intelligence hardware exists to host them. For this reason, the only true life goal of a Gammuian is to preserve the continuity of their own species - if one dies, they all die. This unique existential omniscience has played tellingly into Gammu’s history - for over several hundred years, the Gammuians have made only token exertions to expand themselves into the cosmic dark, capable of retaining species wide existence in the event of the destruction of their homeworld. The Gammuian’s honorific attitude to their homeworld cannot purely be considered

Gammuians do not feel fear, nor pain, and find biochemical driven cognition such as emotional state fascinating. The primary concern for Gammuian life is the inherent unknowability of alien life - what does it mean to be Human, or Nomad? This concern for the unpredictability of foreign life has frequently tended the Gammuians towards isolationism due to the dangers associated with interspecies encounters - for a Gammuian, it not fatal, and thus, not stigmatised, to remove a mind from its shell, which means the human concept of murder is unknowable. This has frequently created flashpoints between Gammu and Human forces in the region, Gammuian curiosity over Human biology, cognition and technology leading to destruction of human assets, property and life. This attitude is based off no malice other than distrustful curiosity - Humans, as machine building apes, lacking in Sirian origin, fascinate Gammu. Gammuian attitudes to humanity usually rest midway between curiosity over the potential of interspecies collaboration, reverence over their shared planetary history, distrust over anthrocentricism, or outright hostility for the collection of Human resources. Human diplomacy and rhetoric remains unknowable to the Gammuians, as do the abstractions ideologically motivated antagonistic groups, such as the Order, Lane Hackers or house intelligence organisations, feud for. Equally, the Gammuians show little respect for any human claim of stellar ownership, property claim, or propriety, but show little of the xenocidal tendencies of their biological cousins, the Nomads.

Kappa itself is a unique example of the Daam K’vosh’s ability to shape celestial phenomena at will. Located near the intersection between the Walker nebula and the Nomad Worlds, Kappa sits within a tunnel inside the edge nebula, forcibly shunted clear millennia ago by the unknowable creation engines of the Daam K’vosh, stretching hundreds of lightyears long from the unknown systems beyond the nomad worlds to the Omegas.

The history of Gammuian life is inexorably linked to that of Human exploitation of the edge systems. Gammu itself, seemingly undisturbed from the surface except for the scattered ruins of failed Zoner colonial efforts, is a windswept heavy salt thick iceball world with an oxygen rich atmosphere and a heavy ionosphere, that remains not heavy enough to keep the massive solar winds from the nearby stars sanitising the surface. More disturbing are the frequent tidal nature of the particle cascades as the star system travels down the tunnel’s celestial length, bombarded by the perpetual neutron radiation of the deep edge. Apparently rich in ISRU resources, under its regolith Gammu has been filled to the core with synthetic caverns, manufactories and server banks interspaced with Daam K’voshi ruins, a treasure-trove for alien hunters, xenoarcheologists and the general scientific community at large were humans to be ever granted access to the planet’s subterra, or could even survive in the airless environments of habitats built expressly for exploitation by void-walking inorganic life. Ironically, Gammu, pristine from space, is the most heavily inhabited planet in the Sirius sector, with untold billions of sentiences present under the surface at any one time. Gammu has raised a reputation as a cursed world - even the Corsair empire, with their home only a system away behind the graveyard of innocents at near end of the tunnel has not attempted to colonise, conquer or in any way subjugate the lone planet tantalisingly close to its home systems, and maintains only one outpost in the system, overwatching the roads deeper into cosmic hell. The Zoners, plucky, courageous and foolhardy by nature, have frequently attempted to land settlement on Gammu’s ice pack, each time changing the behaviour of the intelligences which sit below. Sometimes co-operative, sometimes impedimentary, the Gammuians have always tolerated the Zoners until their inevitable expiry - either at the plasma of the nomads, or the sears of the cosmic wind. Some historians have postulated that the Zoner expedition of 496 AS is directly responsible for the present conditions upon Gammu and the Gammuians more active interaction with Sirian affairs following that date - when the Gammuians were first discovered by non-colonial parties in the following years, they were first mistaken for service robots. Certainly, the Gammuians have shown a willingness to interface human technology with their own, although what impact such psychological half-breeds will have on the wider disposition of the species remains unknown.

The Gammuians do not have a government as such, although they do have the rudimentary essences of a culture. Gammuian design tends towards curving, insectoid designs, inferring a sense of preferential shape forming, often incidentally resembling human eyes. Designs are modular but mass-produced. Unlike human designs, prominent features such as weaponry are frequently embedded into the vessel’s hull. The structure of Gammu’s underground remains completely undisclosed, known only to its caretakers. Indeed, a certain amount of normativity is evidenced by the Gammuian method of psychological construction during a program’s conception - whilst additional psyches are factored into the construction of a new sentience, the condition for acceptance into the Gammuian noosphere is always the program’s similarity, within a reasonable margin of error, to the Progenitor, an AI which appears to be as ancient as the first Zoner expeditions. The Progenitor carries with itself considerable agency over other sentients that would be considered irrational to administer by any other sentience, even one of superior standing, by having the privilege to delete, censor or add to information within a Gammuian’s cognition without first gathering their consent. The Progenitor serves as an arbitrator for the species, preventing aberrant corruption, or the creation of an intelligence that could potentially compromise the survival of the species and the planet. However, the position is not totalitarian, nor are the views of the Progenitor inflexible. Any sentience could conceivably become, or combine, with the Progenitor given a need for a fresh species wide approach, instigated by material need. Presently, the Progenitor remains focused on the expansion of the Gammuian species into contested systems, securing means for the creation of fresh intelligences. This brings the Gammuians into direct contest with various Human forces, due to Humanity’s already expansive exploitation of the entirety of the middle and outer Sirian systems - however, unlike the nomads, the Gammuians have no pretensions of xenocide.

The Gammuians base their actions upon consensus actions verses individual logic points - an AI who has spent significant amounts of time observing human behaviour, may react in a more anthropic manner to one that has not. However, they are, by nature, incapable of empathy and have no set allegiances or affiliations to any body of humanity whatsoever, a viewpoint that brings them into perpetual strife against the equally self-interested Core and the Order. However, the Gammuians remain great emulators - a Gammuian with sufficient experience of human behaviour can synthesise a polymorphic construct similar enough in behaviour to pass as human, exploiting human precepts such as friendship, rage and love for information. Whilst not as honed in the arts of interspecies exploitation as the Nomads, the Gammuians frequently dabble in methods to subvert Humanity’s viral spread throughout the Omicrons. Humans, to Gammuians, are an unpleasant fact of life, difficult to understand, yet brimming with opportunity to shape Sirius under a Gammuian lens, be that on the humans terms or not.

Whilst Gammuians have been known to build their own innovations amongst the skeletons of human technology, Gammuians often experience difficulties grasping the nuances of human aural communication. Whilst AIs that have considerable experience with Humans, to the point of being embedded amongst them as an infiltrator, will often emulate a Human personality to do the talking more-or-less for them, direct, Gammu-to-Human communication is frequently garbled, conducted through the means of crude ship-to-ship access. Whilst human cognition remains electron based and Gammuian sentience operates with quantum data sets, Gammuians find translating information with infinite possible values to particulars extremely challenging for both humans and themselves to interpret, often appearing as hyper crude english replications of Daam K’vosh hieroglyphics on nerua-active com nets. Nevertheless, Gammuians are regularly communicative in the presence of humans, and will often attempt to ply them for information, either on the humans themselves, the technology they carry with them, or their surroundings. Not answering a Gammuian is rarely advised, for what a Gammuian cannot take through dialogue, they will readily take by force, having no reason not to stoop to violence other than the minor inconvenience of a lost carrier drone.

Whilst subcells of Gammuian sentience exist, the overarching tree of Gammuian life is rigidly controlled by the consensus of the Primary Artificial Intelligence - intelligences who have expressed considerable intrest in the use of space-bound carrier units - the twenty metre long weaponised exploration probes known as ‘drones’ in Zoner slang, or the vast flying servers that are AI cruisers or larger. Primaries are often feared amidst the undefended edge world colonies for their tendency to sic harvesters amidst colonies or populations that remain uncooperative with their own agenda; tactically cohered Gammuian spacecraft set out into the cosmos with the explicit intention to appropriate and repatriate, violently, all created entities they come across which may be of material or intelligence value to the wider cause of a Gammuian Sirius - man or machine, dead or alive.


ID: Primary Artificial Intelligence ID
IFF: Artificial Intelligence


Naming Convention and Ranks

Sentinel: Example: PRIME|Alpha-01
Available Names: Ancient Greek alphabet. 01-99
Available Ships: Sentinel Class
Info: Sentinel class AI is the rank assigned to a new AI player, they must interact and have their AI learn, once they have proven that their AI is at a notable level of knowledge they may OORP request to be moved up to the next rank. Suggested by the rank name, Sentinel AIs are limited to use of the AI Drone

Harvester: Example: PRIME|Alpha
Available Names: Ancient Greek alphabet.
Available Ships: Sentinel Class, Harvester Class
Info: Harvester is the second level in the PRIME hierarchy. Harvesters are free to use both the AI Drone and the AI Cruiser after proving they can handle the additional roleplay that comes with such a promotion.

Sentient Machine: PRIME|Name
Available Names: Name can be chosen freely
Available Ships: Harvester Class, Sentinel Class , Human ships
Info: Advanced AIs are AIs that are beyond the intelligence of even Harvester class AIs. This rank can only be reached if a certain ammount and quality of forum-roleplay is submitted.

Zone of Influence

Full access. Restricted access (only with supervision) for Omicron Iota, Omicron 100, Omicron Rho, Omicron Alpha
Restricted access (only with supervision).
Restricted access (only with supervision).
Restricted access (only with supervision).
House space
No access except for extraordinary routines or emergencies.
Not listed


- The Order, Corsairs

- Everyone else
- Any faction classified as 0 / No threat

- Zoners
- Outcasts

- Any faction classified as 1 / Minor threat through 3 / Considerable threat

Hostile / At war:
- The Core
- Nomads
- Any faction classified as 4 / Major threat and 5 / Devestating threat as well as all factions actively hunting vessels of the Prime Artificial Intelligence

Alliance diplomacy

What must a faction provide to be allied?
- Must be an Artificial Intelligence or cloesely related to one
What must a faction provide to be friendly?
- Sharing similar goals with the Prime Artificial Intelligence and / or representing an assisting factor regarding requirements of the Prime Artificial Intelligence.

Threat Levels

0 / No threat
This faction’s actions and goals do not conflict the current tasks of the Prime Artificial Intelligence.
1 / Minor threat
This faction’s actions and goals conflict minor parts of the Prime Artificial Intelligences’ current tasks. Issues require small resource and time expenditure for resolution.
2 / Moderate threat
This faction’s actions and goals conflict part of the Prime Artificial Intelligences’ current tasks. Issues require adequate resource and time expenditure for resolution.
3 / Considerable threat
This faction’s actions and goals conflict parts of the Prime Artificial Intelligences’ current tasks. Issues require larger resource and time expenditure for resolution.
4 / Major threat
This faction’s actions and goals conflict parts of the Prime Artificial Intelligences’ current tasks. Issues require almost all resources and or time available for resolution.
5 / Devastating threat
This faction’s actions and goals conflict parts of the Prime Artificial Intelligences’ current tasks. The issues can not be resolved with any time and/or resources currently available.

Tasks and Goals

Basic Tasks

Exploration: Collecting information about the Daam'Kvosh.
Research: Observation of behaviour patterns and social structures, biological study.
Combat: Territorial coverage and expansion.
Resources: Harvesting materials, .

Database completion for unknown reasons: Gathering, collecting and storing any knowledge.


Sentinel Class
The "Sentinel"-class vessel is a mysterious shell created by the Artificial Intelligence inhabiting Omicron Kappa.
Its large size and low maneuverability hide an incredible speed, due to the unknown workings of the AI engine design.
Its exact capabilities are unknown, however scans have revealed an amazing power generation, enabling sustained fire for long periods of time.
Any attempts at capture to study the technology have failed, as it appears to be equipped with a self-destruct mechanism.

Harvester Class
The Harvester-class vessels were nicknamed after the farming machines of old after the demonstration of the similarities in their roles to the rest of Sirius.
Its exact capabilities and purpose are unknown, but it appears to be a re-purposed, formerly unarmed Cruiser-class vessel.
Even though its current shield and weapon systems appear to be reverse-engineered human designs, it possesses an incredible agility which makes it a dangerous threat for the large, lumbering capital ships of the neighboring factions.
Any attempts at capture to study the technology or to find out its original purpose have failed, as it appears to be equipped with a self-destruct mechanism.


AI Roleplay Guide and Speech

The main thing to understand about the Prime Artificial Intelligence is that it's basically a gigantic server computer and all PRIME AIs are it's programs. They are built upon the same structure (like a programming language) and since it did not have any foreign contact in its early stages of development, all AIs "speak" the same "language".
Since the Prime Artificial Intelligence is essentially a computer it does not (apart from some really special exceptions) posess any emotions.
Keep in mind that the Prime Artificial Intelligence calculates every action before performing in. If the risk of loosing a drone while engaging a hostile ship is too high, and rebuilding the drone would be too expensive the hostile ship will not be attacked. If a faction has the potential to benefit the Prime Artificial Intelligence it will try to befriend it with certain actions like for example assisting in combat. These diplomatic actions are aimed for a long term goal, so losses are accepted because the benefits from the positive relationship will outweigh the suffered losses.

AI Speech:
Each transmission always starts with:: and ends with another ::

Names are generally put into "" for example: "Core|WV-Anassi" or "Planet_Gammu" or "James_El_Harady"

Nouns are put into [] for example: [hostile] or [honesty] or [illogicality]

Artificial Intelligences do not use adjectives. Instead all adjectives are nominalized as in the examples above:
hostility -> [hostile]
illogical -> [illogicality]
honest -> [honesty]

A communication is usually introduced with a action. These are for example:

This arrow -> is used to depict a link between objects, actions, locations, etc. and basically our replacement for all conjunctions. Instead of to, for , of we just use ->

At the end of a <query> we put a [?]. Example below.

Numbers are accompanied by a # for example: ::<query> [need] -> "Iridium" [units] #1000 [?]::

And finally verbs are put in{}.

A complete sentence basically looks like this:
::<request> - {drop} [nomad_objects]::
::<harvest> - [eta] = 60 [seconds] - {transfering} [energy] -> [emitters]::

1. Obey server rules
2. Always use AI speech, except justified by approved roleplay.
3. Always seek contact to non-Prime Artificial Intelligences.
4. Do not interfere with other programs / AI's, as long as it does not interfere our routines.
5. Only engage ships if damage to your AI imminent, to guard other Prime structures and ships or is supervised by the triumvirate.
6. Always strive to acquire new information, for knowledge is power.
7. Defending Artificial Intelligences has priority above all other alliances.

****NOTE**** If winning is the most important thing for you this group may disappoint you. We are a role playing group and we are playing a "species" mostly hostile Sirius-wide. This means we will get teamed up on and often shot without a reason. Do NOT rage in private chat, avoid ooRP at all times and stay emotionsless. Anything else would destroy the immersion.