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What happened with TLR, anyway? - Printable Version

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What happened with TLR, anyway? - hribek - 08-12-2008

In reply to the TLR domain being for sale:
It's rather confusing than interesting.

Now what I wanted to talk & ask about:

Once upon a time, there was this lovely site called The Lancer's Reactor, to which I used to point people who were looking for things. They had zillions of files for download, huge forums and it was just .... cool.

At about the time I was playing on Jolt Freelancer server ... I happened to be present on #freelancer.jolt on Quakenet. The discussion was a bit messy (the "hackers" were demanding that a person called "Torch" was removed from the TLR admin team because she tried to harm their server somehow ... they never proved their claims well enough for me, so I can't tell if it was true.) Torch was one of the Jolt admins at that time.

There were two people from TLR on the channel ... bakedpotato (the owner, I think) and someone else, I can't remember much. Anyway, from what I understood:

Persons called "Knife" and "AzzA" were playing on Jolt in that recent past while I was there ...
And they did for absolutely stupid reasons DoS-attack the Jolt server and I don't know what they did to TLR, but...
they openly admitted that it was them,
they behaved like terrorists,
they said they won't stop until the TLR staff does as they demand.

It seems that Bakedpotato did give in, in the end.
How else could such hackers end up as "administrators" of the "new TLR"?

From what I could see over the past few months... there's plain nothing on the domain anymore except for that pathetic little board.

So this is my expression of general dissatisfaction and a final question:

Does anyone else have at least a clue to what the heck happened?