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My Pledge - mwerte - 08-13-2008

I pledge to read one newbie's story per week and offer feedback (via PM) to them. If they take it we're both happy, if they say they don't want it that's fine. This is me trying to make Discovery a more welcoming place.

Also, I pledge to stop rule-lawyering in system chat. if you see me do it, smack me please.

My Pledge - Ichtan - 08-13-2008

That's a darn good idea. Seconded!

My Pledge - Boss - 08-13-2008

Ahh, good.

See below for links:lol:

My Pledge - n00bl3t - 08-13-2008

Well done.:)

My Pledge - Magoo! - 08-13-2008

I'm a noob.

... *looks at Lycaon*

Plleeaase? Haven't touched the other two, and Aiolos got killed before he started. Marsflyer is getting replaced apparently...

My Pledge - SGTMatt - 08-13-2008

Smacks mwerte for GP.

My Pledge - Carlos_Benitez - 08-13-2008

Do I qualify as a noob? I've only been here 12 months... read mine!!

My Pledge - mwerte - 08-13-2008

GP? *smacks Matt for not making any sense*

My Pledge - Jihadjoe - 08-14-2008

Good idea David. This will make a far more positive difference than shouting at people.

My Pledge - obnoxious1 - 08-14-2008

Kudos to you Mwerte !, I know your RP suggestions & guidance has helped my group greatly.
I can only see good things with you helping newer players with RP

(& By the way, GP = General Purpose, feel free to slap em back)