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Venkman's notice: - Printable Version

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Venkman's notice: - Venkman - 02-22-2014

Registration Date: 06-27-2011

Almost 3 years spent on this server. Started from Outcast faction then joined few more factions. Sure i had great time here and i'm happy with bunch of people i've met. As you all know i am not good at pvp nor rp i even suck inRL in every aspect. Currently i am disappointed in everything.... dunno maybe there is something wrong with my brain who knows.... anyway, I'm leaving and before i leave i would like to say good luck to 101st, Order, BMM, Bowex, DSE, Phoenix factions, and to other great people i've met here. I shared my stuff with with 101st faction and ofc. my bro' Stefan (Stefz).

Good bye!

RE: Venkman's notice: - Doria - 02-22-2014

Oh man! Too bad you are leaving... Well, thanks for the escorts in the malta run and also for the booz and weed on Alcatraz!

Good luck for you on your new endeavours! Smile

~ LR-Crazy.Lou

RE: Venkman's notice: - Sath - 02-22-2014

Sorry to see you go.And those lines are nothing but a kind of rage towards yourself,neverthless real.I hope that this is just a decision you have taken in rage,if so,you may come back,since you feel lonely and bored in the time you used to play Disco.
I just had one encounter with you on my IC character and you were on your [101]st character.Unlike what I expected,you were the best pirate I ever faced.Instead of the usual cash,you demanded 20/30 pieces of my cargo and that was a fruitful 10 minutes of RP we had.

Anyway,good luck in your RL and your future.Do keep a check on the forums often and return when possible Big Grin


RE: Venkman's notice: - t0l - 02-22-2014

You were pretty cool, sad to see you go. ;~;7

also can i have stuff c:

RE: Venkman's notice: - Dimon - 02-22-2014

Sad to hear it ;(

(02-22-2014, 10:51 PM)Dr.Peter Venkman Wrote: i even suck inRL in every aspect.
...and don't say like that, you're cool. And you've something special, just find it. Wink

Cya. I wish you a best luck inRL.

RE: Venkman's notice: - Hathor - 02-22-2014

Don't leave?

RE: Venkman's notice: - RedEclipse - 02-22-2014

See you later. Wink

RE: Venkman's notice: - Tyroflion - 02-23-2014

Sad to see you go. You'll be missed.

RE: Venkman's notice: - Soul Reaper - 02-23-2014


RE: Venkman's notice: - Luke. - 02-23-2014

Omicron-85 will miss you.