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Looking for Corsairs Leader - Printable Version

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Looking for Corsairs Leader - Auriec - 02-23-2014

I'm looking for the one who's currently in charge of the Corsair stuff (lore wise etc.). I'd imagine its someone in [TBH], but I can't figure out who it actually is.

Thanks in advance.

RE: Looking for Corsairs Leader - JayDee Kasane - 02-23-2014

Council of Elders in charge of Corsair nation inRP.
TBH is only official faction of the Corsairs nowadays.
Exterminator is 1ic, but he is currently unavailable due to PC crash.

I am 2ic of the TBH though, if you got questions or proposials or something else - ask on skype ( jaydee_1992 ) if you want privacy. If you want this to be community visible - post here. I will be happy to help.